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The start of the guys vacation

Posted on Fri Jul 26th, 2024 @ 11:33pm by Ensign Sato Chin & Ensign Diego Rodriguez

Mission: Vacation on Amri V
Location: Amar V, Center city
Timeline: Present


{Center City bar and grill, Amir V}

"Oh wow, look at all the beautiful woman!" Rodriguez laughed.
Chin just rolled his eyes. "I want that sandwich. We are not getting into trouble like we did on Risa."

Rodriguez shrugged. "We didn't get into that much trouble. We have the sweetest captain in the galaxy."

Chin frowned. "True, but we now have an XO that is in charge of discipline and that guy can't be talked out of anything. He also doesn't like you too much."
Rodriguez rolled his eyes. "I thought it was a dream. If you had Mira in a dream, you wouldn't turn her down either."

Chin cleared his throat, "That dream resulted in a baby. Kolar? remember him?"

Rodriguez frowned. "Yeah. Do you think if I had said I wanted to be a Dad, that I would be XO now?"

Chin punched him in the arm. "No! you are too much of a player. Mira would have tossed you out the airlock." He shook his head. "Food then drinks. The hotel is our next stop. I want to change out of this uniform."

Rodriguez frowned. "The uniform gets chicks."

Walking in, they found a table and took the seats. It would seem most of the people had headsets on. "What do you think that does?" Chin asked.

Rodriguez smiled at the waitress. "Two of those sandwiches." He pointed to the next table, "and two beers. Where can we get one of those headsets?"

The Waitress had been all smiles until he asked that question. "They are being sold in the Toy Emporium. "

Rodriguez snaps his fingers, "I saw that place when we were walking here. I thought it odd to have a big Toy store when there weren't any kids around. I'll go get one while you wait for the food." Before Chin could say anything, he was up and out the door.

Chin rolled his eyes. "Great. we haven't even been here an hour, and he is breaking the Captain’s rule about staying together.

The food came quickly, and he bit into his sandwich. Oh, the meat just melted in your mouth. "This is amazing." The waitress smiled. "Did your friend leave you?"

Chin grinned. "He went to get one of those headsets."

She frowned. "They have only been here 5 days, and already people have changed."

Chin raised an eyebrow. "How so?"

All they do is look into those things and find pleasure there. Life has more pleasure to offer. That game is just... I don't know what it is. But be careful with it." she smiled then left to get drinks for another table

Chin nodded looking around. The expression on the people when the lights lit was… Well it was like something you do behind closed doors.

"Got one!" Rodriguez laughed as he set down, opening the box. "It's a game. It must be really good to have that many people playing it. "

"I am not sure we should play it." Chin started to say but Rodriguez had it on and was sighing in some happy zone. He ate his sandwich then asked Rodriguez if he was going to eat the other half of his sandwich that he left. Rodriguez just pushed the plate to him.

"Almost got to the next level. Ah yes." Rodriguez mumbled while Chin frowned.

"Ok. Let's find our rooms. He pulled Rodriguez out of the chair, paid for the food, then led him to the hotel. All while rolling his eyes because Rodriguez wouldn't stop playing the game.

{Kanbu hotel}

"Wow the rooms are amazing! I wonder what the higher ranking officers got?" Chin asked but Rodriguez was just playing that game. “Either change into swim shorts or go as you are I want to go to the pool."

When Chin came back in the room Rodriguez was just sitting there. So he dragged him to the pool found a shady spot and left him there as he dived into the pool.

Amy, one of the other comm officers on the USS Chuck Norris, swam over to him. "That game got Rodriguez too? It has Darcy and Mitch too. All they want to do is play it. I want to have fun."

Chin nodded that was what he wanted. "Ok. After let's group them together, then we will let the Norris know to assign us together and we will explore the city. They can sit and play their game."
Amy laughed but nodded her consent. Chin was a good friend and she wanted to explore.

Ensign Diego Rodriguez
Operations Officer
Ensign Sato Chin
Operations Officer


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