

Posted on Sun Oct 20th, 2024 @ 11:54pm by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: Matrix
Timeline: Lost

{The frozen Tundra}

“Mama? Wake-up!” She felt cold, little hands push her.
Mira cracked a sleepy eyelid to look at Kolar. “Come back to bed, little man, it is too cold. Daddy needs to put another long on the fire. “she reached over to touch the side of the bed. KeVin normally slept at but she found only cold stones.

“Mama, we went bye byes again, but dada’s not here.” Kolar told her, sounding scared.

Sitting up, Mira looked around, confused. They had been all sleeping in bed after she had… “Ashla?” Her voice raised in alarm. Mira’s hands ran over the bed until she felt her daughter. Picking her up, she stood up, looking around cave. “How did we get here, Kolar?”
He was sitting on a pile of fur. “The bad bad got us again, Mama.” He nodded.

Mira frowned. Yeah, that told her nothing. She put Ashla next to Kolar and wrapped a fur around them. “Stay here. I am going to look around.”

Peaking out of the small cave entrance. All she could see was snow. Everything was covered in it. Mira yelled KeVin’s name, but it was carried away by the wind. Looking around the large cave, it looked like they had been living their for a while. Why had she set up home here? Food had been gathered and stored. It looked to be running low. Wood was stacked neatly against one wall. She picked up her blade, laying on the table. Putting it back in its sheath at her side then moved back to the entrance. Mira didn’t feel Vaytoc’s presence by her. It was a cold, dead spot in her brain.

“Kolar, stay with Ashla.” Mira stepped outside in the frigid cold air. Immediately, her lungs hurt. It felt like ice shards cutting her from the inside. Mira coughed up blood unto her hand. Stepping back in the cave, the pain subsided. She cursed. If she couldn’t go out there to hunt, then the kids couldn’t. What were they going to do for food?

Mira turned to making a fire. Her body hurt, and she had little strength. Ashla looked only to be a day or so old. That would explain how she felt but not how they had gotten here.

She tasted the stew. It seemed still good, but not like something she would normally make. Heating it up, she got a bowl for both Kolar and herself.

Stirring it with a wooden spoon Mira looked up at Kolar. “Do you remember anything?”

A large male entered the cave. He shook off the snow and stomped the snow off his feet before moving to the table dropping a large piece of meat on the table. “It’s about time you’re awake Mira. Your head feel any better?”

Mira frowned he looked like her brother, Awal, but it wasn’t him. “Who are you, and why have you brought us here?” Mira frowned.

The man shook his head “still having memory problems I see.” He gave a sigh, “I am your husband. I have spent years looking for you and when I find you.” He growled “clearly, you have had two children that aren’t mine.”

Mira’s eyebrows raised. “Who are you?”

He stabbed a table with a knife “Maj. Kolar sutai-Rasmehlier of the House Rasmehlier and your mate.”

Mira’s eyes went to her son. His name was Kolar but he didn’t have the ridges on his head…..

Mira leaned closer to Kolar and whispered, “That isn’t your father, right?”
Little Kolar shook his head no. Mira nodded. She didn’t think so either. Still, they seemed to be trapped here with a crazy man.

Now what were they to do?

Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


