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Posted on Mon Sep 2nd, 2024 @ 3:09pm by Commander Kevin Lance & Lieutenant Tracey Walker Jr
Edited on on Mon Sep 2nd, 2024 @ 5:56pm

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: BS Neva
Timeline: Six Months Later


Kevin and Mira were awoken by a scream in the early morning twilight.

“Kronnelti?” Kevin asked as he sat bolt upright in their bed.

“No,” Mira replied, “It was too high pitched. A woman most likely.”

Kevin was out of their bed and putting on his breeches in a flash. “Stay in bed,” he said, “I will check it out.”

“I will not stay abed if there is any danger to our village,” she flatly refused, “I will be armed and armored to face any foe with you.” Mira rolled towards the edge of the bed, careful to avoid unnecessary pressure on the child growing in her belly.

Kevin knew that it was futile to argue her out of her opinion so continued to dress, belting a longsword around his waist as he departed the room.

Ro’gara was in the main living area, standing her ever present watch. She had taken seriously the charge that Kevin had given her so many months ago. He was certain that she slept and ate but had no idea when.

There were two oathmen standing guard outside his quarters. Kevin turned to one and ordered, “See that Zimia is awaken. Lady Mira will need assistance.” The oathman set off in the direction of the Yeoman’s hut that she shared with Ensign Chin and Kevin motioned for the second oathman to follow. “Where did the scream come from?”

“In the direction of the docks, my Lord”

Kevin headed that way at a rapid pace just short of a run. As he approached the shoreline, it became obvious from the gathering of villagers that the commotion had emanated from Lieutenant Walker’s quarters. The scream must have been from Geneva.

“Out of the way,” the oathman accompanying Kevin demanded, “Make way for Lord Kevin.”

The crowd parted and Kevin walked into the engineer’s hut. Beyond the small living area, a wall separated the bedroom. Geneva was draped across Walker’s form laying on the bed, her body wracked with sobs. One of the village women sat next to Geneva on the bed, giving encouragement.

“What happened?”

“She awoke to find her man dead,” the woman comforting Geneva replied.

Kevin looked around the bedroom with a critical eye. Nothing was obviously out of place. No signs of a struggle or blood, even on the bed. Not even the characteristic smell of urine and feces. He went over to the bed. “Geneva, I need you to move so I can examine his body,” Kevin gently spoke, “Good woman, she that she is kept warm and ask the healer for a sedative.” The woman nodded and gently tugged to remove a reluctant Geneva.

Kevin waited until Walker’s mate was removed from the room, then peeled back the furs and rough spun sheet covering Walker’s body. A minute examination found no wounds or bruising. The skin was cooling and began to lose it warm color tone but otherwise there was no discoloring of the lips, nostrils or nails. The eyes, nose and eyes were clear of any blood and other bloodily fluids. Kevin was no coroner but all the evidence pointed to Walker having died in his sleep. He pulled the sheet back over Walker’s corpse.

“Have the body prepared for cremation,” Kevin instructed the oathman. Even though it was still winter, it was best to deal with a dead body a quickly as possible. “We will alight his funeral pyre at sundown.”

{BS Neva}

“Containment unit 39754 detects cessation of biological entity’s life functions,” a disembodied voice announced, “Beginning reclamation of organic matter.”

The temperature of the cryo-chamber containing Trace began to rise. Although the chamber’s electronic systems did not detect it, Trace’s heartrate and core temperature began to rise as well. The flow of oxygen through the nasal tubing stopped and Trace’ wanted to pull the tubing away but he lacked the strength.

The chamber’s cover lifted and warm air caressed Trace’s body, encouraging the expansion of capillaries in his extremities and further increasing his body temperature. His respiration rose and he started to breathe deeply through his mouth. But he was still unable to move. Which didn’t bother him much as his brain, in a fog, was content to remain still.

“Commence transfer of the deceased,” the disembodied voice ordered.

Deceased, Trace thought lazily, That doesn’t sound good.

He felt himself being slowly lifted out of the chamber, shifted to the right and gently lowered onto something else. His head lolled to the left and he observed some scorching on the chamber’s housing near a panel. He would need to look into that.

His body continued to warm and sensations of feeling returned to his limbs as the device that he was placed upon glided through pod upon pod of cryo-chambers. He was finally able to move his hand and grasp the tubing leading to his nose. It was difficult but he was finally able to summon the coordination and strength to free himself from the artificial breathing apparatus.

The device carried him through a portal to a much warmer area with an array of machines quite different from the cryo-chambers peaking Trace’s gathering curiosity. Eventually, the device stopped and disembodied voice commanded, “Remove monitoring and support devices. Prepare for reclamation.”


Trace’s brain couldn’t quite put together what that meant but it didn’t sound good. He felt the cold grip of fear as various arm-like mechanical devices reached towards him. He swatted, mostly ineffectually, at the arms as they removed other tubes, electronic leads, and small boxy devices from him.

The pins and needles sting of returning sensation reached his hips and shoulders but he was still unable to sit up.

“Removal complete. Releasing restraints.”

Pressure on his legs and hips was removed. He was able to get his right foot and arm to work together long enough to push himself on his left side. He had to get out of whatever this device was!

“Remove and reclaim organic material.”

A large claw reach toward Trace. Fear turned to terror as he pushed for his life. Slowly, but more quickly than the claw was moving, he rolled himself over towards the edge of the device until gravity took over. Then will one massive effort, he pulled his body completely over the edge and went crashing to the floor an instant before the claws grabbed the empty space that he had previously occupied. Trace tried to roll away but was only able to make a couple of revolutions before blacking out.

Unseen by Trace, the claw moved towards a bulky piece of machinery on one edge of the room and released its supposed quarry into it. The piece of machinery closed up and a high pitched whine emanated from it for several moments.

“Reclamation Complete.” The disembodied voice announced.


Lieutenant Tracey “Trace” Walker
Chief Engineer
USS Chuck Norris


Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer/Disembodied Voice
USS Chuck Norris


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