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Posted on Thu Aug 29th, 2024 @ 10:04pm by Commander Kevin Lance & Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: BS Neva
Timeline: Current


Kevin lay awake in the bed spooning around Mira’s sleeping form. Dealing with Cravis had taken longer than he had anticipated and it had been well after dark before he returned to Faereyjar. His bloodlust sated, the ride back had been an opportunity for regretful brooding. He still was no closer to discovering what had happened to them or why Mira and most of the rest of the crew had lost their memories of being aboard the USS Chuck Norris.

As he had ridden back, he thought about how Mira was changed. Gone was the decisive leader, the Klingon blademistress, the shrewd diplomat. Gone too was the pain of a joyless childhood, the loss of her first husband and child, years of exile on a hellish planet, the burden of command and an unwanted leadership of a Klingon house.

It was only two days but aside from the abduction by Cravis, she was the happiest that he had ever seen her. She had Kolar and Vaytoc, her adopted brother and sister-in-law, and friends from the Norris’ crew. She was a valued and respected member of the community. She was safe and cared for. And they were together.

She was less than she was before but everything that remained was good. Kevin wondered if she would want to go back or to remain here.

He himself felt the appeal of remaining. He was at the top of the command structure and could protect Mira and Kolar without interference from Admirals or Ambassadors or Shadows. Neither Klingons nor Gorns were a concern. And he too was free from a tortured past and the ever present risk of discovery.

Mira stirred in his arms. “Be at peace, kitten,” he whispered to her, “You are safe.”

Mira sighed "but are we?" She snuggling closer to him "I heard him say some.....things I do not understand. That we are not who we are. That masters rule us and can change all that we know and love. I am afraid." There was a small sob. "They say I am not the woman you fell in love with that I was a warrior? " Mira spoke the words in a whispered voice not knowing if it was just madness or truth.

Kevin kissed Mira on the shoulder and slowly made his way to her neck as he considered what she had said. Cravis had said much the same thing while Kevin had flayed him confirming his suspicion that they were in some sort of simulation, the conditions of which could be changed at any time. He had confessed that the Masters as he called them were suppressing their memories and using their thoughts, feelings and emotions to sustain themselves.

But he had no information on how to escape.

"What if it was true?" Kevin asked quietly, "Would you want to be this other woman?"

"I only want to be with you and Kolar now and forever. I don't need anything else." she trembled slightly. "There are times odd feelings and fears come to me. This woman warrior, she had been thought horrible things that ..." she sighed "things I would not survive. She was punished for showing emotion. Punished if she wasn't stronger. Pain when she trusted." Mira closed her eyes, feeling sorry for the woman warrior. She hid KeVin. Lord Cravis did something very bad to her. Only he wasn't a lord at the time." The thoughts and feelings were all like a fishing knot that she couldn't seem to untie. Only bits and pieces of another life showed itself. It's one of a life in the dark sky.

"Did you love her more than me... No, do not answer that. I have a feeling that any answer will hurt." A tear ran down her cheek. "Zi-Mia knows more. I think she knows it all. She spoke of mineds, deserts, a world with only water, but she said we survived it all.

"There is no one that I love more than you," he whispered as he squeezed her tightly against his body, "Where ever we are and who ever you are." Zimia knew it all? Mines, deserts, water? Kevin needed to question the Yeoman as soon as possible.

"You wouldn't lose me or Kolar," Kevin continued, "but everything else would be different. You would lead as a kind of Jarl. You would have all the power and responsibilities that comes with that. And the enemies too." The more that he talked about this other life, the more that he wanted to stay here.

Mira's eyes widened. "I do not see me as a Jarl, but as long as we are together, we can fight the battles set out for us. I will be at your side."

He felt the same way about her.

The more he thought about staying here, the greater the realization that it was an impossible dream. Even disregarding the infantilization of Mira, there was the ever present threat that the Masters would decide to reset everything and all would be lost anyways. And even if not, there was no guarantee that the rest of the universe wouldn't intrude.

"Mama! Dada!" Kolar resounded joyously.

"Our Master's Voice," Kevin grumbled.

Mira smiled, "Then you do not wish for another?" She questioned him with a smile and then grinned as Kolar climb on to the bed. "Kiss, you mama," he giggled, but his little eyes looked at the dark marks on his mama. Touching one, he said, "Boo boos?"

Mira nodded. "They will get better soon. We let down our defenses. I had not thought any would attack our drunk under the terms of being our guests. That reminds me. " she looked to KeVin. "we have a spy amongst us. They talked about knowing things only our people would know. Like his bedroom."

Kolar smiled. "Toc ate him."

Mira raised an eyebrow. "Vaytoc ate someone. " Her little boy nodded his head, sending his little blonde waves bouncing.

"it must have been one of Cravis' men because no one is missing that i have been told." Mira told him.
Kolar nodded.

She looked to KeVin. "Winter preparations will have to be completed in the next few days before the snow storms come."

Kevin gave a half smile of resignation and said, "Then we better get to it." He rolled out of the bed and donned his breeches. His determination escape this simulation or whatever it was renewed but they did need to survive until they were ready and able to escape.

Mira bit her lip he had never answered her on if he wanted another child. "Go play with Vaytoc while I dress."


Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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