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The dead of night

Posted on Wed Sep 4th, 2024 @ 2:28am by Captain Mira Rodale & Commander Kevin Lance & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: Faereyjar
Timeline: Present

{Faereyjar, 1100 AD. Great Hall}

"I hate to tell you this, Mira, but you're not going to fit in your armor. " Zimia told her.

Mira pouted, tried to close it again, and then gave a sigh. Perhaps she should have stayed in bed, but darn it, she wanted to know what was going on!
Instead, she wrapped the fur cloak around her. Well, she could still wield a sword.

"Mira? why did you wait so long to tell KeVin about the baby? " Zimia asked.

"He didn't sound like he wanted another one. How I was to tell him oops too late." Mira bit her lip.

Zimia chuckled "well he is happy now."

Geneva was led into the great hall. Mira grabbed a fur to wrap her in. Geneva was still crying. " Geneva, have you been harmed. Tell me who I need to kill?"

Well, that didn't seem the right thing to say because it brought on more tears.

"Bring warmed mead." Mira's eyes went to the door. Should she go out to check? KeVin had told her to stay in bed, with more pleading than any real reliance on her doing so, and he had sent Geneva to the Great Hall. He was taking the lead in the village. She needed to protect and comfort Geneva.

"Tell me what happened," she asked as the mead was delivered.

"I had awoken to relieve my bladder," Geneva reported, "and when I returned, Wal'Kerr was dead. Nothing I could do would wake him." More tears flowed.

Setting next to Geneva on the beach, Mira put her arms around the woman. "I am so sorry, Geneva." She wouldn't be able to deal with it if she lost KeVin or Kolar. She, of course, wanted more information, but she didn't think Geneva had anything else. With a frown, she decided to handle that she could right now and let her husband deal with what had happened. A mug of warmed mead was handed to her, and she wrapped Geneva's hands around it. "Here, drink this it will help with the chill." Mira turned worried eye to Zimia. What was going on? Their blacksmith had been a healthy, strong male.

Mira was struck by a vision of a crying Kolar sitting in his bed. She didn't feel that there was anything excessively wrong but her son clearly needed to be comforted. "Zimia," she said softly, "would you please go and bring Kolar here? I think that his sleep was disturbed by all the commotion."

Zimia nodded and left the Great Hall.

Geneva's hand strayed to her stomach. "I didn't even have the chance to tell him," she said.

"Tell him what?" Mira ask solicitously but she had a feeling that she knew.

"That I am with child," Geneva replied pitifully, "The healer's wife confirmed it to me only yesterday. I planned to cook his favorite dinner but I didn't have the necessary elk meat. I waited to tell him he was going to be a father until I could prepare the meal. Now, I will never have the chance."

Before Mira could reply, Kevin entered the Great Hall and immediately walked over to the firepit to warm his hands.

"I am so sorry, Geneva. At the very least, you will have a part of him with you." Mira rubbed the woman's arms. "You can move into great hall. Our children will grow up together." It was the best she could offer both her and her child would not starve.

She watched her KeVin. He nodded in agreement with her. "I shall raise Walker's child as if it were my own," he vowed solemnly.

walked in Awal with a hearty kill, a big elk buck probably weighing 250lbs. The kitchen staff came and grabbed it then took it away.

He saw Geneva with Mira and walked over, is something wrong? He asked Mira

I may be able to help he said

"Wal'Kerr has been killed, brother. KeVin was the one that looked into it." she nodded her head to the fire. Perhaps he could find out what happened.

"He just died," Kevin said spreading his hands, "No wounds or other signs of an attack. Geneva is healthy so I am inclined to rule out environmental factors. No discoloring so likely not poison or suffocation. No evidence of heart attack, aneurysm, or internal bleeding. I am stumped."

Many of the words that Kevin used were foreign to Mira. She bit her lip and placed a protective hand on her belly. Her mind went wild at the thought that some mysterious force unknown to her husband had taken the blacksmith's life.

Mira rubbed her hands on her belly. "Maybe we angered the gods, but I don't know how."

Zimia came back with Kolar. Mira held her arms out for him and wrapped him up in the fur with her. "There now little one. Did you have a bad dream?" Her son nodded, hugging her back.

Angering the gods, or the Masters, was as good an explanation as any. Kevin wondered why they would eliminate Walker and was he dead outside of the simulation.

As Awal was sitting down listening, this doesn't make any sense he said.

Mira turned worried eyes on KeVin. He had taken to spending a lot of time with Wal'Kerr. They had become friends, and it was normal to hurt at the loss. "KeVin looked Awal."

Sitting there trying to figure out how and why with who.

He gets up and walks out of the great hall, nothing makes any sense he said out loud.

Mira frowned as she watched Kronnelti leave the Great Hall. Normally, she would have run after him to talk, but she still had just night clothes on under the fur. Kolar was in her arms, and a rather large stomach that was making her lose her balance. Last time she walked in the snow, she had slipped, but KeVin had caught her. So, there was no walking around in the snow unless she was on his or Kronnelti's arm. She had to fight a small grin as she thought of that talk she had gotten from KeVin.

Biting her lip, Mira turned to Geneva. "Let's get you set up in the guest room." Kolar has fallen back to sleep again. So she was going to get him back in bed as soon she figured out how to get up.

Mira looked to Ke'Vin. He was sitting on a bench, staring into the fire while he absent-mindedly spun his longsword on its point. He was lost in deep thoughts over the death of his friend, she decided.

Zimia rolled her eyes. "You can't get up, can you?"

Mira bit her lip. As annoying as it was, it was also kind of funny. "No, I can not." she lowered her voice as to not carry to KeVin.
ZiMia and Ro'gara came to her aid bless their hearts. Once they entered the hallway, Mira said, " Zimia have Geneva set up in the bedroom next to Kolar’s and in morning have someone bring her clothes and whatever else she wants here."

Geneva looked dazed and lost. "Geneva, you will be safe here. Things will get better. Now try and rest. You have to think of the. baby now."

Once Mira had her son tucked into his bed, she returned to the great hall. KeVin was in the same spot. She handed him some warmed mead "husband?"
Then she sat on the bench next to him, laying her head on his shoulder. She said nothing, but she kept him company.


Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris

Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security and tactical
USS Chuck Norris


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