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Posted on Sat Aug 31st, 2024 @ 6:46pm by Lieutenant Betaras K'ner

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: Simulation Condition 4AB55
Timeline: Current-ish

K'ner watched the others going over their gear, once again contemplating the situation they'd found themselves in. Through reconnaissance, her compact squad had accumulated a good bit of intel, but not the critical clue that would lead them out of this construct. Patience...

Perhaps she was just waiting on the Keepers to make a mistake that could be exploited. So far the premise of their existence seemed to be enough activity to generate enough energy for their otherwise unknown purposes. If there was an end-game to it all, that was also unknown as of yet. Patience...

Of her squad, half still hadn't been able to access any prior memories, but the skills that were now buried, could still be acted upon, which confirmed they were still there, just pathways diverted or rerouted. That kind of manipulation was beyond SF, but definitely within the realm of theoretical possibility. Fortunately for her, K'ner's squadmates were loyal to their soul and they followed her even without the years of fellowship they'd shared to fall back on. Some of the conversations they didn't understand, but they'd learned to let it go for now. Patience...

Having Deena in the village compound had been beneficial and reduced the time they needed to closely monitor the crew. That link remained undiscovered thus far, and K'ner was careful not to compromise that source. She'd almost stepped in when that moron from the mining operation had the audacity to think he could get away with kidnapping several of the women from the village, and the CO on top of that. But, the XO intervened in time and K'ner could still keep her Valkyries in reserve, for now.

She breathed deep, at once at peace, yet longing for what was, to be again. Patience would win out in the end... Patience... and Vigilance!


Lt Betaras K'ner
Hazard Team Combat Medic TL-B / CMO
USS Chuck Norris



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