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Now? Really?

Posted on Mon Jul 8th, 2024 @ 12:29pm by Commander Kevin Lance & Lieutenant Lucian Almeida

Mission: Cat in the box
Location: Romulan Base
Timeline: Before At the End of the Day...

{Romulan Base, Diplomatic Dining Area}

Kevin was cramming down lunch after having questioned the kitchen staff about how icoberries had gotten into the meal that Captain Rodale consumed. That activity had taken most of the time allotted for the midday meal and now he had only minutes before he needed to be back in the meeting of military attaches.

Crus, the Federation Ambassador's aide, approached him as he crewed on a sandwich made of some kind of Romulan meat, accompanied by a tall, human male dressed in science blue. "Lieutenant Commander Lance," Crus spoke without waiting for Kevin to finish, "May I introduce Lieutenant Lucian Almeida?"

“Doctor Almeida,” Luke was quick to correct the aide. He’d never liked having his rank announced ahead of his name. As far as he was concerned he was a doctor first, a Starfleet officer second. “A pleasure to meet you, sir. I’ve just been posted to the Chuck Norris after spending the last few years on the Coolidge under Captain T’Prek.”

"The doctor was temporarily assigned to the diplomatic mission until the end of the conference at which time the transfer to the Chuck Norris would be official," Crus explained, "The recent attack on Captain Rodale convinced the Ambassador that he should release Doctor Almeida now to attend her."

That's damned convenient, Kevin thought, and a perfect excuse for M'Niras to plant a spy aboard our ship. He wiped his mouth with a napkin and observed, "We already have a medical officer and I wouldn't want to deprive the mission of its doctor."

"Nonsense," Crus objected, "Doctor Almeida comes highly recommended. The Ambassador is insistent that his former ward have the best of care."

Kevin scoffed. M'Niras didn't care one wit for Mira's well-being.

Luke frowned slightly. He wasn’t sure why Lance was pushing back so hard against his appointment. He was a perfectly capable physician, and a very experienced one at that. Any ship would be lucky to have him as part of their crew. He wasn’t there to ruffle feathers.

"The orders posting Doctor Almeida to the Chuck Norris have been signed by Fleet Admiral Proll," Crus said presenting the electronic document on his PADD.

Kevin had no idea how M'Niras had secured the Admiral's signature so quickly but it was there. And the confirmation code matched. Kevin sighed. He knew there was nothing else that he could do to keep this doctor off the ship. Maybe he could get Montgomery to keep him away from Mira until this whole thing was over and Kevin had a chance to proper vet the Assistant CMO.

"Welcome aboard, Doctor," Kevin said with a sigh.

Luke nodded, and hoped the rest of the crew would be slightly more welcoming.


Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Dr (Lt.) Lucian ‘Luke’ Almeida
Asst. Chief Medical Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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