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The time has come

Posted on Sun Oct 6th, 2024 @ 7:43pm by Lieutenant Betaras K'ner & Captain Mira Rodale & Commander Kevin Lance & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti
Edited on on Tue Oct 8th, 2024 @ 9:59pm

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: Matrix
Timeline: Lost


{Faereyjar, 1100 AD}

"You can't get out of bed." Zimia told her with her arms folded across her chest.

Mira pulled the fur off her face. She been trying to get out of bed when Zimia dumped Furs all over her. "The hell I can't." Mira demanded as she pulled herself up.

Kolar was frowning "Mama, the healer said..."

"Oh, bugger both of you.” Mira told them as she got up. The world spun for a moment then righted its self. "I am fine. I just don't understand how he would leave without a word. Or even a kiss goodbye." Then, those damn visions that she had been having. They had been very upsetting. The man had been named Kolar just like her son. And yet...

She shook her head. It was the winter fever. That's all. She hadn't been active enough and had let Kevin handle things and over protect her. Well he wasn't here to protect her or the clan, so it was back on her.

Mira slipped on her leather trousers and a tunic. Kolar helped her with her boots. She took her bow off the wall. Slipped the quiver over her head and placed her blades at her hips.

Zimia was worried. When Mira had fainted, she had fallen over like a rag doll, and then Awal had tucked her into bed, going to get the healer.

Zimia and Kolar had been the only ones to see she had stopped breathing. Her heart had even stopped, but just as the healer had walking in, Mira returned to normal. It was like someone had turned her off and on again.

Finished Mira left the room and walked through the great hall. Her personal guards had been sitting back eating and drinking until they saw her armed and walking out the door.

Normally, Mira would just jog up the stairs to reach the cat walk that ran around the village's wall. But she placed her hand on the rail and made her way up. Ro'gara was now right behind her.

Looking over the landscape, Mira frowned. It had changed much since she was last up here. "Ro'gara, are the gates secure?"

"Aye, my lady."

Mira nodded, still frowning. Something was off. True winter had a way of changing the landscape, but this feels different.

Quickly, she pulled an arrow cocked the bow, and let an arrow fly. The sound, when hitting it's target, there was a cry of pain. Mira cursed. "We are surrounded, have the men take aim."

Her orders were passed quickly as arrows flew causing quite a commotion. "Ring the bell we are under attack."

The bell rang and her people took their position.

{the wilds outside the village walls...}

K'ner shot and the figure seemed to freeze in place, then the arms began flailing, albeit weakly at this point. Scanning each way, she made her way over to examine the target she had pinned to the tree.

"You shouldn't struggle so. It will just make the wound worse, and you'll bleed out that much quicker." K'ner studied the face another moment. "I know you, don't I?"

The man's face was already wrung with pain, but now it turned, transformed to almost gleeful... "HA! Your whole crew are so stupid. You never know the rules, never play the game right! Before this night is o'er, we will rule this valley, then the entire region! And I'll make sure to kill you last."

K'ner considered the ranting and raving, her eyes all that was visible, but they didn't give away any reaction. She did have her memories, and that's where she placed this one; he was one of those mixed into the fake world, likely left with some faculties because he was too stupid to operate otherwise, and in a manner that generated more power no doubt, however that worked for those manipulating this mental reel.

"You'll never know it." K'ner simply said, silently slipping her short blade between his ribs. He actually looked surprised, then he just looked blank.

K'ner heard the huff behind her but cast her gaze forward where the other figures had gone. There was more than one of these raider bands, there had to be if they intended to take on this village.

K'ner had sent a pair of her team to track the Jarl when he left with a wagon. She was still wondering what had possessed the gatherers to take such a beacon of death such as a dragon's egg. She knew Deena wouldn't have exaggerated in her note and took her at her word it was what she'd said it was.

The air was charged this eve, and another huff behind her confirmed it. "Yes, great one. I feel it too." The large white-furred head came over her shoulder as he scanned white clouds with her as she reached up to scruff into the thick fur and neck.

