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Castle Drury

Posted on Mon Sep 30th, 2024 @ 6:01pm by Commander Kevin Lance & Captain Mira Rodale
Edited on on Mon Sep 30th, 2024 @ 6:02pm

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: Matrix
Timeline: After Interlude

{Devon, England, 1815}

The pony-cart bumped along the rutted track as the rain beat down. A winter storm blowing in from the Celtic sea mercilessly lashed the Devon countryside. Mira Rodale von Rasmehlier, fifth daughter of the deceased Graf von Rasmehlier, pulled her woolen cloak closer about her as she willed her teeth not to chatter. Although of German extraction, her family had spent most of her formative years in Britain escaping the tyrannical occupation by the French under Napoleon. Her family had returned to ancestral lands after the French dictator’s defeat at Leipzig but she had remained at her fashionable finishing school outside of London. Indeed, she fell much more English than German and felt little desire to return to Saxony after the dead of her father.

A young woman of breeding needed the security of either marriage or a respectable occupation. Unfortunately, she had neither the money nor the connections in London to be able to attract the attentions of a suitable gentleman so with the prospect of an advantageous marriage dim, she choose to seek employment as a governess.

Happy coincidence had presented her with the knowledge from a school friend that widowed Navy Captain, recently paid off from His Majesty’s service, was in need of a governess for his young son. Regrettably, she had been unable to meet the gentleman prior to his departure for his barony in Devon but had, through the good offices of her friend and the lord’s attorney in London, been able to secure an offer of employment. Thus she found herself, soaked to the skin, rattling along the muddy trace in a pony-cart next to a toothless old man who smelt vaguely of over-ripe cheese.

Lightning flashed and illuminated an imposing stone structure in the distant. Its tall turreted towers and battlements when set against the cloudy grey sky gave it a foreboding air that spoke to its history as a bastion against Irish raiders. Castle Drury was its name.

This trip was one disaster after another. If she had been a superstitious woman, she would think...... Mira shook her head no, she wasn't even going to give into that line of thinking. Still, everything had gone wrong in the last few days. Now even the covered transport her new employer had sent for her had a broke wheel. So instead of being dry, she was now soaked and very cold. At least she would not be late.

Lightning stuck again, she jump by all that was holy, she was going to look like a drowned cat by the time they got there. When she got her first glimpse of Castle Drury. It was.....scary looking. Highly intimidating.

The lawyer explained that the Lord she would be employed by was an older man with a very young son. One who didn't take kindly to the governess they had sent before. She supposed it was possible she would be headed right back to London within a day.

In that case, she would have to accept her only other offer, from a Duke to a be governess for his newest child but it hadn't been born yet. Mira shifted nervously on the cart's bench as she thought about that situation. There had been something about the way he looked her that had made her feel uncomfortable.

Mira loved children and wanted a house full of them and her father, God rest his soul, had managed to make wonderful matches for her sisters. He had passed away while she was in school. Now her uncle, by marriage, had been put in charge of her and her inheritance. The man was awful. He drank and gamble. The men he had picked for her had to have been for profit because they were either too old or man children. Spoiled little rich brats. Mira wasn't a tall woman at 5'4" and 100 pounds, but one of the suitors had ask if she would mind hunching over because she made him feel short. She shook her head. it would seem love was not meant for her, but she could love and hold the children she took care of. Once she reached the old age of 30 her uncle couldn't keep her from her inheritance.

"Here ye be miss. Are you sure you wish to go in? I heard he killed his last wife in a fit of rage." the old man confided.

Mira raised any eyebrow "It is not proper to spread rumors of things you are not sure of. I am here to be the governess of his son."

"I says nuthin' that ain't said by others," the man objected as he pulled up in front of a large wooden door.

He hoped out of the cart an offered Mira a hand down, then knocked loudly on the wooden. After a moment, a young man in footman's livery opened the door. "Yes?" he asked.

"I am Miss Mira Rodale," she addressed the man politely, "The new governess?"

The man nodded and looked to the small trunk on the back of the pony-cart. "Did you leave the rest of your bags on the dock?" he asked

Mira smiled "No good sir this is all of it." The man held open the door for Mira to enter, then summoned another footman to assist him with the trunk."

An elderly woman as wide as she was tall hurried over to her once she entered the house "Oh dear child you are soaked! You will catch your death."

Mira grinned liking the woman already as she slipped the drenched woolen cloak off. "I am cold." she confided.

"Well, set yourself down by the fire and get nice and warm. I will get you a hot cup of tea," the elderly woman said as she turned back to what must have been the kitchen.

