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Posted on Sun Jul 7th, 2024 @ 4:55am by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Cat in the box
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present


{USS Chuck Norris, Personal quarters}

"Zimia, what are you doing?" Mira asked in total confusion as Zimia tucked the blanket around her.

"I am going to take care of you." Zimia said. Zimia had gotten her pink fuzzy socks, pink shorts, and tank top. Because Zimia said they were 'sick PJs' and she needed them to be comfortable and to get better. Apparently, you can't do that in Gray pjs. Who knew, right?

"I was poisoned, I am not sick." Mira frowned.

"Oh my God, Mira, that's even worse! Now I got you a hot tea with lemon and honey for your throat. Hot chicken and rice soup to make you better. Once you eat that, you should take a nap.... Kolar would really love that."

Mira smiled as she took the tea. "Ok, but only because I am betting M'Niras will be over here to drag me back to work soon. Did the rest of the tests come back on the food and drink?"

"No, not yet."

Mira put the soup on the table. "If you don't mind, I don't think my stomach can handle eating anything right now, Zimia. I'll just go straight to the nap." Mira told her has she put the cup down and snuggled into the blanket with a yawn.

Zimia frowned but nodded. "Do you want me to keep Kolar away so you can rest?"

Mira shook her head no. "I miss him."

Zimia stood there for a few moments, but Mira was sleeping already. She moved quickly to get Kolar. He was in the mess hall with Chin. Zimia had never seen Mira so pale before.

{Mess hall}
Kolar grinned as he ate the next spoon of egg. "I see Mama now?" he had been asking that for a day now. "soon, little guy. it's almost time for your nap."

He shook his head no. "I see Mama now."

Zimia walked in. "How about you take a nap with Mama. She is sleeping right now in your bed."

"Mama sleeping? I do I do!" he told Zimia.

OK, but you got to let Mama sleep." He held his arms up and waited to be picked up now.

{Captain's Quarters}

Kolar smiled at seeing his Mama sleeping and laid down right next to her. Sleepily, Mira wrapped her arms around him and stayed asleep. Zimia took a seat at the desk. She wasn't going anywhere.

Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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