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Dinner and a movie

Posted on Mon Jul 29th, 2024 @ 5:17pm by Commander Kevin Lance & Captain Mira Rodale
Edited on on Mon Jul 29th, 2024 @ 8:25pm

Mission: Vacation on Amri V
Location: Amar V, wilderness area
Timeline: Present

{Amira V}

Kolar proved he was a little monkey climbing up a rock wall, but Mira wouldn't let him go any higher, then Kevin's hands could hover around him. The tree had some problems with because of his height.

Later, while an exhausted Kolar napped next to Vaytoc, Mira and Kevin took turns freescaling a convenient cliff face. The workout felt good and Kevin barely noticed any residual pain from his leg injury.

They walked back to the cabin as the sun was dipping towards the horizon, talking about the other activities that the might participate in. It seemed as if they hadn't a care in the world.

{Back at the cabin}

"How does grilled steak and potatoes sound? I think it's beef?" Mira chuckled at the odd colored food.

"Oh yummy Mama." Kolar grinned. "Cook fire?" he asked, puzzled.

Mira tossed some logs under the grill, getting the temp she wanted "Yes food can be cooked on fire" Mira was pretty sure he was wondering why they didn't walk up to a wall and ask for food.

"Steak and potatoes sounds good," Kevin replied. "I will see if I can rustle up a salad."

Mira grinned, wondering what colors that would be. Tossing a piece of the meat to Vaytoc, he caught it and chewed, "So is that steak?"

As Vaytoc purred, Mira laughed, "So it is a steak! I knew it." They had scanned all the food to make sure it was safe to eat, but the colors were odd.

"I ook mama. I do, " Kolar told her .

"No way, little guy. Fire is for grown-ups. When you get as big as I am, then you can do it. You can help me with getting more wood."

Happy, he ran over to the wood pieces and started to drag a piece back. Well, that might keep him busy. For a short time.

By the time Kolar had dragged his third log from the pile of firewood, Kevin emerged with a large wooden bowl of blue leaves, two bottles of wine and a pair of glasses. "I doubt that this matches a Trill salad but at least the color is correct. And the liquor cabinet is well-stocked."

"I am sure it will be great. How do you want your steak ? " Mira asked.

"A little pink on the inside," Kevin replied.

Kolar plopped down on his butt with a little huff. "baff?" he asked hopefully.

Mira flipped the steak and rolled the potatoes. " Not know now we are making dinner. And you have to eat or no ice cream."

Kolar gave her a little pout. He wanted ice cream.

"Then, if you really have to, you can have another bath. "

Kolar nodded. "haft too, mama"

"Tha boy is going to turn into a raisin," Kevin quipped, "Blood Wine or Cabernet Sauvignon?"

"Cabernet Sauvignon? That sounds good. Steaks and potatoes are done. It took a little longer on the potatoes than I thought it would. "

Mira put the plates on the picnic table. Her hand went to Kolar’s forhead. "You feel a little warm. I think you might have overdid it on your first-time planet side." She squatted down to be eye level with him. " Are you feeling bad? Do I need to call K'ner to make you feel better, or do you just love the water?"

Kolar grinned and shook his head no. "wuv the water, Mama. No boo boos."

She smiled and picked him up to sit at the table. He wouldn't stay for long, but she kept trying. "If you eat all your food, you can have get ice cream." She took the glass of wine. Kevin handed her and took a sip. "Not bad." she was surprised.

Cutting up Kolar’s food into thin strips, she smiled at him. "Let me know if you need help."

He nodded happily. Mira turned her attention to cutting her own food. " With the weather the way it is, I think first thing after breakfast, we find the stables go for a ride, then spend the hot part of the day in the water."

"I like that plan," Kevin said, taking a swallow of wine, "I am enjoying the lack of commitments and not having to worry about anyone besides you and Kolar. I haven't heard from any of the crew. I suppose that is a good thing?"

Mira smiled. " It is nice . They would contact us if things went bad. So everyone is off having fun. "

Kevin gave Kolar a bite of the steak, then cut a piece for himself from his own plate. "Delicious," he pronounced, "I imagine that you had to do a lot of cooking over an open fire when you were marooned."

Mira nodded. " Plus, I had to hunt it, catch it, clean it, then cook it while these huge lizards were trying to eat me and my meal. "

Kolar looked up. "Eat you?" he looked worried.

Oops, she shouldn't have said that. "I had Vaytoc with me. He ate them." She gave Kolar a wink.

Kolar nodded. " he eat bad bads."

After taking a bit of salad and swallowing, Kevin asked, "I noticed when talking to Junis and Zarah on the trail you hesitated when describing our relationship. I couldn't come up with anything more accurate than lovers myself. Is that what we are? Do you conceive of a future where we are something more or less?"

Kevin looked at Mira intently, in the same way as he did when questioning a crewmember about there performance or a witness during an interrogation. Although the tone of his voice was friendly his expression was one of intense concentration as he awaited Mira's answer.

Mira finished chewing what she had put in her mouth. "I would like to spend the rest of my life with you. In whatever way I can. We have a son." Her hand caressed Kolar's little cheek. She couldn't believe how much she loved this little guy. Then her eyes met his again." I would accept whatever you're willing to give me, but in your own time, Kevin."

She gave him a soft smile. "I am not the type to demand or ask." She waved a hand to both her men. "I love you both."

Kevin looked into his wine glass as he swirled the red liquid around. "For so long," he mused, "I have felt unworthy of being loved. Oh, I have lusted, of course, but true love has always alluded me. I had despaired of ever being loved by any one. I give praise to Cochran that you should love me and I return that love to you ten times over."

Mira's heart just melted. She stood up quickly and came to Kevin's side of the table to hug him.

Kolar giggled "dada get hug. Me do. Me do"

"Come here cub," Kevin growled as he snatched a shrieking Kolar from his high chair and enfolded the boy in a giant bear hug.

It was remarkable how fully Q had replaced Rodriguez's DNA with Kevin's. It was impossible to tell that Kevin wasn't Kolar's biological father. But being a father, or mother for that matter, was more than just participating in the simple act of procreating. I was about being present, protecting and nurturing. Given what little he had shared about his childhood, it was astonishing that Kevin should fall so naturally into the role of being Kevin's father.

Mira's contenance must have turned serious because Kevin said, "A credit for your thoughts."

She gave him a smile. "I was thinking of how we should introduce ourselves when off duty. People always expect one thing and then misunderstand what we are to each other. We are a family. I don't like consort. That makes it sound like I am better than you, or I am more than I am. So that doesn't fit us at all."

"I agree," Kevin replied, "The unusual circumstances of Kolar’s birth lets others draw their own conclusions. I hate it when others, like M'Niras, try to pair you off against your will. I don't think I am ready for marriage but perhaps an engagement would make our situation much clearer and dissuade mischief-makers."

Mira nodded "fiance I believe I have heard humans say that before. Klingons might not understand it, but we don't live our lives for other people. You have my heart."

Kevin kissed Mira tenderly on the hand. "Fiancees it shall be, then," he said, "We will need to see about rings when we get back to Starbase 364 but right now we need to discuss a more important and controversial topic...What movie are we going to watch?"

Mira giggled then looked to Kolar what movie would get his attention?


Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck


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