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Making plans on my own

Posted on Sun Jun 30th, 2024 @ 2:05am by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Cat in the box
Location: Romulan base station
Timeline: Present

{Romulan space station}

Mira nodded to Kronnelti as he said he would be Kevin's guard. That would mean she would have to send for someone from the ship. Her first choice would be K'ner, but the woman's plate was full, so to speak. Maybe someone from the HAZ team? Or… She shook her head no. She couldn't send for Vaytoc. She needed him to protect her son. He was more important.

Looking down at her dress uniform, that wasn't going to do. The Klingons wouldn't take her seriously dressed like a girly girl. Heading back to her quarters, she would change into ......well, she did have a regular uniform.

Tapping her commbadge "Rodale to USS Chuck Norris, please send over one security officer that preferably knows how to handle Klingons."

=/\="Montgomery, here what happened to Lance and Kronnelti?" =/\=

Mira sighed. "Ambassador M’Niras. Seems his team isn't full enough, so he assigned them. I, on the other hand, got assigned to handle the Klingons all by myself, I guess."

=/\= "Oh, Lieutenant Betaras K'ner is not going to be happy. She specifically asked if they were going to be with you the whole time you were over there." =/\=

"yeah, I know that was the plan. But that damn cat tossed that right out the airlock." Mira walked for a few moments, wondering if she would just be safer with the Klingons. If none of them were part of the 3 families that had attacked her earlier, she would be. But ... Who knew who's side who was on
she didn't want a kut'luch in her back.

{Quarters on Romulan base}

Mira changed, quickly into a regular uniform. "Whoever you send over, make sure they bring my Klingon Baldric, Klingon house robe, my harness and mek'leth."

"Do you want the baakonite reinforce suit as well?" Montgomery asked her.

"Yes, you might as well." Mira frowned. Who knew how bad things were going to get. "and Montgomery? Send one of my bathing suits too."

Montgomery chuckled =/\= Not even going to ask why you added that to your list.=/\=

Mira shook her head. Yeah that was weird to add. “No, your captain isn't crazy. There is literally a huge pool in my quarters.”

There was some laughter over the line. Glad she could still entertain them.
After changing, Mira pulled her hair up into a messy bun and headed out to meet the crewman in the transporter room. She just hoped she remembered the way back there.

Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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