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Let's get this party started.

Posted on Sun Jul 7th, 2024 @ 3:57am by Captain Mira Rodale & Commander Kevin Lance & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti
Edited on on Thu Aug 1st, 2024 @ 2:37am

Mission: Cat in the box
Location: Romulan base station
Timeline: Present

{Romulan space station, guest quarters }

The next morning, Mira looked around with a frown. "My commbadge was on my suit when I hung it up last night."

D'klala nodded "Clearly it's not now."

Jackson looked at the tricorder "Captain, you can stop looking for it. It's not in your quarters. The Norris has it on the base still but it’s on deck 5."

"I wasn't on deck 5. I don't even know what is on deck 5." Mira told him.

Centurion Kocas frowned. "It's the deck the Gorn are on."

Mira raised an eyebrow. " Well, the only time I ran unto them was at the dinner the other night. It doesn't make any sense. I had it afterwards. "

D'klala frowned. "We either go get it or send a message and have it overloaded."

Mira nodded. If they had been on a fleet base, she would just go get it..... Her eyes met Jackson’s. "Overload it and have them send me another one after morning meetings. I'll be with all of you, so that should be ok."

"Where is Commander Lance?" Jackson asked her.

Mira waved a hand. "He and Kronnelti had a few things to handle before breakfast. "

"Klarr will be meeting you at breakfast." D’klala told her. Mira nodded as she slipped her Klingon Baldric over her uniform but said nothing. This should be an interesting meal she thought.

{Dinning hall}

Mira got a plate and put eggs, bacon, and fruit on it. She added a raktajino and took a seat next to Kronnelti. "Sorry I am late, I couldn't find my commbadge."

Kronnelti leaned forward to look at her. "Did you scan for it?"

Mira smiled it would seem Kronnelti trained his people well because she hadn’t thought to. Mira nodded. "Jackson did. Seems, some how, it got off my suit after I was in my assigned quarters. It then walked it's self to deck 5. Same deck the Gorn are on."

Kronnelti snorted “not likely. I’ll go and get it.”

Mira shook her head no “I already had the Norris destroy it. Whatever game someone is playing . I am not playing along.

Klarr smiled as he took a seat next to them. “food could be better but at least we were well fed last night.”

Kevin entered the dining hall and immediately spotted Mira. He gave her a big smile and a conspiratorial wink. Mira heartbeat accelerated and she flushed slightly. She dropped her head and smiled happily.

"Lady, is everything alright?" Klarr asked with concern.

"Yes," Mira's replied, her eyes darting towards Kevin, "Everything is very, VERY alright."

M'Niras walked in looking like he wanted to kill someone or something. Mira wasn't sure who his anger was directed at, so she kept her head down and ate her food. "Well, look who decided to show up." his voice had a snarl to it.

When no one replied, she looked over her shoulder to see....oh yeah, he was talking to her. "Much better, Ambassador." Funny thing was after what happened with Saeihr Mira had wanted to run right back to ship and hide. But this morning, it did seem better.

He snarled again. Ambassador Klarr was out of his seat, and a fist landed so hard on M'Niras face that he landed on the ground with a thud.

Mira went to stand up, but Kronnelti's hand on her arm stopped her. He gave her a slight shank of his head. Mira sat back down. Ok, what was up now, she thought?

Klarr and M'Niras' voices were more growling than talking, so the commbadge weren't translating the Klingon language very well, but Mira understood everything.

She swallowed hard... this was over her ? She bit her lip as Klarr growled. "If you ever try to dishonor a klingon house again, I will rip your worthless hide apart and feed you to my targs."

M'Niras eyes flicked to hers then back to Klarr. He nodded.

Had Klarr heard about Saeihr? But how? she thought. D'klala looked entirely to smug. Yeah the woman had told the one man that was equally as powerful as M'Niras. Two Klingon males joined D'klala both grasping her arms a warrior greetings

Klarr righted his chair and nodded for Kevin to sit next to Mira. While Klarr took the seat across from her along with the Captain of the ship he arrive in. What was his name again? Captain K'klun? yes that was it. He took the seat across from Kronnelti and nodded respectful to him. "While D'klala rests her brother Rarrd and cousin Tralac both of house Rasmehlier will be your honor guards. If I had known there were problems I would of had my XO with you as well. Your pardon my Lady."