Mira removed the soaked bonnet that she had been wearing and wrung the water out of her braid. The fire danced and warmed her but she was looking forward to changing into some dry clothes as soon as she could.

The elderly woman returned with a steaming cup of brown liquid. Mira thanked her, wishing that it were a cup of coffee but not wanting to seem ungracious. The woman introduced herself as Mary, the cook. Given her girth, Mira imagined that Mary was a very good cook indeed. They chatted for a few minutes about Mira's trip and the poor weather until they were interrupted by someone clearing their throat.

Both women turned to see a third woman about halfway between Mira and Mary's ages. "Mrs. Throne," Mary addressed the woman, "I was just having a nice chat with Miss Mira, the new governess.

Mrs. Thorne's expression was one of shock then he eyes narrowed in suspicion. "You are the governess that Lord Kevin's attorney hired?" she asked.

"Until the Lord determines that I am unfit," Mira replied diffidently.

The woman gave a little harrumph then said, "I am the housekeeper. As Mary indicated, you may call me Mrs. Thorne. Now come along with me."

"But she only just arrived!" Mary objected, "Let the poor girl dry out at least."

"There will be time enough for that later," Mrs. Thorne countered, "Lord Kevin has insisted upon meeting the governess as soon as possible. Wet or dry."

Mira stood and swallowed the remainder of the tea before handing the cup back to Mary and thanking her. Mary rewarded her with a beaming grin.

Mira followed Mrs. Thorne up a small stairway. The warmth and cheerful light of the servants area was soon swallowed in the gloom that was only barely penetrated by the single candle that the house keeper carried. The dim light conspired with the furnishing to created ominous moving shadows. Mira steeled her resolved, determined not to looking like a frightened child.

"Lord Kevin gave instructions for you to wait in the library," Mrs. Thorne reported as she stopped at a pair of double doors. She ushered Mira in and closed the doors behind her. There was a fire blazing in the fireplace that gave the room its only light. Rain continued to beat against the windows.

Mira shook out her dress as stood by the fireplace and wondered how long she would be kept waiting. Curiosity had her wanting to wander around looking at titles but it would be rude they weren't hers. Of course if he pulled out any book in the library she would be able to read. So if that was a test she could prove herself. Putting her nose where it didn't belong was another test. Of course the house keeper didn't seem to like her so she might be standing here all night. Using a small mirror hanging on the wall Mira straighten herself then returned to the fire. Slowly she changed side that faced the fire. There was a possibility that she might be dry before Lord Kevin arrived.

Lightning flashed outside the window, illuminating the library and revealing a tall bearded man standing only feet away from Mira. She started in surprise but the thunder crashed almost immediately giving her cover.

"The resemblance is remarkable," the man said.

Mira's eyes widened at the sound of his voice. She was sure he had not been standing there a few moments ago.

"Resemblance to what my lord?" Mira asked curiously.

She couldn't make out his expression, even in the firelight, but there was a pause, then he continued to say, "It is of no matter. You are the new governess, I am informed."

"Yes, Miss Mira Rodale, my lord. Late of Mrs Duschne's School for Young Ladies."

"I am aware of your references," he stated coolly.

"And you would be, sir?" she cocked her head to the side in a little confusion.

"I should have thought it obvious," he replied, "I am Lord Kevin Lance, Baron of Longspire."

Mira raised an eyebrow. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lord Kevin." she gave the proper amount of a curtsy.

He was not at all what she was expecting. He was also very tall and intimidating.

Lord Kevin inclined his head in a bow to acknowledge her curtsy then clasped his hands behind his back. "Have you met my son, Kolar?" he asked?

"Kolar?" It was a strange name, more Russian than English.

"It is a family name on his mother's side," Lord Kevin replied dismissively.

"No, my lord." Mira replied, "I had barely arrived when Mrs. Throne bundled me up here. I haven't even had a chance to change out of my traveling clothes."

Lord Kevin took listened to all of this in silence, then said, "I shall take you to meet your charge. Then you may be at your leisure to change."

Mira nodded with a smile "yes my lord."

He walked to the door of the library without waiting for Mira to follow.

Quickly, Mira kept up. She stepped lightly but was sure and confident as she followed him. Outside of the library, Lord Kevin picked up a lit candelabra from a side table and started to climb the stairs. "Mrs. Thorne will give you a tour in the morning but you must never go into the rooms in the west wing."

"The west wing?" Mira repeated in some confusion, "Why ever not?"

