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Posted on Sat Jun 29th, 2024 @ 4:00pm by Captain Mira Rodale & Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance

Mission: Cat in the box
Location: Romulan Base
Timeline: Current

{Federation Enclave}

Mira and Kevin made their way from the Ambassador's dinner to the quarters assigned to M’Niras' diplomatic mission. Mira was slightly unsteady on her feet. She hadn't thought that she had drank that much but Romulan ale was potent stuff. And it gave her an excuse to lean on Kevin.

They arrived at the door to their quarters but only Mira's name was on the placard. Kevin's name was on a door further down the corridor.

Mira frowned at the name tag. "yea as I see it, we have 2 ways of handling this. One, I sleep with you in your signed room, or you can get your bag and stay with me. This " she waved a hand to the two rooms isn't....." She rubbed her forhead."It's not good. Do you want to see what room is better?" she grinned up at him.

"Yes," Kevin smiled back at her, "but M'Niras probably gave you better quarters than he gave me so let's look in here first."

Mira placed her hand on the locking pad and the doors slid open. A familiar aroma hit Mira in the face as she and Kevin entered. The large circular room was surrounded by columns that supported a domed ceiling. Divans, setees and large cushions were distributed around the room and silk curtains fluttered gentle in the soft breeze coming from the moonlit beach beyond.

Mira immediately recognized it as "Risa?" Mira shook her head "Jeez I only had two glasses, but there is no way I am seeing what I think I am." Mira kept her arm around Kevin's arm." This isn't a bedroom it's a holodeck or something. Unless I am drugged and passed out some place. " Mira nodded "yea that's my luck. I am out cold some place and someone is going to have to save the captain again."

"No, you aren't hallucinating," Kevin answered, "The quarters really look like we are on Risa. I can't imagine that my quarters are better than this." He kissed her a led her to a divan. "Wait here. I'll go get my bag."

"But" Mira blinked big blue eyes as he left the room. She bit her lip, looking around. Why, by all that was holy, would they assign her a room like this? She frowned, slipping off her shoes, and moved to the glass doors that looked out over the beach. "This is too real and for a bedroom?"

Jeez, someone had to have messed up? She looked on the bed and saw her bag and the dress the ambassador had wanted her to wear. " Oh Jeez!" It was red Andorian silk. He had to have wanted every eye on her tonight. Still she felt uneasy.

She turned back to the beach. The shore appeared to be 30 meters away but there was no way that the room was really that big. Holodecks relied on sensory tricks, like forced perspective to make you believe the illusion. Still, her scientist brain wanted to test the hypothesis.

She step out of the bedroom and onto the beach. The sand was soft and warm beneath her feet and the breeze gently caressed her skin as she strode in a mostly straight line to where the breakers were rolling in from the sea. The sound of the wave hitting the beach increased as she got "closer" and when she arrived, the water swirled around her feet as the tide ebbed and flowed around her.

Dripping a finger into the water, she brought it to her mouth. "Saltwater?" This was just too odd. "Computer end program. " she said. Looking up, she would see the twin moons.

"awaenndraev fehill aithaen" Mira tried the same command in Romulan. Nothing changed. Walking back to the doorway leading into her quarters, she frowned. Kevin wasn’t back yet. She checked the door to see if it was unlocked. I seemed to be. Turning back to the room, she frowned.

Fine, she couldn't end the program she might as well enjoy it.
There didn't seem to be a console in here, so she couldn't ask for a bathing suit. Turn to the bed and her bag, she wondered if she had something that would work. Her sleep shorts and camisole. Going into the bathroom, she changed, hanging her uniform up.

Coming back out she bit her lip still no Kevin. Maybe she really was out cold some place. Mira tapped her comm badge. Nothing. Inference with the holodeck she thought still.

The doors slid open and Kevin walked in with a sour look on his face. "I was correct," he announced, "Your quarters are much nicer than mine. Recreated an Academy dorm room. Had a nice view of the Golden Gate Bridge, though." Mira noticed that he wasn’t carrying a bag.

Mira bit her lip. "You have got to see outside, there is an ocean." she blinked for a few moments there. She had wondered if Q was playing games with them but since Kevin's room wasn't the normal type quarters, it was the Romulans playing a power trip on them. "Did they lose your bag?"

"Yes," he replied crossly, "it wasn't in my room. Commander Montgomery assured me that it was transported over with the rest of the baggage but it appears to have never made it to my room. Our Romulan hosts said they would look for it but had nothing else helpful to suggest." He spread his arms in a shrug then dropped them in despair, "I don't have a change of clothing."

Mira shook her head "oh I am so sorry hun I know how being clean is important to you. " She went and wrapped her arms around him in a hug."Can't the ship send more. They can be replicated." with all the technology you would think this wouldn't happen she thought.

I asked Montgomery about that but he said the Romulans have the base on lockdown," Kevin explained, "Nothing goes in or out except by the transporter pads. He said that they can get me replacement gear in the morning but...I don't have anything to sleep in."

Mira smiled "Well you don't really need that tonight." her arms came up to his neck " that water out there is saltwater and it's beautiful. Perhaps we should take advantage of these amazing quarters while we have them."

"Oh good," Kevin said as he started to pull the tunic over his head, "These pants are tighter than the grip of a Ferengi on his last strip of gold-pressed latinum." He had trouble getting the tunic's narrow waist over his head and shoulders so Mira had to help him.

Laughing at his Ferengi comment she helped him undress "I had wondered if you were ok in this uniform. There now you can be comfortable." she pulled his hand to the doorway outside "I can't believe how large this place is. I walked all the way down there and it still more space. If they are trying to impress then they did an amazing job."

"I guess we are finally on that date to somewhere tropical," Kevin mused. Then he playfully swatted her derriere and said, "Race you to the water!"
Laughing, Mira joined him in the water.

some time later, the doors opened to her quarters. A man stood with his arms crossed over his chest, frowning as he watched the bed. Mira was sleeping peacefully with her head resting on Kevin's chest. Her draped over his bare chest. Her long auburn curls fanned out behind her, drying from being in the water. Kevin's arm was wrapped around her protectively.

Another man joined him in the darkness. "I told you he would be with her."
The door slowly closed behind them as they left. Perhaps they would need a different target.


Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris

Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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