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Breaking Point

Posted on Sun Oct 6th, 2024 @ 9:45pm by Commander Kevin Lance & Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: Matrix
Timeline: Lost

{Norris, sickbay}

K'ner frowned as she walks in, first at her captain and then at her patient "Mira didn't I tell you to take it easy. Your stomach is not used to foods again. They had you on a liquid diet."

Mira just bet her lip watching the doctor scan her.

"Your stomach isn't too bad." K'ner watched her, knowing she was in pain. "What hurts the most?"

Mira rubbed her right temple. Her eyes darted to Kevin, then looked down. What had she done to make him so angry?

K'ner nodded as she scanned. "I told you that this would take time to fix. Your hair color was easy. Now take nice even breaths in through your nose and out your mouth and relax your safe."

Mira nodded, closing her eyes she did what the doctor told her.

K'ner waved Kevin into the other room. "What happened?"

Keven frowned, not liking the woman's tone, but this was the doctor's domain. "There was some unrest in the crew over Mira's disappearance. It was brought up that Mira might be..... Well, incapable of some decisions for herself.

K'ner nodded and narrowed her eye. "So you thought you would test how far you could test her before she broke?"

"No. I just wanted to see how bad it was." Kevin told her.

"I wish you had brought her in earlier instead of your son. " K'ner frown, "she has gone through a wipe. All the way down to her first name, they did leave her with all of her amazing language skills, probably because if they removed them, she wouldn't be able to do communications at all. It is a traumatic and painful process that takes days. That was what caused her to lose the baby. " She waved the nurse in. "Will you get Mrs Lance to say 'No' and 'I don't want to' ?" She walked to the view screen watching Mira's face.

"I want to you watch carefully Captain"

The nurse smiled, reaching for Mira's wrist. "Please say the word 'No'."

Mira winced her eyelashes fluttered. "No," her hand went to her forehead as pain exploded.

The nurse nodded, looking at the readings and then back at K'ner, wondering with that response, should she ask her to say anything else? At K'ner's nod, The Nurse said, "Say the phrase 'I don't want to'."

Mira looked worried but complied. "I don't want to." Mira whimpered in pain. "Please stop. Please."

Nodding, the nurse reached for a pain med to relieve Mira's pain. "It's OK, take it easy. Those are just trigger words."

K'ner pointed, "That is extreme conditioning. The fact that she completely trusts you is amazing. Something they didn't think to erase or couldn't. Let's try something she wouldn't normally do."

Kevin colored and scowled, "I already did that and she compiled."

K'ner frowned but nodded, "Then we will try someone else. " she walked over to a console and pressed a button. "Montgomery I need to in my office immediately." K'ner nodded him.

=/\= on my way doctor.=/\=

A few moments later Montgomery walked in. Using his thumb to point over his shoulder at Mira in a medical bed, "What happened?"

K'ner frowned. "What do you know of a Royal wipe?"

He cursed. "They did that to her? Sorry, sir, our prisoners are going out the air lock."

K'ner nodded. "I need you to test Mrs. Lance for us. As of right now, she will compile with anything the captain has asked of her."

Montgomery nodded, "She always did, sir. She wouldn't have dreamed to undermine you in front of the crew. Behind closed door, I always thought she spoke her mind."

He thought about it. What would be completely out of character for her? "She would never cheat on you. Just don't kill me, ok?"
He walked out to Mira, and he sat on the bed so they could both be seen and heard.

He took her hand like the nurse had earlier and then pulled it to his lips. Mira stiffened and pulled her hand away before Montgomery could kiss it. He grinned. "Why don't you and I go some place quiet?"

Mira shook her head. "Where is Kevin?" her eyes darted around.

"Oh, he had more important things to do and gave you to me," Montgomery almost dropped the whole idea when she broke down and cried. One more try before he was out of here because he didn't handle tears well. "Oh, come on, beautiful. I'll take good care of you."

Mira pulled away so quickly she fell out of the bed, landing hard on the ground.

Montgomery cursed but backed away as Kevin came stomping out of the office. He picked her up and held on as Mira cried. "Shhh, Kitten, no. I didn't give you way. You're all mine. Stop crying, you're going to break my heart here."

K'ner nodded "Well, she is compliant to a point."

Kevin shot the doctor an furious look. He knew that his anger was misplaced. K'ner had only reported on the damage that had been done to Mira and that she was the best chance of getting his wife back to her normal self. He need to find another focus.

"Make yourself scarce," Kevin ordered Montgomery, "I will meet you on the bridge in an hour."

Montgomery gave a wordless nod and quickly withdrew. The Captain's fury was legendary and even though he had warned him, the second officer didn't want to experience it first hand.

Kevin turned his attention back to Mira, whispering reassuring endearments in her ear between kisses. She was shaking, traumatized by the conflict between her desires, the mental conditioning and Montgomery's demands.

"Doctor K'ner, would you prescribe a sedative for Mira?" he asked softly.

"That might not be the best idea," K'ner warned, "She is likely to recover quicker if she is allowed to experience her regular life and routine. Sedation will slow that process."

"I understand," Kevin replied, "but I need sometime to set matters aright."

K'ner considered Kevin with pursed lips. Sedation wasn't the best option but it wasn't the worst either. And knowing that Mira was safe and calm would be reassuring for their otherwise volatile Captain. She took a hypospray and programed the necessary compound.

She approached Kevin and Mira deliberately, fixing the Captain with eye contact. Kevin gave a determined nod and K'ner placed the injector against Mira's neck and activated it.

Mira's body relaxed almost immediately and after half a minute she said, "I am so sleepy."

Kevin lifted Mira in his arms, K'ner said, "I will check in on her periodically and administer oral medications as needed but I won't continue this for more than three days."

Kevin thought about what she had said. "That will be enough time," he concluded.


Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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