Mira smiled "I had no idea there would be ...problems but thank you. " Mira left it at that while Kevin took his seat.

Crus walked up to them "you have a new assignment You will be an assigned attache to the Gorn delegation."

Before Mira could respond there was six male "no" said at the same time. Mira glanced around at the frowns directed at Crus.

Klarr said through clenched teeth "she was assigned to me...I do not release her. Now go."

"CAPTAIN Rodale," Crus emphasized with a hiss, "is here as a Star Fleet Officer under the direction of the Federation Ambassador, not a Klingon responsible to the High Council. It is Ambassador M'Niras' privilege to assign Federation personnel on this mission as he sees fit! And even if he didn't, YOU lack the authority to order the Lady Rasmehlier about!"

This last point gave Klarr pause. He was the Klingon Ambassador, appointed by the High Chancellor with broad powers and authority. But it did not extend to giving orders to the leader of a Great House. It was a dishonorable presumption and subjected him to a potential challenge should Lady Rasmehlier desire satisfaction. Recovering himself, he turned to Mira an spoke in a more humble manner, "Lady, I request you do me the very great honor of remaining as the Federation liaison to the Klingon diplomatic mission."

Before she could respond, Crus interjected, "Do not be dejected Ambassador Klarr. The liaison will be a representative of House Rasmehlier but it will not be the Lady but her consort, Lieutenant Commander Lance."

Kevin let out an exasperated breath while shaking his head and raising his eyes to the ceiling in a silent plea for Cochrane to give him strength. There was no way he was going to be the Klingon's pacifier.

Klarr growled " You may have the authority to order A Federation Captain about in the name of a Federation Ambassador but I do have the authority to protect a lady of Klingon house. I will be talking to Martok about this. Her house and mine have always had an understanding of that. I find it interesting that after that fur ball insults the Lady Rasmehlier, you are eager to toss her as fresh meat to the Gorn. Tell me, do you have plans of having her carried in thier room on a plate as well?"

Mira winced at that image. What the hell was going on? She was assigned to the Klingons because they might listen to her. The Gorns had no reason to talk to her.

Captain K'klun launched himself at Crus in a full blown fight. Mira cursed then coughed. Her throat felt odd. Come to think off it her lips tingled and her spots were itching..... Mira looked down at her food she didn't see any icoberries. She coughed again as it got worse. It was getting hard to breathe.

Concerned Awal took Mira away from the table. You need to go see the Dr right now he said.

=/\= lieutenant Kronnelti to chuck Norris, I need the captain beamed to sick bay stat =/\=

=/\= understood lieutenant =/\=

Kevin and I will handle everything from here until you are better said Kronnelti.

As Mira was sent to sickbay Awal sat down next to Kevin and let him know the captain is in sickbay on the Norris, she's having trouble breathing.

after all the arguing stopped M'Niras saw Mira was gone and started yelling at both Kevin & Kronnelti.

What excuse has she made up this time M'Niras asked, Awal stated he saw that she was having trouble breathing and grabbing at her throat.

M'Niras interrupted the Lieutenant stating that it's a bullshit excuse and it doesn't matter what her condition is.

Hearing that set Awal off, Kevin knew not to get on the Klingons bad side.

Standing up Kronnelti started yelling back at him in Klingon, ('e' yIQoychu'meH, qengtaHbogh ghotpu', vIHbe'chugh, vaj ngoDvam vIQoypu' 'e' vI'Iprup. )

Captain Rodale has a perfectly good excuse to leave this table, if her life is in danger I personaly will see to it that she gets treated before she returnes back to her duties.

He said it with such authority that M'Niras sat back down keeping his mouth shut!

{USS Chuck Norris, Sickbay}

Mira looked up at the nurse and coughed again her hand going to her throat. It now felt like it was closing on her. She was fighting not to panic but air was getting really hard to get in her starving lungs.

The nurse tapped her commbadge "Doctor we have an emergency"

Mira laid back on the table M'Niras was going to sware she did this on purpose. there had to be icoberries in the fruit mix unless she was allergic to something else or poisoned. No way would they poison her. alot of Trills were allergic to icoberries all in different degrees of course.

