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And then there were seven...

Posted on Sat Sep 28th, 2024 @ 9:16pm by Lieutenant Betaras K'ner
Edited on on Sat Sep 28th, 2024 @ 9:18pm

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: Faeryjar-adjacent
Timeline: Pre-Current

{ The Wilds }

K’ner looked down from the ridge, watching the troupe march along. The snows weren’t deep, but she felt they could get severe around here. They must be at some altitude, as even the warmest temps they’d experienced in the last week hadn’t been enough to melt any of it and the almost-constant cloud cover prevented them from seeing very far. She hadn’t seen a mountain yet, but there were a lot of rolling hills and canyons, framing up hollows and valleys, all of which could funnel in a storm’s fury.

Returning her attention below, the group seemed similarly attired as her team, and bundled up. It was difficult to recognize anyone without seeing some part of their face, but she was sure they weren’t just humans. Different species might mean crew from the ‘Norris, but then again, they’d encountered others in the sims that weren’t crew, so she couldn’t count on that necessarily.

She looked across at Peke and Margo on the other ridge, also observing. They subtly indicated they didn’t know either and K’ner was hesitant to initiate an encounter, lest it turn into a bloodbath like the last one.

Those hadn’t been part of the crew but the team hadn’t realized that until after they’d shucked their furs and drawn crude melee weapons. Albeit rather unskilled at hand-to-hand combat, K’ner had noted they were committed and had died without giving, or requesting, any quarter.

This group looked different though, and K’ner was waiting to see just what it was that some distant point in her brain had picked up on. She signaled the others and they quietly paralleled the group’s course below. Nearing dusk they slowed and started looking around, which she guessed would be for a secluded copse of trees to camp for the night.

It took them a while to find something that satisfied them, apparently rather picky about their accommodations. They seemed well-appointed, and put together a couple of tents while also setting up the fire ring and assembling the night’s repast. K’ner signaled around and they left them be to get settled, waiting for an opportunity to glimpse a face or something that would otherwise tip them off as to their identity.

After a quick meal, and with an awareness of the dangers, the group left up a guard of two while the others packed it in for the night. K’ner had had the others on her team bed down already to get some nap time in advance of any actions for the night. She watched from her perch, relaxed, almost meditative. The sounds of nature and wind blowing around them. She could still hear the subtle tones of the white noise aboard ship that no one ever seemed to notice since they lived in it all their lives, but out here, its absence was all too apparent.

Halfway through the night K’ner roused as Taz moved nearby. Nodding at her, she looked out in the direction she pointed. One of the guards had moved away, probably to relieve themselves. It was an opportunity to get some answers without engaging the entire complement of the group. K’ner nodded and Taz moved to the side with Nod to cut off any flanking as she moved in to block any retreat back into the camp.

K’ner eased up, not truly wanting to startle the stocky figure but wanting to get in closer before she made her appearance… plus she wanted to give them the chance to complete their ablutions in private. She wasn't totally heartless...

She remained in line to the figure’s return path, rising slowly at the sound of soft footfalls coming near. The form in the mist stopped, pausing in their journey, but also seemingly aware something was… different.

‘Aware…’ K’ner thought. ‘That’s a good sign.’ Her hope rose, to find another of the crew, or, hope against hope, another of her own team…


Lt Betaras K'ner
Hazard Team Combat Medic TL-B / CMO
USS Chuck Norris



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