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The Calm After the Storm

Posted on Mon Sep 30th, 2024 @ 6:01pm by Captain Mira Rodale & Commander Kevin Lance
Edited on on Mon Sep 30th, 2024 @ 8:16pm

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: Martix
Timeline: Current

{Castle Drury, Devon, England, 1815}

Mira stretched in the bed. The morning sunlight streamed into the little bedroom from a small window. The storm has blown itself out during the night and the sky was an azure blue with puffy white clouds like sheep on a hillside.

The dinner the previous evening had been a predictably stiff affair. The dining hall was little better lit than had been the library as Lord Kevin sat alone at the far end of the table, well away from where Mira sat with Kolar. The meal was as delicious as she had hoped upon meeting the cook, Mary, and although it wasn’t strictly her authority as governess, she gently corrected Kolar’s table manners. Lord Kevin said nothing aside from giving instructions to the butler serving the meal but more than once, Mira thought that she had caught the Baron staring at her, although in the gloom, it was hard to tell. Overall, she decided that the estate had been accurately named. The castle was indeed dreary.

After supper, she had escorted Kolar back to the nursery where, assisted by a housemaid only a few years young than herself, she bathed and prepared the boy for bed. She had read him three stories and had, at his insistence, sat by his bedside until he was fast asleep.

As she slipped from the bed, Mira froze. Kolar was sleeping next to her. That had been unexpected. He must have had a nightmare or frightened by the storm. Moving quickly, she poured the water into the basin. Then, she applied her makeup to hide her marking. If Little Lord Kolar was going to come into her room at night, she might have to even sleep in it. Mira frowned, wondering how this would work."

Dressing quickly, she came out. " Now, young man, what happened to bring you into this room?"

She sat down next to him, "I was scared. and you kick monsters butt."

Mira raised an eyebrow at the comment. If it made him feel better that she could fight the monsters of his nightmare, that was ok.

"Time for breakfast, let's get you ready." Mira told him. Thankfully, nothing was said about having to sit through another meal with the Lord. So they would have breakfast with Mary in the kitchen.

{Castle Drury, kitchen}

"Good morning, Mary." Mira smiled brightly. "Does Kolar normally take his breakfast in the kitchen?"

Mary nodded. "But if you prefer eat in the main hall with Lord Kevin..." Mira's laughter stopped Mary.

"We can have all meals possible in here with you." Mira helped Kolar into a chair. "Do you need any help, Mary, with fixing morning meal?"

Mira brought Kolar's plate to him and helped him cut his food before taking the seat next to him. To eat her own.

Mary was full of questions about her, her family, and school."

"That wicked awful man." Mary said about her uncle. "How do you plan to get your inheritance back."

Mira bit her lip. "He can only hold it until I marry, turn 30, or I return to Saxony." Mira smiled, "but right now Mary I am perfectly safe here, and I am going to enjoy raising Kolar."

He nodded with a grin.

"Are there any normal activities that the Lord has his son participate in?" Mira asked, wanting to keep Kolar on his normal schedule.

"Oh," Mary answered in surprise, "I am not entirely certain of the schedule outside of meals. The boy is too young for lessons but he does like to be out in the gardens. Oh the times that Mrs. Thorne has found mud tracked into the vestibule. I think that the young master takes great delight in tormenting our housekeeper!"

Mira smiled. Something about the idea of Mrs. Throne being vexed tickled her.

"And how did you find the Baron?" Mary asked.

"One of my friends at school. Her father is friends with Lord Kevin's Lawyer. I was told both men new Lord Kevin and that is was a safe place be employed." She gave a smile.

Mary knitted her brows in confusion. Miss Rodale must have misunderstood her but she was foreign-born...and young.

"My father had wanted a son," Mira told both of them "but instead he was gifted with five daughters." Mira's little laugh made Kolar grin. "He wanted a son to go fishing, hunting and riding with. So, as the last child my father came into the library took the book out of my hands and told me to go get my riding clothes on," she grinned. "That was my first day out with my father but it wasn't the last. Then as I got older he told me I had to go off to finishing school. There isn’t a language on this world that I don't know."

Mira nodded. "That is where we will start. I find young gentleman should be able to speak a few different languages." Mira told Kolar.

Kolar cocked his head and started to speak Trill. Mira blinked she knew that one but not the name of it. She smiled and answered him. "You are full of surprises." Mira was delighted.

"Is dinner at the same time, Mary?" Mira asked at Mary's nod.

"And is dinner the only meal that Kolar is to spend with this father?"

