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Home & rest

Posted on Thu Aug 29th, 2024 @ 6:41pm by Crewman Dianna Kronnelti & Captain Mira Rodale & Ensign Zimia Mariten

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: Faereyjar
Timeline: current

After getting home Awal helped Mira & Zimia down off the horse while Kolar ran to his mother.

Mama Mama he cried you hurt bad man hurt, Awal knelt down to him & said bad man in time out as he scuffed Kolars hair.

He the walked over to Dianna and gave her & Venus a big hug. He whispered into her ear ( Kevin is working over Cravis )

He then walked back to Mira and gave her a big hug, it's good to have you back home sister.

Mira smiled "it is good to be home Brother. she hugged him. "Thank you for comming for us. "
Zimia was holding her up right now as she painfully limped into the great hall. "To my room Zimia and send for our healer. I Don't think anything is broken but.."

One of the men stoked the fire as she set on the bed. Kolar crawling up next to her. "bad bad hurt you?" he asked her. His little face had a pout on it.

She couldn't lie yo him "Yes my little man but your da will handle him."

Zimia started to clean the dirt off her. "You should take a bath."

Mira shook her head no. "I don't have it in me." she laid back her head spinning with all she had heard. If she was not her but someone else who looked like the woman her KeVin once had and loved. Did he love her or this captain she had heard about? The captain seemed like a warrior from what she had heard about her. While she was good with a sword and bow. she thought of herself as a hunter not really a warrior. What if she didn't match up to the image he wanted?

Mira sighed right now she looked like someone Vaytoc had dragged in. Perhaps that was why he sent her away. Mira moved careful to her side as Zimia covered her with the fur. Kolar crawled under the covers "I take care of you mama and toc eat the bad, bads"

Mira nodded letting go of consciousness.

Dianna walked in at the right moment as Mira fell asleep from all the pain she was in. Come on Kolar let's play with Venus and I'll make your favorite snack said Dianna.
"But I make mama safe," he told her, blinking his blue eye up at jet.

Dianna smiled. "Vaytoc will guard her until your father gets home. " Kolar looked over at Toc. "You eat the bad. bads Toc."
Then he carefully got out of bed. "She gets better?" he asked

"Of course, remember when when Mama got in a fight with the wild boar? She got hurt, and your dada didn't let her out of his sight for a while,"

Kolar just looked at her oddly. he didn't remember any of that.
"she will get better, trust me. "

Kolar took one more look at his mama, then took Aunt Deas' hand. "

Vaytoc moved closer to Mira and laid his head next to her stomach to talk with the other one in his pack. She was scared and very lonely. She couldn't understand why Mira and her couldn't connect anymore.

( Kitchen/playroom )

Dianna brought both Venus and Kolar to the kitchen and set them up in highchairs while Zimia sat next to them.

She proceeded to cook chicken nuggets without broccoli and chicken nuggets with veggies.

Once done she handed over the plates to Zimia to let them cool before the kiddos eat.

Kolar Buddy I'm going to check on mommy, eat up then we can go play. she said

Kolar nodded, putting food in his mouth.

Zimia frowned. "If we were on the ship, our doctors heal her in a few moments. Once she has slept. She will be up and starting preparing for winter storage. Zimia moved to look out the window at the light flutter of snow. "Mira called it a white out. I am not sure what that is, but I don't think we will be going out in it." She picked up an apple to peel to make a pie. That is if the kids didn't eat most of it. She laughed at seeing their hands out for some.

Awal had walked into the kitchen and grabbed a pear, we will be back at our ship he said.

Kevin is working on it right now, he then gave Venus a kiss on the cheek and rubbed kolar's head.

He caught up with Dianna before she walked into Mira's room. Kevin is getting the information from Cravis as to how we can get out of all this and back to our ship.

I've got some things to do, he kissed her and left.

A messenger ran up to Dianna, ( catching their breath ) the healer is here. Please bring him here she said, hurry.

{Jarl sleep chamber }
"Did she tangle with a boar again?" The healer asked. Deanna shook her head no. "a man,"

Healer Jor's eyes widened. "That man is not breathing," he moved to the bed "my Lady it is Jor. I must know the damage."
His hands gently moved over her body. " Nothing is broken and no open wounds, so we do not have to worry about the blood fever. " He reached into his bag and pulled out a tonic and ointment. He helped Mira sit a little to drink. "His will help with the pain. She can have more as the pain comes back. This " he put the small jar in Dianna's hand "will help with the bruising " he smiled at the woman "if she starts to get head pain or fever call for me."

Dianna nodded I will and thank you for coming she said.

She put her hand on Mira's forehead, it's all going to be fine she said before leaving back for Venus and Kolar.

Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security and tactical
USS Chuck Norris


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