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Sun Jul 14th, 2024 @ 4:30pm

Lieutenant Lucian Almeida

Name Lucian ‘Luke’ Almeida

Position Assistant Chief Medical Officer

Second Position Combat Medic

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 38

Physical Appearance

Height 6’3”
Weight 210 lbs
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Almeida is physically imposing. Standing at a tall 6’3”, he towers above most crew members. Despite his best efforts to smile and to become more personable, he tends to keep a stern and professional exterior.


Father Elizabeth Almeida
Mother Thomas Almeida
Sister(s) Arya Almeida

Personality & Traits

General Overview Dr. Lucian “Luke” Almeida is a distinguished Starfleet doctor, renowned for his unwavering commitment to the principles and ideals of Starfleet. At 38 years old, he stands tall at 6'3" with a fit physique, weighing in at 210 pounds. His dark brown hair complements his strong, confident demeanor.
As a dedicated member of Starfleet, Dr. Almeida embodies the spirit of heroism and bravery. With a passion for exploring the unknown and a steadfast determination to protect the lives of his crewmates, he is widely respected by his peers. Dr. Almeida consistently demonstrates an unwavering commitment to the greater good, never shying away from challenges or difficult decisions.
Throughout his Starfleet career, Dr. Almeida has earned numerous accolades for his exceptional medical expertise and his steadfast devotion to duty. His willingness to go above and beyond the call of duty has cemented his status as a highly regarded member of Starfleet, and his selfless acts of courage serve as an inspiration to all those who serve alongside him.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:

Expert Medical Knowledge: Starfleet doctors possess advanced medical training, allowing them to diagnose and treat a wide range of health issues for various species.
Adaptability: They are highly adaptable, quickly adjusting to new situations and alien environments, often finding innovative solutions to complex medical challenges.
Empathy: Starfleet doctors are known for their compassionate approach to patient care, empathizing with patients' needs and providing emotional support.
Leadership: As members of Starfleet, they demonstrate strong leadership skills and can effectively manage medical teams during crisis situations.
Interpersonal Skills: Their strong interpersonal skills enable them to communicate clearly and build trust with patients and colleagues alike.


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That's a complex question. On the one hand, Star Trek has always been known for its progressive values and social commentary. From the original series' groundbreaking portrayal of a diverse crew in the 1960s to the newer shows' exploration of LGBTQ+ representation and disability rights, Star Trek has often been at the forefront of social issues. In that sense, it's not surprising that some people might see the franchise as "woke" in the modern sense of the word.
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Ambitions He has a wide range of ambitions and goals. His primary focus is to be the best doctor he can be, dedicating himself to the principles of Starfleet and the well-being of all those under his care. Dr. Almeida firmly believes in the ethical obligation to serve all and do no harm, guiding his practice as a physician.
In addition to his medical aspirations, Dr. Almeida harbors a desire to one day become a starship captain. He recognizes the importance of strong leadership in Starfleet and aspires to lead a crew with wisdom, courage, and compassion. Through his relentless pursuit of excellence in both medicine and command, Dr. Almeida hopes to make a significant impact on the galaxy and embody the highest ideals of Starfleet.
As he continues to serve aboard various starships, Dr. Almeida's reputation as a skilled doctor and a brave officer continues to grow, bringing him one step closer to realizing his dreams of becoming a captain and leaving a lasting legacy in Starfleet.
Hobbies & Interests TBC

Personal History Dr. Lucian “Luke” Almeida was born in 2348 in London, UK, Earth, to two highly respected doctors, Dr. Elizabeth and Dr. Thomas Almeida. From a young age, Luke was inspired by his parents' dedication to medicine and their commitment to helping others. As the older sibling, Luke developed a strong bond with his sister Arya, who is four years younger than him.

Following in his parents' footsteps, Luke pursued a career in medicine and joined Starfleet Academy in 2371. After graduating with honors, he was assigned to the USS Detroit as a medical officer. During his five years aboard the Detroit, Luke proved to be a skilled physician and earned the respect of his colleagues and commanding officers.

In 2383, Luke was transferred to the USS Coolidge, where he continued to excel as a medical officer and developed a keen interest in climbing and cycling. Two years later, he joined the crew of the USS Chuck Norris as the Assistant Chief Medical Officer. Throughout his service on these starships, Luke has demonstrated a deep commitment to his patients and a passion for exploring new medical frontiers.

Alongside his career ambitions, Luke is also an avid fan of holonovels and spends his leisure time immersed in these interactive stories. Although he has yet to start a family of his own, Luke is open to the idea of finding a partner and having children in the future. His ultimate goal is to climb the ranks within Starfleet and one day command his own starship, using his medical expertise and leadership skills to serve the Federation and explore the unknown reaches of the galaxy.