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Life and games

Posted on Tue Aug 13th, 2024 @ 5:17pm by Captain Mira Rodale & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti & Lieutenant Betaras K'ner

Mission: Starbase 364
Location: Amar V, Center city
Timeline: Present


{Amri V, Center City, Kanbu Hotel, Room 301}

Zimia sat on an overly stuffed chair in the sitting area of their hotel suit. "This is wonderful. " She pointed to her dessert with her fork. "Oh, I ran into Chin earlier today. Seems Rodriguez has disappeared, and Montgomery has sent out orders for the crew not to use the headset on this planet. " She gave a little shrug. " The people using them look like statues. I don't want to spend my recreation brain dead or at least looking like it." She amended. She scraped the last bit of chocolate off the plate.

"Is it just me, or does the food taste amazing in this world?" Zimia asked with a happy grin.

Wait, Rodriguez is missing? Asked Awal

They both looked at each other. The streets were littered with people wearing those headsets. They looked like zombies, she said.

Nobody would move until something happened with those things. People would snap out of it, walk 30 feet, then freeze again, said Awal.

Has anybody been able to find Rodriguez?

Zimia frowned. "I don't know Venus, and I came upstairs. All I know is he had been wearing that headset since he came down it was the first thing he bought at a toy shop. Then they found people that said he went off with a lizard woman. From the description, I think she is an Xyrillian."

I wonder if you can buy those things or do they have to be rented to use Awal was thinking out loud but quiet enough not to wake Venus.

"I heard everyone say they bought it, but Montgomery said for us all to stay away from them. K'ner found one of the overdue crewman with that headset on and had to get him medical treatment."

If medical still has the device...they should send it to science to study it and if not one has to be bought to be studied said Awal.

If Mira were to find out she'd be very upset especially if we had to leave in an emergency.

Zimia nodded "True but we are talking about K'ner. The doctor has more than likely taken that thing apart and is finding out anything she can about it, including who made it." She chuckled.

Her PADD beeped, picking it up. Zimia frowned "oh looks like Larry found 12 crewmen wearing the headsets, and they are being sent back to the ship for medical exam. One of the women fainted when he took the headset off." She raised her eyebrow in shock and then looked at Awal.

"it was Binexis Zoss she is Bolian. He said she is in medical right now." Zimia frowned."I was playing with Venus in the pool when Binexis started to talk about the new game she was playing and wanted me to try it. I told her no, I was watching Venus. I wasn't going to start playing some game." Zimia shook her head. " Venus loves the water as much such as Kolar does. "

Awal had that look of what the f*ck on his face as he knows Kn'er will have her hands full especially the science department.

Some R&R this is he said, we got people playing some kind of game like it's an addicting drug. I hope any adverse side effects don't cause any aggression he said.

{ Sickbay, USS Chuck Norris }

"What do you think Korra?" K'ner had ended up sedating the crewman she'd encountered earlier. He became more agitated the longer he was separated from the device.

SSgt Korra looked up from the mechanical puzzle strewn out in front of her. "It's a rather simple device in its essence. It seems to analyze the person wearing it to atune transmitters to particular races or species. The programming seems benign at first glance, a walking adventure. But it's like a... dopamine drip... as the story continues, the wearer becomes more and more stimulated, but there's also a sedantory aspect that curtails the body's natural reaction, so they can't even work it off." She flips a couple of pieces around. "There's some other signals here the Science dept hasn't ascertained for certain, but we're working on it."

K'ner shakes her head. "So we're going to have a lot more patients in the next 24 hours, either from separating them from the feed to their pleasure centers, plus the adverse reaction from the build-up. The captain is so not gonna like this... I hope it doesn't take too long to recover, or we're going to be short-handing the ship when we depart. Why would anyone build this thing? I can't see some plot on a resort planet..."

"On an evil cant, perhaps this is just a testbed. On a negligent option, perhaps the maker is simply an idiot that found a good story program, then added something to hook the observer, and didn't care about the outcome, or care about testing it thoroughly beforehand?" Korra shrugged.

K'ner harumphed as she assembled a report for the Captain and senior staff. They'd have to get a handle on this, and quickly, for a number of reasons.

{Amri V, Center City, Kanbu Hotel, Corridor}

Rodriguez stepped out of the room. His head was spinning. One moment, he was sticking his hands into this large bowl and looking into Elora's eyes then.. What had happened after that? He remembered seeing her home world and feeling a tingling sensation, but when he came wake, the room was empty. Odd, he would ask Elora what had happened, but he remembered she had told him her ship was leaving in a few hours.

Rodriguez kept thinking, put one foot in front of the other. Get back to my room, and sleep whatever this thing was off. He didn't remember drinking anything or eating . Why was he so hung over? That's about the time his vision started to turn black and felt himself fall.

Amy and Chin found Rodriguez down in the hallway . "he doesn't look like he was in a fight." Chin had been worried that might have been the reason he was gone so long.

"His jacket is missing, and what is this?" she pulled his shirt up higher."I have seen his ads before on Risa that ...
.thing wasn't there."

Chin nodded "Yea it looks like some kind of growth."

We need to get him to Medical. I have a feeling Rodriguez and that Xyrillian might have gotten frisky. I remember something about that race. "

Chin raised an eyebrow. "And what would that be?"
Amy chuckled. "As long as he didn't stick his hands into a pot with her, everything should be fine."

Chin frowned. "And if he did?"

"Let's just say Rodriguez will have a second child that doesn't have his DNA or resemble him." Amy chuckled, thinking it funny that Rodriguez might be the first male on the ship to become pregnant.


Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security and tactical
USS Chuck Norris


Lt Betaras K'ner
Hazard Team Combat Medic TL-B / CMO
USS Chuck Norris


Ensign Sato Chin
Communications Specialist
Ensign Rodriguez
Communications specialist
USS Chuck Norris


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