The door to the sickbay opened and Kevin walked in with a coffee mug and a half eaten plate of food. He walked over to the nurse who had just given Mira a shot from an auto-injector. Kevin handed the plate and mug to the nurse and demanded, "What did you give her?"

"A universal antihistamine," she said looking at the plate and mug in her hands with some confusion.

"That is what the Captain was eating and drinking," Kevin explained as sat on the edge of Mira’s biobed, "Run an analysis and figure out what did this to her."

The nurse quickly retreated into the adjoining science lab.

"How are you feeling, kitten?" Kevin ask Mira as he brushed a strand of hair back into place.

Mira smiled up at him. At least she was breathing now and didn't have the blue tinge anymore or at least she hoped not. "My throat feels to large but I am breathing easier. I couldn't get any air for longer then I would liked. It's a good thing Kronnelti notice. I couldn't breath at all then I got here."

Why was it when it hurt to swallow it felt like you had to do it all the time? She tried talking again. " It's a good thing I didn't keep eating." She took his hand " I can't believe he now wants me to work with the Gorn." that was just insane.

"icoberries juice. " The nurse came back "All the fruit was coated and soaked in it. It's why you didn't see it. It was also in your raktajino as a sweetener I would guess. Highly concentrated. It would have affected any Trill but you seem to have a very bad reaction to it. " Mira frowned . "make sure my son doesn't get any." she didn't know if he would have the reaction but it was better to be safe.

Some time later Awal walked into Sickbay still pissed more than ever, trying to keep his cool he asked Kevin what had happened to Mira?

Kevin told Kronnelti that her food & drink had icoberries and she had a very bad reaction to it. He sat down in the chair across from Kevin & Mira, do you think somebody or someone tried to take you out? asked Kronnelti

Mira's voice was still a little off. "Between the loss of my commbadge and the highly concentration of the icoberries I would think so. A half of the glass of icoberry juice would have just made my spots itch and hard to breathe. A full glass and I wouldn't have been able to breathe about 20 minutes after I drank it and if I didn't have my commbadge to call for help?" She gave a little shrug, "but this amount is absurd it would have taken out 10 to 15 Trills. If I had finished my plate and raktajino off like I normally do quickly. I could have died before I could get medical help." Mira frowned. "And yet it isn't a poison. Nothing that needed to be reported because I would have known not to eat it. It's a fruit found on Risa."

"So this was a targeted attack to remove you specifically," Kevin speculated, "but why? Despite M'Niras' best efforts you haven't been involved in the negotiations much. The Gorn don't have much reason to assassinate you because the Romulans look they are going to ally with them or at least adopt a neutral stance. Maybe the Orions or Nausicaans but why not target M'Niras or myself?"

"I think that you should remain aboard Norris," Kevin suggested, "We can tell M'Niras that your reaction to the icoberries is much more sever than it actually is."

Mira rubbed her forhead. "Do you really think M'Niras is going to buy that? I don't want to ask K'ner to fake reports. Maybe I need to start scanning the food I eat?" She frowned. "Whoever did it right under everyone's noses and out in the open..... "

Kevin remembered the shadow man's warning that M'Niras was desperate to win the Romulans to the Federation's side. Desperate enough to poison his stepdaughter?

"M'Niras can go and..." Kevin clearly wanted to use a different verb but finally settled on, "...lick himself. Let me worry about lying to him. It's too dangerous for you to be on that station until we figure out who attacked you."

Mira looked at Kronnelti he seemed to feel the same way. "I am not sure that's going to work..." she told them both.

Kronnelti raised a chin." K'ner wasn't happy you went back over after the phaser incident. Come to think of it, that was your chair . I am sure if we talk to Montgomery and G'ginloss, they will be of the same opinion. "

Mira raised a delicate eyebrow at him. "Are you trying to tell me that you are all going to gang up on me.....For my own safety?" she smirked at him.

"Any time we need to." Kronnelti told her.

Mira sighed. "Fine ..... honesty, I used up all my strength walking here. But what if he sticks you with the Gorn?" She looked to Kevin.

I will lead the investigation while Kevin sits in your place for now said Kronnelti.

Before Awal walked out he told Mira that M'Niras sat down and kept his mouth shut after I yelled at him.


Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security and tactical
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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