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The Black Crab

Posted on Thu Sep 12th, 2024 @ 5:56pm by Commander Kevin Lance & Captain Mira Rodale & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti & Lieutenant Tracey Walker Jr & Lieutenant Betaras K'ner

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: Matrix
Timeline: Lost

{Norris raft city, Personal quarters}

Both children had been put down for a nap. Mira set a cross from Deanna and Zimia at the table. "Here, drink this and tell us what happened." Deanna told her.

Mira looked into the mug. It was green, not the mug, the stuff in it. Her eyes met Deannas eyes, and Mira frowned. "What is it?"

Deanna frowned "Well its seaweed tea."

Mira bit her lip. "What made you think to make that into a tea?" Mira hadn't brought herself to a point she wanted to try it. They had been eating everything seaweed or fish for a few months now.
Mira had away been one to just eat whatever was put in fount her, but....." I am not sure I can." Mira told her

"Mira Angelina Rodale. It's not that bad. It is healthy. plus, it's good for the baby." Deanna, add as an after, though.

Picking it up, Mira took a careful sip. It's wasn't good but it wasn't horrible. " The boat that stopped by plans to come back for us in their return trip home."

Zimia nodded "Ok we are going to a safer place. That might not be bad."

Mira frowned. "That would depend on if our males were sent here and if they even remember us and are even looking for us."

Zimia frowned "Oh I hadn't thought about that."

Mira nodded. "And we might all get added to breeding factory."

Deanna frown "No Awal will be looking for me. he has never forgotten me."

Must be nice, Mira, though. It seemed Kevin had forgotten her, and more than times, then she wanted to know.

Mira continued, "Besides the struggle for food and water. It would seem this place has a rainy season that's good it will give us fresh water, but it also brings out things that will be hunting us."

Zimia shook her head. " Nope, this is bad."

{Sunshine Bay}

Kevin, Awal, K'ner and Trace walked up the dock from the long boat waiting with four sailor and two marines. After some debate they had decided to keep the Chuck Norris outside of cannon range. Trace, or Mariner as he preferred to be called, knew a smuggler who lived in the settlement and wasn't very picky about his clientele.

As they walked, Mariner tugged at the collar of the coat that Kevin had insisted that he wear. It was similar to the ones that Kevin and Awal both wore. Something about uniforms projecting an aura of authority. He had objected that the revolver that Kevin had given him was all the authority that he needed but had been voted down. It was either wear the uniform or remain on the ship. Although Mariner didn't much care if Kevin found his lost crew, he did want to get his boat back so reluctantly agreed. At least he could get revenge on some of the residents of Sunshine Bay that had treated him so shabbily.

Most of the settlers gave the four officers a wide berth and Mariner had to concede to himself that Kevin might have been correct. Those words, however, would never pass his lips. He lead the other three to a shack on the opposite side of the settlement from the docks.

"If we have to fight our way out of here..." K'ner muttered, clocking choke-points galore, plus the defensive setup.

"It is likely to be difficult," Kevin concluded, indicating that his thoughts were similarly engaged.

After a while of weaving through the randomly distributed shacks and lean-tos that comprised much of the settlement, they arrived at the smuggler's abode. Kevin pounded on the door causing it to vibrate violently in its ramshackle frame. After a moment, a voice from within shouted, "Whadda ya want?"

"I have some cargo that I want to sell," Kevin announced, "and I understand that you offer the best prices."

The door opened and a bearded man with wild hair stuck his head out, frantically looking to the left and right. "You can't just say that in broad daylight! I have to live here!" He pulled Kevin in and gestured the others to follow.

Awal would be the last one to follow suit and closes the door. He stands there to keep a lookout for authority but also keeps an eye on Kevin's interaction with the man.

K’ner was similarly scanning the inside for weak points, alternate means of egress, and the man’s possible threat value, which didn’t seem significant at the moment.

"So what do you have to sell?" the man asked.

"I am actually more in the buying mood," Kevin said, feigning interest in whatever was hanging on the wall of the shack, "I am looking for information."

"Information?" the man asked suspiciously, "About what?"

"The Black Crab."

The man's eyes went wide. "No! I ain't saying nothin'," he said before collecting himself, "I mean, I can't tell you what I don't know."

"I told him you would say that," Mariner whispered to the man as he grabbed him by the arms to restrain him from behind.

