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A morning to remember

Posted on Sat Jun 29th, 2024 @ 10:51pm by Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance & Captain Mira Rodale & Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti

Mission: Cat in the box
Location: Romulan base station
Timeline: Present

{Romulan base}
Next morning:

Mira had a stupid little grin on her face that just wouldn't seem to disappear. She picked up a Raktajino and sipped. Crus snorted. "I guess we all know what you were up to last night."

Mira raised an eyebrow at him. "Jealousy does not become you, Cat boy." Mira smirked as he frowned at the name. "So what new and inventive way are we going to be tortured today?"

"I was unaware the Romulans were torturing you?" Crus remarked as he shoveled more meat onto his plate.

"Who said it was the Romulans? I meant M'Niras. The Romulans have been wonderful." Mira told him as she picked up a plate, adding eggs and bacon. Mira smiled and kissed Kevin's cheek before she took a seat next to him and Kronnelti.

Kevin smiled back at Mira with adoring eyes, his plate of scrambled eggs and fruit almost forgotten. He probably looked like a dope but he didn't care.

"I have to ask. What was your room like? Was it the standard quarters, or was it unusual ?" she asked Kronnelti.

"Ambassador M’Niras had the room recreated with a view of his family's estate," Crus replied, then he looked at Kronnelti, "Where is that again?"

I don't talk about where I lived, the Chuck Norris and the crew are my family now and that's where I live. He said as he got up and whispered to Mira that he'll be elsewhere but close by.

Kevin was rather surprised by Kronnelti's response. Most Klingons had an overdeveloped sense of family identity. The Lieutenant's statement, eschewing the importance of his linage, indicated a story as interested as Kevin's own. And one that was equally private.

Mira blinked her eyes in confusion. Perhaps he was missing his mate. Or Ambassador M’Niras really did pick places he knew would bug other men? Was Risa supposed to be a bad place for her? She frowned as she thought about it her mate Kolar and herself had been attacked on their way to Risa. When she was younger, she had been left with any way to feed or take care of herself. Still, she had made friends and made a life for herself before going to the academy. Odd, why try to unbalance your team?

"What is scheduled for today?" Kevin asked the Caitian, "More hobnobbing?"

Smirking Mira nodded "probably its what Caitians do best." she raised an eyebrow as she sipped her raktajino.

Crus grinned. "The Klingons arrive today, so there should be lots of interesting things going on." He said with a chuckle

Mira frowned "Your expecting trouble?" she added solfly so as not to be overheard. As she thought about it. Plans started running around in her head. The Gorn and the Klingons are very much at war right now. they had attacked a few of their planets, so Mira didn't blame that at all. Of course , if Gorn hadn't attacked the Romulans as well, then they wouldn't be willing to even talk to the federation on the Gorn problem, and they were a problem.

"Have Kronnelti moved to Kevin's quarters next to mine and don't change it. Have you found out what happened to Kevin's bag?" She asked before biting into the bacon.

Crus looked at his PADD and manipulated it for a moment, then said, "The Romulans found it and it is being transferred to his quarters. Should be there by the time that we finish breakfast."

"Tell them to transfer it to my quarters instead," Mira demanded.

Kevin nearly choked on his coffee. He was still getting accustomed to the idea himself but Mira was so delightfully straightforward.

Mira just raised an eyebrow at Crus. He nodded reluctantly as he typed on his PADD. "You do know that Ambassador M’Niras had other plans for the both of you."

Mira shrugged her shoulders. "So did J'pok Okac. How did that work out for him?"

Crus hisses. "Did you just threaten the Ambassador?"

Mira chuckled "No I simply stated a fact. People can make all the plans they want. It doesn't mean it will work or I will comply with them."

Crus nodded slowly. "You will be in charge of the Klingons while.."

Mira started laughing, cutting his plans off. "No one can be in charge of the Klingons. They are a force unto themselves." Speaking of Klingons were was Kronnelti. He should be a part of this discussion. Maybe he didn't like Crus. The smell of cat did take some getting used to. Oddly, Vaytoc didn't have the same off putting odor.

Awal hated being here amongst the others, having the Gorn here boils his blood. He's happy his mate and kin wasn't here with him as it's dangerous as is.

He doesn't like to think about home as his family turned their backs on him for joining starfleet.

Seeing him siting at another table she waved him over. " Brother I am going to need some help." with a grin she waved to Commander Crus "He is under the impression that I can handle the Klingon delegation coming here. I told him Klingons can't be controlled. If the Gorn do anything to set them off they will deal with it. I have no control over them."

Don't expect me to jump in on that My place is to protect you captain, place like this all hell break loose in an instant. I said Kronnelti

Mira raised an eyebrow. "As you can see, Crus. There is no controlling Klingons. I suggest you put that into your equation." she frowned." Look, why are we here? Last night was the first time I heard that I was on the team to negotiate with the Triumvirate. That is M'Niras' job, not mine. I am a captain. We are here to add in his safety."

Crus shrugged. "You're here to do what is asked of you."

Mira shook her head. "You're giving me a headache."

He grinned.

"While Mira is working with the Klingons," Crus continue with a feline disdain for Kronnelti's concerns, "Lieutenant Commander Lance will represent the Ambassador in meetings with the delegations' military attaches."

Kevin felt his stomach tighten into a knot. "Is that necessary?" he asked, "I mean, isn't that your responsibility?"

Crus gave Kevin an annoyed look. "I am the head of the Ambassador's personal security detachment," he replied pointedly.

"Then surely there is another Star Fleet Officer that could better represent the Federation," Kevin asked with a note of desperation creeping into his tone.

"Regettably, no," Crus answered, "I encouraged Ambassador M'Niras to include a more seasoned negotiator as his military attache but he insisted that you came highly recommended by Ambassador Wyrick for your performance on Pyxis Alpha V."

Kevin winced. His inclusion in that diplomatic mission had been at the insistence of the Odinskus themselves and despite Wyrick's acclamations, his efforts had been much more physical than cerebral. "That was a special case," Kevin deferred, "I really don't have the skills or training for this."

"Nevertheless," Crus continued unimpeded, "the Ambassador has given his instructions."

Kevin's eyes dropped to his half-eaten plate of food. He knew an order when he heard one.

Mira frowned well at least they weren't being told to sleep with people. "I will do what I can but I can't stop them from doing anything they want."
Mira pouted. She so didn't want to be here.

Kronnelti put his hand on Kevin's shoulder, do not worry he said. I know how much I don't want to be here and I know I said my place is to protect Mira but I'll be by your side.

Awal looks at Crus, just another dog running around. his veins grow with anger ' the audacity to have the Gorn & Klingons in the same room seeks bloodshed as the Gorn are bloodthirsty killers & I have fought one.

Captain I will escort the Lt commander just so nobody tries anything stupid because they'll loose their head!!! said Kronnelti with a tone of power & intimidation


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security & tactical
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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