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The Morning After

Posted on Thu Oct 10th, 2024 @ 10:48pm by Commander Kevin Lance & Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: Matrix
Timeline: After Amongst the Commoners

{Castle Drury}

The ball rang six times as Kevin entered the dining room for breakfast. His head pounded like the breakers against the Plymouth shore. Other men would have remained abed after such a bout of drinking but he was made of sterner stuff. More than a decade of war at sea, Cape St Vincent, the Nile, Copenhagen , Trafalgar and innumerable patrols to bottle up Napoleon’s ships had inured him against pain and deprivation. It had also ingrained in him a devotion to routine that permitted him to persevere when other would falter.

Still, his stomach roiled and the light of the morning streaming in through the windows hurt is eyes. He walked to his accustomed seat at the head of the great table ignorant of his surroundings. Thus it was a surprise when a woman’s voice addressed him. “How are you faring this morning, my Lord?”

Kevin looked in the direction of the greeting, squinting against the pain in his forehead. Miss Rodale sat in a seat about halfway down the table, tucked in to a plate of eggs and toast. He was surprised. She normally took her breakfast with the domestic staff or with Kolar in the nursery.
Mira beamed happily at him and Kevin couldn’t shake the feeling that her good nature this morning was an indictment on his condition. “I confess that I am a bit under the weather,” Kevin admitted.

She cocked her head at what sounded like an odd expression to her ears. “It means that I am not feeling my best,” Kevin explained as the butler poured him a cup of coffee, “Were there not important business to attend to, I should have retired beneath the weather deck.”

“I am not surprised. The villager got you well and truly drunk,” Mira announced before she took another bite of toast.

Kevin winced and took a sip of the hot, black beverage. He had not intended to allow himself to get so drunk when he had invited the governess to attend him to Exmouth. But one thing had led to another and the celebratory toasts had gotten out of hand.

“I confess that I have little memory of the return journey,” he confessed, “We had an uneventful return?”

Mira raised an eyebrow. Well, if he didn't remember trying to kiss her a few times, calling her his wife and his wandering hands, then perhaps she shouldn't bring it up. She had repeatedly told him that she was not his wife only to be told that they could turn around and go back to the vicar to fix that.

“Oh, yes. You were a…” Mira paused briefly as she had been ready to say ‘prefect’. Instead, she continued with, “…a gentleman. I was concerned that you wouldn’t be able to find your way.”

The butler placed a plate of eggs, breakfast ham and toast in front of Kevin. His stomach gurgled in anticipation.

“The horse has travelled the route monthly for years on end,” Kevin explained, “I am sure that she would have arrived here had I be passed out cold.”

Which you almost were, Mira thought.

“How did the visitation in the village go?” Kevin asked as cut a piece of ham.

"Very well, my lord. I gave the butler an itemized list of expenditures. The Vicar was very helpful." She took a napkin to blot the corner of her lip. Then, reach for her coffee.

"I took the liberty of placing the list in your study with the rest of your correspondence," Haldersen reported.

"Thank you Haldersen," Kevin replied. He would have time to review the list after his morning tour of the estate.

"There is a matter I would wish to bring to your attention, lord," Mira interjected, "if you feel that it is appropriate to discuss business at breakfast."

This unusual meeting was the only time that he expected to see Miss Rodale before afternoon tea, assuming that she would accept. "You may proceed," Kevin said.

"The groundskeeper's daughter's cat gave birth to a little of kittens a month and a half ago," Mira said, "Kolar was quite expressive of his desire for one of them at bedtime last night. I told him that I would ask you."

Kevin was quiet. He had several dogs as a child but had never really liked cats. The few that inhabited the estate for pest control were skittish and unfriendly. He was on the verge of saying "No" when Mira continued.

"It is my experience that having an animal as a pet is an important tool for teaching a child empathy as well as responsibility."

Two was rather young to give Kolar sole responsibility for the pet but it was reasonable for the governess to want to introduce the concept early in his development. He had no real objection so he shrugged and said, "As you wish."

Kevin ate one of the eggs and took a drink from his coffee before asking, "Miss Rodale, why are you here?"

Mira looked at him in some confusion. "You employed me as governess for your son."

"Not that," Kevin waved his fork in the air, "Why are you here at breakfast. Your usual practice is to eat with the domestics." He didn't add his afterthought, because you find my company so odious.

Mira winced she had been to forward and wanted to get his feelings about yesterday's but she wasn't going to bring up something so embarrassing if he didn't remember.

