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We Were on a Hike

Posted on Thu Jul 25th, 2024 @ 4:41am by Captain Mira Rodale & Commander Kevin Lance

Mission: Vacation on Amri V
Location: Amir V
Timeline: Current

{Amir V}

Lunch had turned out to be a qualified success. Kevin had learned some skills from the mess attendant/cook aboard the Dorcas James but hadn’t really needed to use any of those skills since entering the academy. That combined with the unfamiliarity of the foodstuffs in the pantry of their cabin had resulted in a meal that looked rather dubious despite its taste and nutrition.

The meal had finally consisted of something resembling a cheeseburger and fruit. Kevin had not been able to find anything that looked like it was a deep fryer some his original plan to French fry the local equivalent of a potato had gone awry. As it was, the buns were blue and the cheese green. The meat was a pale, almost white color in its raw state and cooked much faster than he had expected. The result was a slightly burnt, crispy shell that Bettilae would have call “Cajun-blackened” when served to the crew of the Dorcas James.

No one complained however. Mira was polite, Vaytoc consumed his portion with gusto, and Kolar was fascinated by the sandwich that looked like it was out of one of the books written by the Earth medical professional, Dr Suess.

{Amri V woodland district}

As they walked Mira took in the beauty of this strange world. The colors of everything was different but it was amazing. She had yet to see a bug or animal and she couldn't hear any birds. "Vaytoc are there any animals that you can feel?"

He cocked his head to the side for a moment then shook his head no. An image of the holodeck appeared in her mind. "No this is a world."

Mira had brought her travel pack with water a snack for Kolar , a backpack for him then he got tried and a first aid kit. Her blade was in its hoster on her hip.

"With all this wilderness I can't believe there aren't any animals." Mira told Kevin.

"That is odd," Kevin agreed, "Perhaps they removed all of the wildlife to prevent any unfortunate interactions?"

"Perhaps. That would be any amazing undertaking." Mira nodded.

"It's too bad," Kevin lamented, "I have been reading about horseback riding and was hoping to have a chance to try the local equivalent."

"HALLO," a male voice called from a distance.

Kevin and Mira looked in the direction of the voice. A pair of humanoids, a male and a female, were approaching them on the trail. And they were astride something that looked like horses but the neck was longer and the beasts had six legs each.

"Wow, what an amazing creature." Then she lowered her voice "and it showed up just when you wanted to see one too" Mira snagged Kolar and tosses him up in her shoulders to make sure he didn't run under the creatures legs."

Kevin stepped forward, placing himself between Mira and the strangers. "Good Afternoon," he shouted back in a friendly manner.

The two riders slowly plodded forward on their mounts. They moved with a subtle ease that held no evidences of ill-intent. Still, Kevin's eyes darted back and forth between the two, searching for any suspicious movement or concealed items.

As the riders approached, Kevin and Mira could better make out the couple's features. The male was a Trill, with dark eyes and black hair pulled back into a short pony tail. The woman was human, with green eyes and long red hair in two pigtails that draped over her shoulders and down the front of her chest. Seated on the saddle in front of her was a child about Kolar's age with an unruly mop of auburn hair. He had spots but they were not as pronounced as Kolar's.

"Greetings," the male said in a warm tone as he stopped his mount a respectful distance from Kevin, "I am Junis Ben. My wife Zarah and our son, Daemund." The woman name Zarah smiled and nodded toward Kevin and Mira.

"Pleasure to meet you," Kevin replied, "I am Kevin Lance."

"I am Mira Rodale," Mire introduced herself as she stepped forward to stand next to Kevin, "and this little monkey is our son, Kolar. Grow old in wisdom. " She gave the standard Trill greeting. Only the male didn't respond.

"We had no idea that another family was in this area," Zarah stated.

Kolar stared at the beasts with unalloyed fascination. "wide?" he asked.

Mira shook her head no. " No You are riding, and you rode Vaytoc a few minutes ago. " Mira's eyes went to Vaytoc all she got from him was puzzlement. She move her hand to have Vaytoc move next to her. Mira brushed her hand over Vaytoc's head. He was tense as he watched them.

At that point Mira was waiting to see if there was another Tuok from Pydrian III coming up to join them. Almost an impossibly since the mated pairs were all relocate to Vulcan. The others had all died.

Kevin detected the subtle tension in Mira's stance and face. "We only just arrived," he stated, "and are as surprised as you are. Where did you get the...horses?"

"The locals call them Camphi," Junis offered, pointing off in the distance, "There is a stable on the far side of the lake."

"Curious that they are the only creatures that we have encountered," Kevin declared.

"Isn't it though," Junis smiled enigmatically, "There aren't any higher animal lifeforms on Amir V. They all died out in prehistory, an evolutionary dead-end as it were. These creatures, I am told, are a transplant from another world by the planet's caretakers. As are all of the animals, even the fish in the lake."

"I had thought something like that might have happened when we hadn't run into any animals or even bugs." She gave a smile to be polite. " That information wasn't given to my ship," or she would have made sure to scan the planet to be safe instead of trusting the other two ships to do thier job before clearing this world.

"We haven't seen any other Federation member races during our stay," Zarah told Mira, "Family time is wonderful but we are missing adult company. Would you like to come over for dinner?"

Mira tensed up. There was no way she was bringing Kolar into a house with beings Vaytoc couldn't sense. "I promised all my time to my ..." her mind went blank on what to call Kevin. They weren't married. They hadn't even talked about getting engaged, yet they had a son. "Love." Well, he was that. She looked to Kevin to see how he wanted to handle this.

"Daemund has been a little lonely," Zarah confessed, "I think that he would enjoy a playmate his own age."

Oh guilting me into some that might endangered my son would never work Mira thought.

Kevin looked with concern at Mira. "We just arrived," he said, "and I think that we are wanting a quiet night as just a family."

"Oh," Zarah replied crestfallen, "I understand."

"Well, it seems that we have accidently intruded on your peace," Junis continued, "A pleasant afternoon to you both." He clicked at the Camphi and steered the animal past Kevin and Mira, giving them a wide berth. Zarah follow his path then the three departed riding abreast.

"Vaytoc couldn't sense them. When I said the standard greeting to another Trill, he acted like he didn't know what I had said. This place is beautiful but we have a mystery on our hands. " Mira adjusted her ponytail from Kolar, messing with it.

"Story of our lives," Kevin grumbled. They walked on in silence for a moment, then he continued, "I don't really understand Vaytoc's whole thing but I trust you. And their was something off about the couple."

"What do you mean," Mira asked.

"I am not overly familiar with Trills...excepting one Trill in particular," Kevin said giving Mira a significant look. She blushed and looked towards the ground. "But their facial expressions and gestures just didn't...feel quite right. Like they had been raised outside of Trill and Human society."

Mira thought about it." Well, they are either not who they appear to be or....." She frowned, not liking this idea at all but said it."Maybe what killed all the animals also damaged or killed the people here. Maybe they not only transplanted the animals but people as well.

"That sounds really complicated," Kevin answered.

"Mama, I be good. I want play." Kolar told her.

Grinned Mira swung him off her shoulders, then placed him on his feet. "You were very good while Mama and Dada talked, thank you. I have a treat for you." Before Mira could pull out a piece of fruit.

He quickly said. "Ice cream?" The hopeful look on his face got her.

" Well, we didn't bring any, but maybe I can ask the ship to beam us down some later after dinner. How about we try climbing a rock face or tree?"

He looked sad but nodded.

Mira looked up at Kevin. "So tomorrow do you want to see about renting one of those creatures?"

An infectious grin covered Kevin's face, "Indeed I do."


Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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