"Yes," Mary replied, "his Lordship is often up before the sun rises and is rarely home for luncheon or even tea. Dinner is the only meal that I can guarantee to serve to him." She turned pensive at this point. "He is much changed since the passing of his wife. When she were alive, he spent every possible moment in her company excepting of course for his service in His Majesty's Navy. But now he is so withdrawn, even from his own son, and buries himself in work. Now that the war with France is over, I fear that he will fall into indolence and debauchery."

Mira had always been a curious child but with age she had found out that unless people told her something or if it had something to with her raising Kolar then she was to keep her nose out of the Lord of the house business.

She gave Mary a smile, "Then we will return to have lunch with you later. " She smiled at Kolar, "Let's check to see If the weather is pleasant for a walk in the gardens."

He nodded. "We run fast? Jump high?"

Mira laughed, "We will see." Mira wrapped woolen shawl around her shoulders then followed him out. The day was beautiful but the weather in this area could change quickly.

The grounds around the castle were a beehive of activity as groundskeepers went about sweeping, raking and picking up debris that had been brought down by the storm. The phrase "running a taut ship" took on new meaning as Mira walked with Kolar amongst the workers busy with their tasks.

As they walked along, workers would stop to remove their hats and greet "his lordship". Kolar seemed to preen under the attention and Mira wondered if such adulation was healthy to one so young.

The trees had not yet begun to bud nor the gardens begin sprouting but Mira sensed that the landscape would be beautiful in the late spring and summer. Assuming that she stayed that long. Lord Kevin was much like her loathsome uncle, cold and stern, but Mary had hinted at a softer side. Mira shook her head to banish those thoughts. Her only concern should be the charming little boy at her side.

They walked around a little fountain where men furiously scrubbed at the stonework, breaking only to greet Kolar before returning to their task, then they walked between fallow flowerbeds waiting to be tilled and seeded.

As they continued to walk along towards the wilderness at the edge of the kept grounds, a curricle approached along the pathway. Its driver was soon revealed to be Lord Kevin. He reigned the horse to a halt as he reached them. He touched his hat and said, "Good Morning, Miss Rodale. Kolar."

The little boy stood up straighter and gave his be approximation of a naval salute, although it look more like he was trying to shield his eyes from the sun.

"Good morning my lord." she have a little curtsy " The weather is beautiful right now. Is it permitted to take Kolar horse back riding?" She wanted to get a sense of what they little could or couldn't do. While Mira was every inch a lady. Growing up, her father had wanted a son. So he taught her everything he would have a son. She was confident she could pass that knowledge to the young man by her side.

Kevin considered the question and replied, "I see no reason why not but I doubt that we have a saddle appropriate to his size. You should check with my farrier.”

Mira smiled, "I was thinking of him riding on the horse with myself my lord. Until he gets a little older," she added.

Kevin nodded his head. "Acceptable," he said. There was a lull in the conversation as neither moved. Then he continued, "Are you finding the grounds to your liking?"

Mira smiled, taking a brief look around "Yes my lord. I can see the beauty of the land." Still holding Kolar's hand, she gave it a little squeeze. "Even at Kolar's young age, I plan to start him in languages, manners, and the flora and fauna."

A troubled expression crossed Kevin's face. "After so many years of warfare," he observed, "it is well that he should be schooled in the sciences." There was another pause.

Mira was about to turn away to continue her walk with Kolar when Lord Kevin interrupted, "Miss, Rodale, I would be pleased if you would join me for tea in the library this afternoon."

Mira froze in step. The refusal was so ingrained in her behavior that Mira had to stop herself from saying, 'she would be unavailable'. Instead, Mira gave a little nod in consent and then gave a soft smile. As you wish, my lord seemed a little rude, so she added, "Thank you, my lord. I will make sure we are back for afternoon tea." Perhaps he was going to give it some thought as to what direction she should take is son's education. She wasn't naive enough to think it was for any other reason.

"Very good," Kevin replied, "Shall we say six bells into the afternoon watch?"

Mira smiled, thinking that terminology so odd "Yes my lord."

Kevin gave the horse a slight slap with the reins and it jumped to a trot.

She smiled down at Kolar, determined to put any thoughts of the boy’s father out of her mind until tea time. "Kolar, let us find some bugs." Mira asked him with a serious face.

He giggled. "Really?"

"Oh, of course," Mira told him with a nodded hearing him laugh made her smile. "You never know. There may become a time that you will need to live off the land for a day or two." Mira nodded

"Have you had to?" Kolar asked her.

"My father made sure I learned how to, and now I can pass the knowledge."

"Can you teach me to fight?" Kolar asked her.

Mira nodded. "When you are a little older, I will teach you to fence. I am rather good at it."

He giggled, wondering why Mama and dada are acting so funny. He remembered her telling him that everything was a silly game. Well as long as he had mama and dada, he was happy to play any game they wanted.


Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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