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What was that?

Posted on Mon Jul 8th, 2024 @ 12:41pm by Captain Mira Rodale & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti & Lieutenant Betaras K'ner
Edited on on Mon Jul 8th, 2024 @ 12:43pm

Mission: Cat in the box
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present


{USS Chuck Norris, Bridge}

Ensign Chin frowned, then turned around to look at Montgomery. "Sir, a box of what looks like chocolate and flowers set over from the base. For Captain Rodale."

Montgomery chuckled, "Lance doesn't miss a trick to be charming."

"Understood." Chin frowned. “Sir, it was sent to the transporter room for delivery, and there was no record of it being sent through normal channels.”

Montgomery stiffened. "Has it beamed over yet?"

"Sir, it is in the transporter buffer. The chief is running it though filters."

Montgomery nodded. "What can he pick up?"

Chin raised an eyebrow as he listened, "The Chocolate is. Damn it!" he cursed. "Chocolate covered icoberries."

Montgomery nodded. "Have them beamed into space they are not from Lance, and I doubt she would want the flowers if they weren’t from him."

Chin gave the order, and a small explosion could be heard off the ship's port. His eyes widened. "the chief said he had been concentrating on the candy more than the flowers, sir. he apologized."

Montgomery started to count on his fingers by the time he got to four, Mira was walking in the door. “What the hell was that?” she asked concerned.

lt. commander Montgomery thought about lying, but..... "Chocolate covered icoberries and flowers that came with a bang." He told her.

Mira raised an eyebrow. "I see." Her finger tips rubbed her chin.... She looked like she was going to say more, but then she realized she was in her PJs. The darn pink ones her yeoman had insisted on her wearing. Mira gave a tight smile “Looks like you have everything under control “ and she said then left the room shaking her head.
Mira got back in her quarters with a sigh. "I guess Zimia took Kolar?" She asked Vaytoc. The huge cat rolled over on his back like he didn't have a care in the world. That would mean yes. Otherwise, Kolar wouldn't have left. She curled up under the blanket as she stroked his fur, wondering if I she should go back to bed again or start reading reports.
That was her last thought before sleep took her again.

{ Romulan Starbase }

After hearing about the "chocolate & flowers" Awal decided to pay M'Niras a visit.

Kronnelti had left for the ambassadors chambers to talk with M'Niras and find out who laced the captains dinner and who sent the chocolates.

{ Haz Team Barracks }

K'ner opened her eyes, looking around the room, but not really seeing anything but something had woken her up. The stream of data on her retinal HUD though, that's what she was really paying more attention to.

Security reports came through... explosion... dangerous explosive ordnance in transport... items intended for Capt Rodale but no sender...

K'ner's jaw rippled slightly as she tensed. She wanted to get a team over to the starbase asap but her heavy-handedness wouldn't be welcome, nor would it prove fruitful in the end. She put a note to Peke and Korra to see what logs they could get a peek at as the regular security team responsible followed up on the dangerous delivery.

Taking a deep breath she exhaled slowly, modifying her heart rates, one, then the other. She flexed through a few isometric exercises and pulled up her new ACMO's jacket again. Seemed like a real 'above and beyond' go-getter. This was gonna be one to watch and see if he was a political, or as dedicated as his bio seemed to indicate. His lack of promotion in the timeframe seemed odd, but she herself had resisted advancement so she could understand it.. if that's what it was.

If it was the former, she would make sure her team wouldn't get any backlash from any shenanigans from a poser. If it's the latter, she hoped she had someone she could count on to take care of medical when she was otherwise occupied, which seemed to be as often as not lately. Not to mention if he's as competent as his skills base would seem, he would be highly welcome on the medical team, especially with their adventures of late...

'hmm... Almeida, Lucian... Luke... What kind of trauma experience does he have,' she thought to herself, sending in a request for more info from SFI as she paged through the details again.

{M'Niras quarters}

Nothing was going right. The door chimed "WHAT?" He yelled.

LT. Kronnelti walked in.

M'Niras stood up, what are you doing here?

Kronnelti not having any of it told him to sit down.

I want to know who poisoned Captain Rhodale's dinner with icoberries & who sent chocolates laced with icoberries and flowers that was set to detonate in her quarters? demanded Awal.

& let me say this....If I don't get answers I will find out who did & I will bring them in to the federation!! NOW START TALKING
M'Niras frowned "what are you talking about? I wouldn't kill that girl I spent 9 years trying to train her to survive. I NEED her here to help with the Gorn


Lt Betaras K'ner
Hazard Team Medic TL-B / CMO
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security & tactical
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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