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The last hoorah

Posted on Mon Aug 19th, 2024 @ 4:57pm by Captain Mira Rodale & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti & Lieutenant Betaras K'ner
Edited on on Mon Sep 2nd, 2024 @ 6:17pm

Mission: Vacation on Amri V
Location: Amar v
Timeline: Present

{Amri V, Tundra zone chalet 1183}

The snowstorm has finally over. Mira bundled Kolar up in his snowsuit, and they went out to brave the cold. Well, Mira braved it. She had to admit that it was far easier to deal with the cold than last time. She had now been off that hot desert world for almost two years now.

Kevin was showing Kolar how to make a snowball, and she frowned. "You forgot the rock." Mira told him, keeping an eye out for those crazy dancing snowmen.

Kevin stopped and looked up at her. "You don't put a rock in the snowballs there support to be all snow."

Mira frowned. "That's not how they did it when I was getting hit by them."

Kevin took her hand and pulled her down to squat next to them. Then kissed her. "Then you played with very bad kids, Kitten."

Mira nodded. "They had been," she agreed.
Mira had just thought that was normal.

"How do you feel about spelunking? She smiled. "First level, no danger. They have the passageway all light up. No crawling into holes, and at the end, there is supposed to be this river that you get these..." She was trying to think of the name of them. Then gave a little shrug, "like surf boards, and you paddle with and oar. It looks pretty fun."

{Amri V, Center City, Kanbu Hotel, Room 301}

Zimia grinned at Dianna. They had gone to the spa, and it had been amazing. Now they had to come up with something fun to do before they had to return to the ship.

"Let's do something adventurous like spelunking at Dendora Falls. I heard from Mira that it’s a beautiful leisure walk into the caves, and at the end, there is this waterfall in a crystal cave. then they have paddle boards we can use to go down the river." She nodded to Kronnelti, wanting him to say yes. “ I could take us in a hovercraft to get there!”

Awal frowned , Do you know how to drive a hovercraft?” he asked her

“No.” Zimia told him.

“then no on you driving.” Awal told her.

Zimia nodded “Ok but we can still go?”

Awal said yes, and I'll teach you how to drive one of these days. he said

Zimia grinned. "Promise?" At his nodded, she ran to get the diaper bag ready and changed into black leggings and a pink long sweater top.

Packing a few things extra for Venus so she won't be cold. Once they got in the cave, the temperature would drop, but as they got closer to the waterfall, things would warm up.

{Dendora Falls. Amir V}

Kevin reached into the hovercraft and helped Mira down, then retrieved Kolar. "I have got to say this planet is beautiful. She smiled as he slipped Kolar into the baby carrier she put on. Kolar was calling it a saddle, and he was going to ride.

Mira just laughed at her silly son, "Yes, you are going for a ride, little man."
Kevin grabbed the backpack it was a little heavier than Kolar, and they planned to switch off carrying Kolar.

"You ready?" he asked Kolar with a grin. His son bobbed his head up and down, excited about another trip.

Mira clipped Vaytoc to a leash and attached it to her belt. it wasn't that she was worried about him taking off it was more to put the other people at ease she had the beast under control.

The tunnel was a foot taller than Kevin and wide enough for them to walk hand in hand. As they walked, Mira noticed the tunnel got wider as they walked down. The cave formation were beautiful, and Mira had started to point some of them out to Kolar, but he wasn't going to remember the big long words. So she just 'look and pretty ' to him.
"Ah, this is their official kissing rock." She grinned as Kevin leaned down for a kiss.

The trail ended in a massive waterfall. They had added colored lights and the rainbow affect was amazing.

{ CMO's office, USS Chuck Norris }

K'ner leaned back, rolling her head in a wide circle to relieve the tension. "So there's no pattern, no apparent length of exposure, it was pretty much simultaneous across the regions. This wasn't an act of negligence, it was calculated and planned."

Billingsly nodded. "Certainly appears that way. We've got most of our crew mates either shuttled or transported back. The cargo bay is rigged for the over-flow. It's rather anti-climactic now that we know what works and what doesn't."

K'ner sighed. "Let's notate followup psych evals for all the victims, both to check for any lingering symptoms and to make sure everyone has dealt with their sudden lack of control. We're fortunate the injuries were mostly minor; the more serious ones have been taken care of. Now we ride out the remainder while Montgomery locates the stragglers."

K'ner dismissed the PA and wrapped up an update on the developments thus far. Good thing the Captain instituted the 'no one goes out alone' policy, that stemmed the severity of many of the incidents so help could intervene.
{Dendora Falls. Amir V}

Mira grinned up at Kevin. Her eyes caught sight of Kronnelti coming towards them. "How has your vacation been brother?" she asked him.

"Good." he put an arm around Dianna. Kolar seemed excited to see Venus, and both of them started giggling.

"Oh, this place is far better than the images." Zimia told them all with a grin. "Who else made it?" She looked round, trying to pick out the crewman.

Mira raised an eyebrow. "I had no idea we were all meeting here."

Zimia grinned. "surprise!"

Mira laughed "Oh I believe you are trouble maker."

As a group, they all made their way to the pattle boards and the last leg of the journey of the Dendora Falls trip. They overheard people complaining about a riot breaking out in the city. She took Kevin's hand. "Perhaps after this, we should call the crew back to the ship?"

Kronnelti nodded, "I think that might be wise." He answered her while Kevin nodded his view on the trouble taking place.

Once she got a look at the paddle boards Mira gave a little frown. "Ok, we will have to distribute the weight. Kevin, you should take that one. I'll take Kolar and Vaytoc on this one. Zimia, take that one and Kronnelti, Hopefully You Dianna and Venus can take that one. if there is too much weight, then Dianna and Zimia will have to go together.

Vaytoc wasn't all that happy, but he laid down between Mira's legs as she paddled them out. It was truly beautiful how the lights played off the crystals in this cave.

Mira heard a commotion behind them. People fighting? Her small group was safe for now so she didn't worry. Just has they came out of the cave her commbadge beeped =/\= Norris to Captain Rodale =/\=

She tapped her badge, "Rodale here."

=/\= thank goodness your Ok Captain, fights are breaking our everywhere=/\= the relief was clear in Chin's voice.

Mira sighed. " Very well recall the crew. I have Lance, Kronnelti, Dianna, Zimia, Vaytoc, and the kids with me. Get Spike from Kronnelti's hotel room."

They had sent their belongings to the ship earlier since they planned to spend one night in the hotel. Then see the center city tomorrow, but that would all have to wait until their next trip here.

Mira felt the pull of the transporter, and then she was standing on the transporter pad on The USS Chuck Norris. Handing Kolar to Zimia Mira made her way to the Bridge.

{USS Chuck Norris, Bridge}

"I'll right what is going on now?" Mira asked still feeling really relaxed from her vacation.


Anyone else?

Lt Betaras K'ner
Hazard Team Combat Medic TL-B / CMO
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


LT COMMANDER Awal Kronnelti
Chief Security officer


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