"IT IS FORBIDDEN!" Lord Kevin roared the more contritely, "There are things stored there that I would rather not be disturbed."

Mira was taken aback by Lord Kevin's outburst. So much so that she hesitated to ask her next question. "Why is the house so dark?"

"It is only me and my son living above stairs," he explained, "and I am quite accustomed to standing watch on a darkened deck."

He stopped outside a door and said, "This is the nursery."

Mira was not going to be asking anymore questions. She did her best to hide her nervousness, but even her brutish uncle was not this bad.

Once the door to the room was opened, a little boy with blond hair turned his head quickly. The whole expression on his face brightened.

He got up he ran to her, wrapped his arms around her legs, "nerver very leave me."

Mira was shocked, but she knelt down to his level and smiled. "Then you would like me to stay and play?"

"Yes, please. Don't go away." The little boy told her. Mira's heart was jumping in her chest.

Lord Kevin's eyebrows arched in genuine surprise. "You must have quite the talent for charming children," he observed, "Kolar never liked any of the other gentlewomen I engaged to be his governess."

"Thank you, Sir. I love being a part of their lives." Mira eyebrow crinkled. She had aways had a way with children, but this..... This seemed something more than that. A desperation on Kolar's part.

"Your room is adjoining the nursery," Lord Kevin indicated a connecting door with a nod of his head, "Haldersen should have seen to delivering your personal articles. Dinner is at four bells." He turned to leave the nursery.

"My lord, 4 bells?" She asked curiously, then wanted to kick herself because she had decided not to ask anymore questions. She kept her face turned towards the child. Concentrating on her even breath.

Lord Kevin stopped and turned back towards her. The fourth bell into the dog-watch," he said, "is six in the afternoon." From out in the hallway a bell chimed twice. Inexplicably, Kevin felt the need to give the new governess greater context, "The ringing of each bell signifies thirty minutes into the watch. Two bells is one hour into the current watch, hence five post meridiem." Although she was focused intently on Kolar, Kevin could see the governess in profile. Her expression of concentration as he explained the system of watch bells was quite alluring.

He steeled himself against further emotion and stiffly said, "If you have more questions, you many ask any of the household staff." And without another word, he departed.

Mira nodded in others words do not talk to me. She turned her attention to the boy.

Mira smiled at Kolar. "Let me change out of these wet clothes, and we can play any game you would like with in reason." Mira told him as she stood.

"Why did you get wet?" Kolar asked her as he followed her unto the next room. It was small, unlike her own bedroom back home.

Mira smiled "it's raining outside and I traveled in it to come here."

Kolar nodded "I am so happy you are here."

Mira smiled "I am as well." She hung her clothes up and put her books on the shelves. She had left her home with very little but that was fine. She had never felt the need to have a lot of things around her.

Then went behind the changing screen to change. When she came out, Kolar was sitting on her bed.

"Why aren't you sleeping in dada bed?" He asked her with a little bit of frown.

Mira's eyes widened "Kolar that is not a question you ask a lady. I am only here to take care of you."

"Was dada bad? Is that why you stayed away?" Kolar asked

Was the child touched in the head? Mira thought but kept her face neutral. How to answer that question? She was sure is his father was very bad man and rude as well but she could never tell a child that. So she busied her hands taking down her braid. Her long auburn hair reached her hips. It would dry quicker down.

While she was trying to asker the last question he asked "what happened to your spots."

Mira blinked, "My spots?"

Kolar nodded and pointed to his.

Oh those yea.....She gave a little sigh. She had been confused at seeing Kolar's marking. Mira touched her own face before she could stop herself. She had them as well but kept them hidden under makeup. Her father had always insisted on that. Her clothing kept the rest of the marks hidden. Another reason not to get married.

Mira nodded it was time to get this little guy off asking her personal questions so she laughed "its time to play. What would you like to do first. Music, art?...."

Kolar smiled "you can play music?"

"Of course the flute is my favorite and i can play the harp. " Mira told him pulling out the flute from her bag.

Lord Kevin had listened at the door to the two talking to see how things would go. He was at once pleased and concerned with what he hear transpire between them.

Pleased that Kolar should be content with this lady. The previous women, Miss Sheridan and Miss Byrne had been unacceptable to him and his father had despair of ever finding a suitable governess.

But concerned in that Kolar seemed to be mistaking Miss Rodale for his mother. Given the resemblance, it was not a stretch that a grieving young boy would want to believe that his mother had returned from the dead. It was distressing to Kevin that his son refused to accept that reality.

It was a problem for another day, he thought as he returned to the library.


Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris



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