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Posted on Sun Oct 20th, 2024 @ 8:44pm by Commander Kevin Lance & Lieutenant Tracey Walker Jr

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: BS Neva
Timeline: Current


[BS Neva]

It had been two weeks since The Liberated had successfully raided the Masters for food, and in that time, they had little to show for their efforts at resistance. They had not managed to crack the encryption on the system that was responsible for keeping the captives sedated, despite multiple sorties with that objective.

To Trace's mind, it was as if they were being allowed to stay outside of the Matrix and put of the semblance of a fight against their captors, but not actually accomplish anything meaningful in freeing their people. He wondered if that was not, in fact, the point.

Certain areas, such as those with food, water, or marginal safety seemed unguarded while others were essentially impregnable. Automated turrets surrounded all of the control centers and robot sentries patrolled each area ceaselessly.

Attempting to hack the systems proved fruitless, so the last two weeks had been frustrating to say the least. The only silver lining was the time he and Geneva had been able to spend together.

They continued to bask in the glow of their shared life in Freyerjar, their relationship deeper and more meaningful than ever before. Not only did he see her as his wife and lover, but also his steadfast companion in the war against the Masters. He recognized a strength in her he hadn't seen before, and he loved her for it.

Things changed one afternoon when a scout stumbled into their living area, a padd in his hand. He fell as he entered the main area and Marcus caught him before he hit the deck.

“A….access codes…” he muttered, before he passed out.

Marcus swore under his breath, then shouted for a medic.

“What’s going on?” Trace asked.

“There was an opportunity…and I took it. It looks like it may have paid off.” He said, reading the padd. “Jemison here spotted a pattern in the sentry rounds, a weakness. One man could get in, take out one of the Masters and get out. It looks like Jemison managed two of the three of those. I’m not technician, but you are. What can you do with this,” he asked, handing Trace the padd.

Trace scanned it, and grinned. “I think this will get us into the system. Get a squad together. We need to go…now. My crew will have the best chance to finish this once and for all. We wake them first.”

Marcus nodded.

[BS Neva, Control Center]

Stealthily, they made their way through the corridors, avoiding the automated sentries, and approached the command center.
Although he had tried to convince her otherwise, Geneva crouched next to him, her eyes alert. Her hand found his and she gave it a squeeze. “Let’s do this, husband.” She said.

Although they had not been married in the real world, they had lived a life together in Freyerjar as husband and wife. Ever since being liberated from the Matrix, it was as if they were living as those people, just having been transported into the future. He squeezed her hand back, and motioned for Marcus’ team to approach from the West.

As the weapon’s fire started, Trace found a console and started hacking into it, using the access codes from Jemison. In moments, he was inside, and found the command code to awaken the pods in this section. His hand hovered over the execution command.

{Cyropod Bay C-2}

Kevin was slowly drifting back to consciousness as mechanical arms pulled various tubes, cables and sensors from his body. He remembered so many strange dreams but was having trouble sorting them out. Maybe if he went back to sleep.

Suddenly, someone was standing over him. He felt that he should know who it was but remembering took too much energy. He tried to ignore the man be he kept talking to Kevin and shaking him.

"Whadda you want," Kevin slurred.

"Commander, how are you feeling?" the man asked.

"Groggy," Kevin admitted.

The man looked around then punched Kevin in the face.

"What waz zat for?" Kevin mumbled.

"You know," Trace told Kevin, "or you will remember soon enough."

Kevin didn't know what Trace was talking about but he was too tired to give it any serious consideration before he passed out.


Lieutenant JG Tracey "Trace" Walker
Chief Engineer
USS Chuck Norris


Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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