"I am sorry my lord I had thought you would wish to talk about the people we visited with. It was a common practice when I started to handle the visits for my father, but I will not overstep my station again, my lord. She stood up. If you will excuse me, my lord, I will see how Kolar is doing picking berries with Mary."

"Please sit down, Miss Rodale," Kevin asked politely, "I do want to know what you thought about the villagers and the specific conditions of those in need. It was our practice when my wife was...alive to discuss these matters over breakfast. I was usually in no condition to do so immediately after the visit. As you may have notice."

Mira nodded, so he was always a heavy drunker even when his wife was alive? That was sad she thought. She had been taught by her father that drinking was for a weak and sad man.

"Please stay," he repeated his request, "If my inebriated state yesterday made you feel uncomfortable, I apologize. I seem to remember mistaking you for someone else but I don't think that I was otherwise inappropriate." In truth, he remembered calling her Merri in the village and a couple of times on the return journey but he hadn't taking advantage of her.

She bit her lip, returning to her seat with a little nod. "Mrs Bailey has a few children. Her husband was killed a few months ago, and her home is in need of repairs. I also made a deal with the butcher to have a portion of meat delivered to them weekly."

Kevin nodded his approval. "The miner widow's fund would help Bailey's family but arranging directly will simplify matters for his wife," he acknowledged.

They continued discussing the families situation through seven bells. Kevin shared information about the status of the mines and projections for future demand. She listened intently and asked a thoughtful question or two.

Kevin was very impressed with the detail that Mira was able to provide. He remember that she said she had performed similar duties for her father before being sent to England to attend finishing school. Clearly, the demand of learning social graces had not compromise her more practical skills.

Kevin was enjoying the conversation and prolonged it as much as possible by asking her opinion of the various families, Reverend Stephen Chin, and the mining operations but eventually both the breakfast and the topics had been exhausted. He took his leave of her and proceeded to the main hall where his curricle waited outside. As he pulled un his gloves, he reflected that his opinion of Miss Rodale was much improved over the past month.

There had been a storm last night. It had come down hard with lightning and fierce winds. Mira had slept peacefully through it. Opening her eyes, she got a fright. Kolar was sitting on the bed watching her. Placing her hand over her heart, she blinked.

"Kolar, what happened?" The boy had stopped coming in feeling braver than he had when she first arrived.

"You have spots." Kolar told her.

Mira's eyes widened she moved out of bed. "Kolar, you must never tell anyone. " Mira told him as she moved to the water basin to wash her face before covering the marking that ran down the sides of her face with makeup.

Turning around, she saw Kolar frowned. "Why do you hide them?" he asked.

Mira set next to him, "My father told me to Kolar. He said I would get in a lot of trouble if I didn't. Please don't get me into trouble. "

Kolar nodded. "Will I get in trouble too?" He looked a little worried.

Mira shook her head no. "Your dad already knows about yours. Has he told you to cover them up?" Mira asked out of curiosity.

Kolar shook his head no.

Smiling, Mira nodded. "Then you won't. Did your... Mom, have them?"

Kolar gave her an odd look but nodded. "She never covered hers up. Daddy liked them."

Mira nodded "Well, please don't get me in trouble. if I displease your father, then I'll have to go away."

Kolar shook his head no. "I be good, and you stay." He held up his pinky. Mira wrapped her pinky around his in the unbreakable promise of a pinky swear.

"Now let's pick out your kitten. After we dress." she added, seeing him start to run for the door.

"I want the black one. His name is going to be Toc." Kolar told her as she dresses behind the dressing screen.

Interesting name, she thought as she came out dressed and started to help Kolar.


In the stables, Mira tapped her foot. Her arms were crossed in a no-nonsense fashion. "Your father said one. He wasn't all that happy with the idea in the first place. One unless you would prefer the puppy, but you can only have one."

Kolar gave a little pout that had Mira raise her eyebrow and press her lips together firmly to keep from smiling. the kid was just adorable. Rules were rules. "One," she told him firmly.

Kolar sighed. "I'll take Toc then."

Mira nodded. "After our horseback ride, we will come to pick him up." She told the stable boy.

Then she stepped into the stirrup of the horse she would be riding and swung her leg over. She reached down for Kolar to pull him up in front of her. "Where would you like to go. To the river or the lake to have our picnic?

He hummed for a moment as he thought about it. "The lake." he told her. Mira nodded to the stable boy. He would be sure to tell anyone who asked where they had gone.

Mira set the horse as a fast trot that made Kolar giggle. She kissed the top of his head, enjoying their time together.


Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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