Signaling to one side, she split the rest of her team in half, each taking a direction around the village. Whoever was here would not leave unscathed. Those that did escape would tell the cautionary tale of a village with sharp teeth and quills like the porcupine... protected by snow angels of death, coming with the giants of a wolf pack, wielding vengeance with aplomb...

{The Dark Forest}

The journey to the forest had been slow and torturous. The trail was rough and rutted after the long winter and wasn’t intended for horse-drawn carts. Kevin has insisted on a travelling slowly to reduce the chance of overturning the cart and its dangerous cargo. It had taken eight hours to cover a distance that could have been covered by walking in a quarter of the time.

The thick pines crowded together masking the setting sun and giving the forest its moniker. Journeying through the forest was even slower as a path through the trees was hard to find and openings would quickly narrow and prevent the progress of the cart. Kevin and his oathmen persevered and after another couple of hours, they reach a clearing. “We will deposit the egg here,” he ordered.

The oathmen lift the egg out of the cart and as they were moving it to the center of the clearing, there was a crack in the egg. The oathmen froze. As a chunk of the shell fell away, a clawed limb reached out.

“Void,” Kevin cursed.

Awal joined the Oathmen, he looked at them and mouthed 3, 2, 1 as they set the egg down gently, vanish he whispered.

Kronnelti turned looking back at the way they came, Kevin something is happeneing he whispered as his ears twitch.

"What the Void are you doing here?" Kevin whispered angrily, "I told you to stay and protect the village!"

They heard a shrill noise, almost an extended whistle at a distance. From the ridge line two figures appeared, wearing mostly-white furs, running back towards the village. They waved towards the village, pointing as they moved quickly, something on their feet letting them almost glide along. As if that wasn't strange enough, two large wolves burst forth over the ridge and the trees, bounding after them, but not attacking them...

{Faereyjar, 1100 AD}

"More arrows." Mira yelled.

Ro'gara seemed to just be waiting for that order because she placed them in Mira's grasp. "My lady, are you frightened?"

Mira frowned, giving the woman only a glance. "By all that was holy why you ask me such a stupid question?"

Ro'gara frowned "because you're leaking."

Mira nodded. "That would be because my water broke."

Ro'gara frowned again. "You should be inside."

"Not when we are in battle. Where is my brother?" Mira asked.

"He ordered the gates locked the went after Lord KeVin" Ro'gara told her.

"Wonderful " Mira cursed. Well that would be why Awal hadn't showed up.

( Dark forest )

I must go as Awal sprinted off with speed.

Using his ability to sprint at such speed hoping to make it back before something happens to Mira.

Dashing ( uasin bolt style ) now knowing he's just about half way back, Vay'toc my boy flashed an image to show Mira just where I'm at.

Kevin shook his head. No way that Kronnelti would be able to keep up that pace for the ten miles to back to Faereyjar.


"Zimia, Dianna, take the kids into the root cellar. "

"Mira, what about you?" Zimia frowned

"Do not make me repeat that order." Mira called back, trying her best not to be distracted. Why was she getting an image of her brother running?

Vaytoc poked his head out of the great hall. Mira took cover as the volley of arrows came their way. She cursed and hoped Vaytoc let Awal know they were under attack. The men would be ambushed outside the walls without help.

( Dark forest )

In pops an image, thank you Vay'toc I'm just about there.

Awal pulls his bow & 3 arrows, he draws them back. Still not slowing down he then fires all three arrows.

Right as he came to the clearing he watched three men drop, Awal made himself known with his loud Klingon war cry as he started dropping those who were trying to invade.

{Cat walk Faereyjar}

Mira breathed through a pain, then took aim and fired. "Sorry baby, just stay put a little longer." she whispered. It would be her luck to have this baby right on the cat walk with arrows flying. At least her ancestors would be proud. If they lived, it would make a glorious story for the campfire.

{The Dark Forest}

Kevin and the oathmen rode hard for the the village. Behind them an unearthly howl rose from the woods. Kevin wondered if they were the hunters or the hunted.


Lt Betaras K'ner
Hazard Team Combat Medic TL-B / CMO
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security & tac
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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