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1st birthday

Posted on Mon Jul 8th, 2024 @ 4:30am by Crewman Dianna Kronnelti & Ensign Zimia Mariten

Mission: Cat in the box
Location: Chuck Norris
Timeline: Current

While Awal is out on duty with Mira and Kevin, Dianna wants to throw a 1st birthday for Venus.

She has been on the padd writing a list of what to get but unsure of anything so she takes Venus and Spike to visit Zimia, Kolar and Vay'toc.

Dianna chimes to let Zimia know somebody is outside.

Zimia had just walked out of Mira’s room when the door chimed. "I was just going to take Kolar down to the briefing room to play." She stepped out of the room and let the door close behind her. "Mira got poisoned with a berry she isn't to have icoberries? I never heard of them before, but now I have to make sure Kolar doesn't get any. "

I hope she will recover from whatever happened said Dianna.

who got Mira to Sickbay?

Zimia smiled. "I believe it was Awal," Zimia said as they entered the briefing room. Zimia put Kolar down to run around the table to his toys. "Awal and Lance both told her they didn't want her on the base until it was safe..... I am surprised she let them or that she did it. " Zimia gave a little shrug as she took a seat.

His job never ends she chuckles. So I wanted to throw an early 1st birthday for Venus as Awal is busy working said Dianna.

Venus kept up with Kolar running around the room both laughing and giggling.

There was a small explosion that had Zimia cocking her head listening for one of the alerts to go off. When it didn't, she shrugged and went back to her covertation. "Isn't she what 7 months now? "Zimia asked." Both kids are getting too big too fast. I can't keep track. " Zimia told her with a laugh."Venus was barely in the crawling stage, and now she walking! Well, more running after Kolar. "

Dianna didn't worry about the explosion as she knew if an alarm went off it's not good.

Yea she's growing too quick but I'm doing this now so when she does turn 1 I want her father to be here to see how much she's grown.

Do you have any ideas for the early party? She asked

Zimia smiled. "I love parties. We should have one every month and take photo memories of them both. We need ice cream, cake, lots of food and toys!"

Dianna got an idea, she goes up to the replicator and asked for chocolate ice cream cake.

It appears and she puts it on the table, Venus, Kolar come see what we got. she said

They both stopped running and got lifted up onto the chairs. Dianna cut a small piece of ice cream cake for the kids and a decent size for the adults.

Zimia I've never had this so let's indulge."Oh, this is amazing." Zimia said after tasting it.

Kolar grinned. "Mmm yummy. my cold stuff."

Zimia rolled her eyes as him saying my....That was how he made it clear he wanted it.

Venus took a bite from her mommy and gibberish came out as HIja' ( yummy )

Dianna was shocked trying to figure out what was said. She looked at Zimia in confusion.

Zimia laughed, "she said, ' yummy". You are going to have to learn Klingon Dianna. For Kolar Trill seems easy to him, then Klingon, but Mira wants him to learn federation standard he is doing very well at it."

The reality that Venus is already learning to talk in Klingon sets in and she had to sit down. Do we have any good ways to learn Klingon? asked Dianna

Also what's federation standard?
Zimia smiled "human. It's become federation standard you speak it. As to learning Klingon the computer has programs and I'll help"

Thank you Zimia, I'll need all the help I can get with learning klingon.

Ensign Zimia Mariten


Dianna Kronnelti
Wife & mother


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