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Baby it's cold outside

Posted on Tue Aug 13th, 2024 @ 5:14pm by Captain Mira Rodale & Commander Kevin Lance

Mission: Vacation on Amri V
Location: Amar V
Timeline: Present

{Amri V, wilderness zone}

Mira packed the last of their belongings up, and she started to bring them to the Hovercraft.
"Are you sure you came drive this thing?" Mira asked Kevin as she handed him bags to store. She thought he could handle any space craft, but she wasn't sure what this thing did.

"I don't know," he said with mock concern, "I'm not used to something this small." He loaded a couple of bags into the hovercraft's cargo space. "Do we really need all this stuff?"

"I sent most of the extra things back to the ship. Normally when I go camping I pack light and wash my clothes in the river or lake. Kolar changes things. " She laughed they had to change Kolar's clothing three times today. Parenting had a learning curve.

Vaytoc was already sitting in the backseat with Kolar. He had his teddy and was ready to go.

"Next place should be more to your liking. It's high tech and has a hot spring in the basement. Food is pre-made and frozen. We should be able to handle heating things up." she laughed.

"That's good," Kevin said as he started up the engine, "Although it was fun trying my hand at cooking."

{Amri V, Tundra}

The ride was pleasant as the temperate wooded hills gave way to snowy mountains. Kevin found piloting the hovercraft simple enough, but navigating by terrain features was something new.
Fortunately, the craft's navigation system made reliance on the terrain association unnecessary, and after a couple of hours, they reached the chalet.

"Let's check the sleeping arrangements. Then we can unpack," Kevin suggested.

"Sounds good. I can't wait to see the inside because the outside of this place is amazing. "

Mira walked up the steps to the door of the chalet while Kevin unbuckled a sleeping Kolar. Vaytoc carefully placed a paw on the snow and immediately pulled it back. "Cold, isn't it?" Kevin quipped.

Vaytoc gave Kevin an inscrutable stare and sniffed at the snow. It didn't smell like the white stuff on earth, Vaytoc, though.

Kevin left the cat to his explorations and carried Kolar up the steps to join Mira inside the chalet.

"Now, this is an upgrade! " She walked into one of the bedrooms. With a grin, she said, "This looks like our room," Then she looked into the next bedroom. "Perfect for Kolar." It even had toys. She walked into the closet and raised an eyebrow. "When they said it was move in ready, they were serious. They have clothing for Kolar. In his size!"
The caretaker she had talked to said not to worry about a thing he would 'handle every thing' but this was amazing.

Mira pulled down the blankets down so Kevin could put Kolar to bed, and then she covered him up to keep him warm. Vaytoc just settled himself on the end of the bed. Mira grinned. "You want a blanket to? Vaytoc didn't even look at her he just lifted one side of his lip. "That would be a no." she said with a grin.

Peeking back into the main bedroom, Mira shook her head. "They even have clothing here in." They were the correct size, too.

Entering into the huge living room. Mira walked to the fireplace. "I wonder how you start the fireplace?" There didn't seem a way to add wood or a button. Just as she asked the question, the fireplace sprung to life, burning brightly and giving off heat to take the chill out of the room. "Nice voice activated. I think all we need from the craft is my main bag and whatever you want. It looks like anything we need for Kolar is here already and much warmer than the things the ship sent down. There is even clothing for us."

The kitchen was high-tech and white with a full cooling unit of food. Mira had no idea what kind of food was in there, but if the lunch they had was any indication. They would be awesome.

Putting a mug under the dispenser, Mira said, "Coffee black." it started pouring that looked and smelled like coffee. She grinned it was almost like having a replicator. Putting in another mug, she said, "Coffee, cream, and sugar."

Kevin smiled as he walked back in their very winterized home . I secured the transport, and the storm they told us about might be hitting early, then we planned."

After sipping her coffee, she grinned. "fireplace is on we got food and each other. It can storm all it wants to. There are a lot of choices for meals in the cooling unit, but some of it I am not sure what it is. I'll have to run it through the UT to see what some of it is stuff is." she hadn't had time to become fluent in their language yet. " looks light freeze dried food. I think this one is chili, and this would be cornbread. How does that sound?"

After a lunch that had been amazing and extremely easy to make. Mira was standing at the large window, watching the snow fall outside. It was quite beautiful, but she was happy to be inside and not out in this storm.

"Mama?" Kolar walked out of his room with his teddy bear Blu in one arm, and he rubbed his sleepy eyes with the other hand. Vaytoc was trailing him.

"I am right here, little man." Mira smiled, moving from the window to pick him up. "Come and look at the snow. It's beautiful."

"snowman play," Kolar giggled. he pointed to the snow.

"Not right now, Kolar. When the snowstorm stops, then we will go out and play."

Kolar frowned, then looked outside again. "Snowman play."

Mira turned her head to see what he was looking at. "By all that was holy." There was moving snowmen outside, and they did look like they were playing. "Kevin!" she called out a little alarmed.

Walking out of the next room, Kevin smiled at seeing his son awake. "Hey, cub."

He slipped his arms around his family.

Kolar grinned. "Snowman dance, dada."

"No, they don't cub. Snowmen are made of snow." Kevin's voice trailed off as he saw what they were watching.

Mira frowned, "should we be worried?" Then her eyes meet Kolar's."Did you want the snowmen to play?"
Kolar's little head nodded up and down as he grinned. "Play!"

Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris
Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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