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Posted on Wed Jul 31st, 2024 @ 12:55pm by Commander Kevin Lance & Captain Mira Rodale
Edited on on Wed Jul 31st, 2024 @ 12:58pm

Mission: Vacation on Amri V
Location: Amri V
Timeline: Current


{Amira V Cabin}

That morning had been the first time in longer than Mira could remember that she had slept in. Being held and warm, she just didn't want to get up. Of course, Kolar didn't let them stay in bed too late. She had made the mistake of telling Kolar about having pancakes, and he wanted them, plus the beasts they would be riding today.

{Amri V Wilderness}

Kevin and Mira were enjoying the warm mid-morning weather as they navigated the meadows and forests around their cabin. Riding the Camphi was not difficult as the creatures were generally docile, but Kevin had trouble at any speed above a fast walk. The description of the pastime had intrigued him when he was researching things to do in such a rural setting but he had no practical experience in it.

As a result, whenever the creature entered a trot, Kevin bounced along uncontrolled in the saddle. Tightening his legs on the mount only urged it to move faster, creating a dilemma between remaining on the Camphi and getting it to slow down or stop. It took no little effort to settle his mount, who gave Kevin several glances that seem somehow accusatory, into a gentle walk that allowed Kevin to maintain a modicum of dignity.

Mira had put Kolar in a backpack on her back and strapped him in. She wanted her hands free to try and control the Camphi. They seemed to have gotten a very docile one because at this time, it was going one speed slow. Kolar, of course, kept saying, "Faster, Mama, faster."

Mira chuckled. "That only works if I am running little man. We got an old grandma Camphi, and she likes her speed." Mira wasn't sure it was true or not, but it made sense.

Vaytoc was giving them a wide berth and keeping far way so the camphi kept calm.

“Help! Help!” a woman’s cries came from the woods across meadow. Kevin and Mira looked to the treeline. A humanoid with blond hair emerged fifty meters from where they were. With only a single glance towards Mira, Kevin tightened his thighs on the Camphi and urged it into a lope, headless of the danger he was putting himself in.

It was Zarah, the strange woman that they had met the day before while hiking. As Kevin neared, the reined the Camphi to a halt and dismounted in a manner that looked very much like falling off his mount. He landed on his feet, however, as the woman collapsed in his arms.

“They took him!” Zarah shrieked, “He’s gone!”

“Who?” Kevin asked, “Whose gone?”

“Daemund! They took my baby!”

Mira frowned, hearing the tail end that her child had been taken. Vaytoc was sure that none of them was real. what if he was wrong? "Who took him." Mira asked as she looked around, not seeing anything. Where was the humans husband?

Zarah's description of the four grey assailants dressed in green didn't match that of the planet's caretakers or another species that Kevin was familiar with. "Junis sent me to find help as he chased after them."

"Where did they go?" Kevin asked.

Zarah pointed towards the the cliffs that overlooked the lake. There were spelunking cave there according to the map. Kevin glanced at Vaytoc and then looked to Mira. "What do you want to do?"

Frowning, Mira slipped off the camphi. "Take my camphi back to the barn and get more help. We will follow your husband."

Zarah nodded. "I'll hold your son for you so he isn't in danger."

"No," Mira told her as she climbed up on Kevin's camphi. Waiting on Kevin to get on. "Vaytoc hunt," Mira called out.

There was no way she was leaving her son in anyone's hands.

Kevin looked troubled. He didn't want to take Kolar into an unknown and probably dangerous situation but he didn't trust Zarah. For all of the times that Zimia had been an unwelcome presence, she would have been invaluable now. "Maybe you should have Vaytoc take Kolar back to the cabin," he suggested. It wasn't the best idea but better than carrying their son into battle.

Mira frowned, looking at Vaytoc. "We could emergency beam him to the ship?" She frown as she slipped off the camphi. " I don't like this. It feels like a setup." She secured her baby carrier to Vaytoc's back. "You and Vaytoc are going on a little ride." She tapped her commbadge, "Rodale to Norris emergency beam Vaytoc and Kolar to the ship. I'll explain later."
Mira Rubbed Vaytoc's head. "Protect him, my friend." she bit her lip at they disappeared.

=/\= Aye Captain, we got them.=/\=

Swing back on the beast, Kevin took off.


Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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