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Sledding Towards Trouble

Posted on Sat Aug 17th, 2024 @ 6:47pm by Captain Mira Rodale & Commander Kevin Lance

Mission: Vacation on Amri V
Location: Amri V
Timeline: Current

{Amri V, Tundra zone}

The little toboggan shot down the snowy slope with Kolar securely seated between Kevin's legs. The craft was easier to control than the bobsleds in Greenland had been but is was still a challenge to keep the speed down. Kevin couldn't see Kolar's face but his rigid frame and grip on his dada's snow pants were a testament to his likely mood.

Kevin steered the wooden sled with a combination of shifting his weight and pulling on the ropes attached to the leading control edges. He leaned to the left and pulled the control rope on the same side. The sled curved in the same direction slowly losing momentum as it crossed perpendicular to the slope of the hill. As the sled slowed, Kevin turned it back in the opposite direction picking up speed again.

The slalom continued until the little craft with its two intrepid adventures arrived at the bottom of the slope neatly stopping in front of Mira.

"ah-gen," a smiling Kolar demanded, "ah-gen."

Seems to have gotten over his fear, Kevin thought.

Mira's eyes were sparkling with joy at seeing the pull-up and hearing her son's words. "I think you may look like your dada, but you're an adrenaline junkie like your mama." She laughed then looked to Kevin, "or does he get that from you as well?" she had a playful smile on.

"Absolutely not," Kevin replied with mock seriousness, "I am much more of a risk mitigator than a risk seeker."

"Dada! Ah-gen!" Kolar repeated excitedly.

"Of course, Cub," Kevin answered as he handed the boy to his mother, "Let me get this sled back to the lift." Mira stepped back and Kevin clambered out of the sled and stooped to pick it up.

As he did, he was suddenly hit by a massive force from his blind side that sent him tumbling over the sled and into the snow. Mira danced backwards to avoid getting hit as well, instinctively shielding Kolar with her own body.

Kevin opened his eyes to find himself face down in the snow. His side throbbed in a manner similar to being hit by a defensive back in thrusterball.

Mira took cover with Kolar behind the sled. "What the hell. Kevin, are you okay? she was thorn between pulling Kevin away a task she didn't think she could do. He did weighted almost 200 lbs.

Kolar was wide-eyed. "What the hell.... just damit. Jam on toast." Apparently, his mouth was just like hers too.
"If this is someone's idea of fun, I will kill them."

Kevin shook his head and lifted himself onto his hands and knees. "I'm okay, I think," he said with more certainty than he felt. Blinking his eyes against the pain he raised himself up and looked around.

A skier was laying in the snow about 10 meters or more from him. Kevin pushed himself up and stumbled over to the skier. "What the void?" he accused, "Why don't you look where you are going."

He pulled the skier, a woman, to her feet. Kevin was vaguely aware of a broken headset in the snow near the woman. Had she been wearing it when she hit him?

The woman launched a tirade against Kevin in a language that he didn't understand but his comm badge translated the unflattering terms in which she referred to him, accusing him of breaking her headset and demanding reimbursement. While trying to make sense of what was being translated, she swung a fist and clocked Kevin right in the nose.

Kevin released his grip on the woman and his hands flew to his nose. No blood but it hurt like unholy void.

Okay, that wasn't happening, she thought.
Mira sat Kolar in the sled , "Stay put, Mama going to kick some butt. She hit dada. "

Kolar nodded. "Bad, bad, bad." he was wide-eyed, watching everything.

Mira walked up to the woman, "Let's try this again?" Mira hauled off and punched her face while she was yelling at Kevin. Then Mira told her. "You hit my man. You could have killed my son. Because you're a imbecile. I am going to shove that headset down your throat. "

The woman was on the ground holding her noise as blood dripped out.

"Let's get this one thing straight. No one messes with my family. " Mira got into a fighting stance ready to fight if she needed.

The woman snarled and launched herself at Mira, who braced for the attack. But it never landed. Instead, the woman was enveloped by an electric glow that suspended her above the ground. She flailed, ineffectually, trying to reach either Mira or the ground.

One of the Caretakers ran up to Mira and Kevin. "Are you are alright sir?" she asked solicitously.

Kevin touched his nose gingerly. "Yes," he replied, "mostly just my ego."

"I apologize," the Caretaker continued, "There has been a recent rash of unanticipated aggression amongst our guests. We are doing our best to intervene but..."

Mira nodded, but "it's getting out of control." She nodded her head in understanding. "How bad has it gotten?"

"Far worse than we could have imagined." Caretaker told her.

Mira frowned. "Do you have the capability of creating a containment center to contain the individuals affected by this game?" she asked.

He thought about it for a moment, then nodded. "Like putting them in a hospital room?" he nodded. then, in a fash, the woman disappeared.

Mira when a picked up Kolar. Patting Vaytoc on the head for moving into protect Kolar.

"Please send what information you have on this game to the ship, and if you need our help, please let us know." she told the man, then turned to Kevin. "You know this game could be devastating if it spread to other planets, especially if the Gorn were to attack while everyone is wrapped up in this game."

Mira brought her palm up to Kevin's cheek. "Do you need medical?" she asked with some. it's wasn't the punch she was worried too much about.

Kevin sniffed in through his nose. "No," he said, "not immediately. But I will have the Doc check me out when we get back to the Norris. Meanwhile, I think that we have time for one more run before needing to leave for the spelunking cave."

Mira smiled handing Kolar over. "Oh You two try to be careful." She told them both but she was looking at Kolar.

Kolar nodded but when Kevin was getting in the sild he said "go really fast dada."

Mira laughed.


Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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