Kevin turned back to the struggling man. "The crew of the Black Crab took something very valuable from me. I intend to get them back," Kevin stated matter of factly. "You can profit by assisting me."

"I ain't sayin' a word," the man replied belligerently. Mariner shrugged and gave Kevin a look that said, I told you so.

"Let me introduce you to Lieutenant Commander Kronnelti, master gunner of the Chuck Norris," Kevin said politely, "He had something taken from him as well and he is not nearly as circumspect as I am."

K’ner took his place by the door as the rather large Klingon cracked his knuckles, “You are going to talk, friend, and if not I will make you.” As he walks up to the man and connects with his jaw making him stumble. The Mariner had wisely stepped aside.

Awal walked around and found a branding iron and picked it up. "Captain, this would have been great for branding cattle," he said, as he placed it in the fire.

The man's eyes widened. "So are you going to tell us what happened?" asked Awal.

He said no then spat on Kronnelti. Kevin said "That's something I wouldn't have done." Awal took some rags and shoved them in the man's mouth, then tied a rope to secure them so they didn't get spat out.

He looked at Mariner and with a hint of Awal's head movement Mariner let go and walked away.

Kronnelti punched the guy in the gut then picked him up and placed his tied up arms over a hook, Awal then ripped the shirt off, revealing bare skin.

Kronnelti walked over and grabbed the red glowing branding iron. "So you talking?" The man shook his head no. "No?" said Awal. "Ok." Then pressed the iron against the bare skin melting the flesh. The man screamed only for it to be muffled by the rags.

He then found another spot and did it again, melting flesh with muffled screams.

Again he asked "Are you going to talk?"

Again he shook his head no. The expression on Awal's face went from pissed to a look that nobody wanted to see.

Awal then took out his Bowie knife and sharpened it on a stone slab. "Kevin your arm please." He lifted it up as Awal gently shaved some hair off.

Satisfied with the result, Kronnelti glided the blade over the man's skin, then whispered "I'm going to skin you alive, then feed you to whatever is in these waters."

The man started crying and violently shaking, wanting off the hook, he started saying ( muffled ok ok i'll talk )

Awal pulled the rope and rags from the man's mouth, "Now talk or I will send you to the depths of hell."

K’ner noted that no one passed outside, so either the man had arranged for privacy when doing business, or no one cared to interfere with a ship and crew such as they were.

Mariner muttered to Kevin, "Remind me to not get on that man's bad side."

{Norris city, Personal quarters}

Mira placed a hand on her stomach. In the last few weeks, she had started to show that she was pregnant. Mira was still stuck in the skimpy, tiny leather halter top and shorts she had on when they got here. God only knew where they had come from.

Rodriguez has made a commitment that now that she had a tummy, she should cover it up.
Mira's comeback had been when we got a replicator she would. She frowned. the man really bugged her.

"Mira, are you even listening to me?" Deanna asked her.

Mira blinked that was an odd way to start a conversation? She looked over her shoulder at Dianna with a raised eyebrow.

"I asked what was the name of the ship?" Deanna asked again.

Mira looked surprised "oh it was black something," She snapped her fingers, remembering "Black Crab." Mira nodded.

"Ok, so how much time do we have before they come back?" Zimia asked

"I am not a mind reader. He threatened he was doing something, then come back for us on this way back home." Mira frowned

She didn't want Kolar eaten by some underwater thing. "Maybe if I disconnected the anchor ? We wouldn't be here when they came back?" She thought out loud.

{Norris raft city}

Swimming in the water, Mira had lost count of how many dives she had made to unhook the damn anchor.

"Why the hell would they make it soo......."

"Captain relax, all that anger isn't going to help the baby. Let's call it a day, and I'll try to come up with another way." Jackson told her.

Mira rolled her eyes he was probably right, not that she was going to tell him that. Swimming to the deck, she let Chin pull her up. The man has taken to his martial arts training she had started on. of course, she couldn't work with him anymore, but she did make corrections to his moves.

"Fine, me and my temper are going to take a nap." Mira smirked. she hadn't really recovered from the energy drain of being pregnant.


Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Lt Betaras K’ner
Hazard Team Combat Medic TL-B / CMO
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Tracey "Trace" Walker
Chief Engineer
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security and tactical
USS Chuck Norris


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