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The coldness of space

Posted on Mon Aug 19th, 2024 @ 9:29pm by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present

{USS Chuck Norris, Captain’s ReadyRoom}

Mira's hand went to her neck to work out a kink. She had been catching up on the reports since she had been on vacation. Amir V had been just what they all needed, even if the planet had a few problems.

Her desk screen lit up to show Fleet Admiral Proll. Mira raised an eyebrow. She hated when he made an appearance without the notification. She waited far longer than she should have in her greeting, but the man had called her. Shouldn't he go first? “Good morning fleet Admiral Proll, what do I own the honor of this…” interruption? No bad word “Visit to?” There, a much better word even if it was on untruth.
She blinked a few times waiting.....

=/\="How was your vacation?"=/\= He asked with no expression on his face.

"Enjoyable. I did file a report, Admiral." Mira had no interest in going over everything she had done to humor the male.

He nodded slowly. =/\= "We have reports of a few ships disappearing not far from your present location." =/\=

Mira nodded, happy he had gotten down to business and stopped trying to make small talk. She didn't do small talk very well. "The Gorn, sir?" she asked for clarification.

=/\= We don't think so. The ships are not being attacked they are just gone. Not the standard MO of the Gorn. Ship and crew are just gone. The Shackleton Expanse has a lot of dangers, but this might be something new. I am sending you what we have so far and Mira? Be careful."=/\=

With that, he ended transmission.

Mira’s fingertips went to rub her forehead. A headache just after one conversation with the Admiral.

her door chimed. "Enter" Mira called out. Zimia walked in with a large cup of Raktajino in one hand and Kolar on her hip
"We thought you might need this." Zimia said with a smile.
Mira took the cup with a smile. "Thank you." Then she kissed her son's cheek. "How's my big boy?"

He grinned. "Play."
"Oh, you have been playing with Zimia. That's good." Mira's eyes went to Zimia, "please call a staff meeting. Chiefs and include our new Lieutenant JB Dersch he is going to need this update."

Mira took her seat again, but Zimia just stood there with a grin on her face.

Mira sighed. "Just tell me I have too much work to play guessing games with you."

She pouted, "Just one?" At Mira's nod, Zimia continued talking. "Have you read the medical reports yet."

Mira looked down at the PADDs. " No, I assumed if it was a problem K'ner couldn't handle, she would come to me." Mira said a little worried now and started to pick up that PADD.

"Guess who's pregnant?" Zimia asked with a big grin.

Mira raised her eyebrow. "Dianna?" Zimia shook her head no "Well, it shouldn't be me." Mira continued, then frowned. "Just tell me I have to get back to work."

"Rodriguez!" Zimia blurted out.

Mira blinked, then frowned. "I must have heard you wrong."

Zimia laughed "Nope. You heard me."

Mira shook her head. "You mean he got someone pregnant?"

"Nope, he IS pregnant. The mother is Xyrillian." Zimia laughed.

Mira covered her face with her hand. "By all that is holy, this could only happen to him. "Well, I wonder if he will call this one a dream."

Zimia burst out laughing and went to call the meeting.

{USS Chuck Norris, Briefing room}

K'ner raised an eyebrow. She picked up a blue teddy bear sitting on her chair and raised an eyebrow at Mira.

"Zimia must have missed that toy." Mira smirked. The ship was small, and the kids needed a play room. The Briefing room wasn't used often, so its second duty was playroom.

"All right, everyone. I know we planned to head right back to base after our vacation, but we have been redirected. There are a few missing ships. We need to find them or at least find out what happened to them."

Kronnelti nodded. "Gorn?"

Mira nodded. "That was my first guess as well, but it was pointed out that the ship and crew were taken. Gorn just took the crew for food. Ships are left with a help message and then attacked after you go to help. These ships are just gone. Let's see if we can find out what happened. " Mira told them all.

Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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