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R and R the get away

Posted on Wed Jul 31st, 2024 @ 3:12pm by Captain Mira Rodale & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti

Mission: Vacation on Amri V
Location: Amar V, Center city
Timeline: Present


{Amir V Center city}

"OMG, this is amazing," Zimia told Awal and Dianna. "Look at all the shops and buildings. they are so tall. I want to see everything!"

Chin laughed. "I want to find a bar first."

Zimia looked annoyed at him and Rodriguez she hadn't forgotten that the last time she had gone out with them, she had been ditched. But karma had paid them back for her. Still, she wouldn't trust them again. "Yeah, you two do that. We are going to check into our rooms here first." she looked to Awal to make sure that was still the plan

Awal agreed, let's get unpacked
{Kanbu hotel}

It did take long to find their place, and the view from the living room window was breathtaking

"I can't believe we have rooms like these. Did you see the size of that pool on the ground floor. It's huge. What should we do first? Because I want to do everything." Zimia felt like a little kid that had eaten too much candy.

Awal put Venus down so she can explore the room, she quickly climbed up the bed and started jumping with joy.

Hey hey hey we don't jump honey said Awal. Let's see what they have to snack on and then we can go to the pool.

I hope Lance, Mira and Kolar are having fun he thought.

Kronnelti took Venus into the bathroom and changed her into a swimsuit with floaties, he sent her out. He remained in the bathroom and changed into swim shorts.

He came out, how do I look?

Great she said as Venus is adorable. Your turn to go get changed he said. We'll go to the pool together.

"YOU look amazing, Dianna," Zimia told her with a smile.

"You look fantastic, Zimia, and thank you," Dianna answered her.

Zimia had on a one-piece bathing suit in a multitude of colors and had wrapped a Sarong around her hips. "There are 5 restaurants in this hotel and 2 by the pool. With all this food around, we will not be starving. "

Zimia smiled at Awal. "You look fantastic, brother."

As they walked, Zimia noticed a lot of people had these head sets on half coving their eyes, and there were flashing lights. "That must be a game. Why on.....Amir V would you want to play a game when there is so much to see?" she asked Dianna.

Looking puzzled herself Dianna asked somebody that was walking by with a device on their face.

Excuse me what is that you are wearing?

The man looked like he could barely stop what he was doing to answer her, "a new game that a ship brought here a few days ago. They left some with the Toy Emporium next door."

Zimia raised an eyebrow at the happiness that came over the man's face when the lights blinked.

"Hmm, that is odd. Well, what's everyone in the mood for. Then she walked over to one of the signs "gyro oh that looks amazing," It was piled high with a very tender looking meat topped with blue lettuce and pink tomatoes. " she grinned,"or there is the pizza with pink sauce. " Looking around, she saw several other places to pick from, and the smells were amazing. There were also a lot of the people just sitting with that headset on.

Dianna and Kronnelti agreed to try a little bit of everything

"I like it!" She smiled at the Waitress who seated them. "We want to try a few different dishes, the Meat pizza, two of the gyros and the other three meals ah......: there was so much to choose from.

The Waitress smiled " I am called Josa. You want to try new things?" You could tell Josa had just learned their language and was trying hard to get it right. " How about the sea food platter and the carved meat platter? That comes with pocket beads and sauces to make your own meals, and both plates will fill the biggest of appetites. One platter feeds 4." She eyed the Klingon thinking he was a big eatter so they could use the extra food and what they didn't eat that huge cat of theirs would. " What would you like to drink?" the woman asked.

"The sweet mango tea for me." Zimia smiled.

Dianna and Awal asked for the same drink, a juice for Venus as well said Awal.

Everything smells delicious he said.

"It does. I can't wait for it to get here." Zimia started to say, then plates started to come out of the kitchen.

"I don't know what to pick first," Zimia said with a grin. Kronnelti started to dish food out to his wife and daughter, then add some to Zimia's plate.
"Everything is fantastic." She said between bites. It took a few moments before Zimia slowed down. "They have a few Zoo's on this world. Ones that animals at come from all over the galaxy."

Awal enjoyed his meal, Dianna was in heaven and Venus had sauce all over her face.

After dinner was done Awal paid for the meal he asked for some takeout shells to bring back as a surprise for Spike.

Zimia you said they got a couple of zoo's? Asked Dianna

Zimia nodded. "With animal from all over the galaxy. Dinner was amazing, thank you. " She smiled at Venus."Did love your food too?"

Venus giggled and nodded her head. "she definitely eats better than Kolar. That little guy can't sit still. " She grinned, " he is too much like his mom. She can never sit still either."

Zimia frowned as she had to walk around a woman just standing there with that headset on.

Might be a local said Awal. Before we go to the zoo let's stop back at our room and surprise Spike with a feast.

Dianna agreed and he'll be super excited too said Zimia.

"Yes, Spike will love it." Zimia told him. Zimia grinned

Eventually they returned back to their room, Awal gave Zimia the left overs to surprise Spike with.

Spike was happy to see them and excited to get food. "There you go, Spike. The Food is good here?" she chuckled.

"Ok, I am up for the pool or zoo." she grinned.

Venus do you want to go swimming or do you want to see some animals? asked Dianna

ammimals ammimals said Venus

"The Zoo it is!" Zimia nodded."They have animals I never even heard of. Things from Romulans, Vulcan, Qo’nos plus 30 other different worlds. This should be fun." Zimia was telling Venus as they left the room. Looking at a PADD to get information, Zimia said, "The closest one is in the ground floor and 4 blocks over"

Ammamals said Venus as Zimia carried her with Awal and Dianna right behind.

They arrived at the zoo and Awal got a wagon for Venus to sit in and enjoy the ride. Dianna told Zimia she could ride with Venus and describe all the different animals they see

Zimia laughed, and she got in with Venus. "Ok, sweetie. We are going to see the animals" Zimia put Venus on her lap.

Walking in the first group of animals are from earth.

Venus eyes went wide at how big the elephants and giraffes were

Zimia's eyes widened. "How did they get those animals from earth? This planet isn't even part of the Federation?"

Zimia told Venus all the different names, not that the young girl could remember them all, but maybe along with videos she might.

It says they were born here and their names are Sarah the giraffe and Peggy the elephant.

Awal kept pushing the wagon to the next exhibit of animals. The next few are from Romulan and klingon space.

"Oh Romulan animals, that's a Bloodwing, and that is a Fire spider. That is an eelsnake its a  venomous reptile. They are bad. ," After seeing many more animals from That planet, they arrived in the Klingon section,"that is a targ! " Zima laughed."So that's what Mira keeps calling people son of's when she gets angry!"

Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Ensign Zimia Mariten


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