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Posted on Sun Sep 29th, 2024 @ 12:04am by Captain Mira Rodale & Commander Kevin Lance & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti & Lieutenant JB Dersch & Lieutenant Betaras K'ner
Edited on on Thu Oct 3rd, 2024 @ 9:49pm

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: Matrix
Timeline: Lost

{Water World, Chuck Norris, Deck}

Mira watched the water for a while. Her mind going at lightning speed working out problems their people had. This wasn't their world. They hadn't crashed here. So why were they here? So many questions and so little information.

She nodded to Lieutenant JB Dersch as she walked by and then stopped to ask "Dersch your family is safe on the ship?"

He nodded. "Yes Ma'am by my count we have everyone and then some," he added, looking at the new people Kevin had added to his water vessel.

Mira nodded. There was a flash of lighting in the distance that caught Mira attention. "looks like another storm."

"Aye ma'am it does"

" See to it the kids and none crew are safe below. Have Zimia bring Kolar to the Captain’s quarters." He gave her a nod and then headed off.

Mira carefully walked towards the set of stairs, leading to where Kevin was by the ships wheel. She gave him a smile as he held out his hand for her to take. He looked all to pleased she was wearing the clothing he had pervided for her. Kevin pulled her to his side to steady her. " Is something wrong, kitten?"

Mira smiled, "no I just wanted a hug." She really did to. This insure feeling she had didn't sit well with her. "That Storm ?" Mira started to say

"we will be fine but I want you and Kolar in our cabin."
Mira nodded, " already having kolar moved there now."

Dianna take Venus and go with Mira, Awal gets up with Kevin and watches the lightning.

Mira gave Kevin a hug. "Please be careful."
She reached up to touch his face, wondering if this would be the last time she saw him. If Murphy was right and the crap hit the fan, then they would reset again, but would they know each other?

Kevin kissed her. "I need you in our cabin kitten watching over Kolar." He put his hand on her stomach, reminding her there was another one on the way.

Mira nodded with regret, then let the Crewman help her down the stairs. Once they got to the captain's cabin , he whispered, "Bolt the door behind ye and windows."

Mira opened her mouth to answer, but the door was shut. She dropped the reinforce bar down and then turned around. " Ok, drop the storm shutters on the windows and lock them. "

All the mothers and children on the ship were here with her. How bad was this going to get?

There was a whaling sound from outside growing louder.

K'ner and her odd mix were spread about the ship in twos and threes, waiting for the other proverbial shoe to fall. The status quo had gone on for quite a while and the sim seemed to thrive on conflict and stress. It was entirely too quiet and calm for her taste, she felt the electricity in the air as the storm neared.

"Prepare to brace for the storm!" She called out so anything loose could be strapped down and secured, including the crew...

"Ah Hell, Here we go" Dersch said as he strapped in.

{Captain’s quarters}

Mira pulled down Kolar's Murphy bed and held him close to her as they crawled into bed. "This storm could be a bad one, so make yourselves comfortable."

Shouting could be heard from outside the room. Zimia looked to Mira for comfort.

Mira smiled. "Our crew have got this." She wasn't really sure that was true, but for now, it calmed everyone.

The tossing of the ship in this storm was making Mira sick. The old boat creaked and moaned. Mira could understand why, but it was the hissing noise she couldn't place until one of the children said "water monsters."

They were being invaded.

{ All decks... }

The crew realized the storm was the perfect cover for an attack... as they came at the floating city, now they came after the vessel that had turned their attack. Almost mindless in their pursuit, they had amassed a force they thought would carry the fight. Little did they know these new beings...

The fighting was wet and brutal. The realization of an impending attack arriving with the impact of the storm gave them little advantage since no one could see beyond the rails... until the attackers appeared over the rail in a flash of lightning!

Don't bother using your pistols, draw swords and fight. Yelled Awal as he slashes one of the invaders

{Captain’s quarters}

Kolar whimpered as he hugged his mom. "Bad bad gonna get us, Mama." it wasn't a question but a statement, so Mira didn't lie to him.

Mira swallowed hard as something smashed against the door, but it held for now. Zimia had Rodriguez's child in her arms. He had named her Rora. The tiny girl clung to Zimia. Mira had a sword by her side, but she wasn't sure how she was going to protect both kolar and her unborn child.


The fight against the Merfolk was growing more desperate by the minute. The crew of the Norris had thrown back three successive waves before the fourth gained a foothold aboard the ship. The pelting rain that so hindered the Norris’ crew seemed to give additional strength to the invaders. Kevin was engaged in a battle of parry and riposte against trident armed opponents.

He thrusted forward, driving his cutlass through a Merman when he caught motion to his left. Another warrior was climbing aboard, its eyes fixed on Midshipman Tanner’s back. Kevin raised his revolver and pulled the trigger.

The hammer fell on a spent shell.

Cursing, Kevin pulled his cutlass from the dead Merman as the new attacker cocked his arm back to throw its trident at the midshipman. Kevin dove towards Miss Tanner shouldering her out of the way.

There was a sudden flash of pain and the air escaped his body in a massive exhale. Kevin blinked against the rain as he looked down at his chest. Inexplicably, three barbed points protruded from his body. He plunked weakly at one of the barbs as his blue coat was stained red with blood and he slumped to the deck. Distantly, he heard Miss Tanner call out to him but his vision was fading to black and his couldn’t maintain his posture.

He was dead before his face hit the deck.

{Captain's Quarters)

A few of the men stood outside the Captain’s quarters as the last defense. Everyone knew what was inside and what would happen if these creatures got in.

There was a pulling sensation in Mira's chest. She frowned. Had Kevin been hurt this time? Was he gone?

{BS Neva}

In the simulation control room, three hooded figures conferred.

“That was unexpected,” said one.

“We knew that the Federation Captain was a critical nexus point but did not realize that so too was her mate,” a second agreed.

“We shall need to reconfigure the matrix for a reset,” the first continued, “This time, I think that the two should be separated without memories of each other.”

“To what end,” the third asked.

“We know that the male will seek female companionship if he does not have memory of the female. I want to test if the same is true of the female if she has no memory of the male.”

“What of the child,” the second asked.

“The analysis suggests that keeping the child with the mother generates the most optimal output,” the third replied.

“Then the child shall remain with her,” the first declared, “What of the scenario?”

“The computer is recommending a high mental and physical stress environment,” the second answered, “We have generated a subterranean environment with menial labor under extreme deprivation and subjugation.”

The first looked at computer generated model. “What are the projections?” it asked.

“Sub-optimal but within parameters,” the third replied, “Total output will depend on the amount of conflict generated between nexus points and the simulation.

“Very well. Implement,” the first ordered


Lt Betaras K'ner
Hazard Team Combat Medic TL-B / CMO
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security and tactical
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant JB Dersch
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer


Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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