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Are we having fun yet?

Posted on Fri Jun 28th, 2024 @ 12:46am by Captain Mira Rodale & Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance & Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti & Lieutenant Betaras K'ner
Edited on on Mon Jul 1st, 2024 @ 10:40pm

Mission: Cat in the box
Location: Romulan base station
Timeline: Present


{Dining hall, Romulan base station}

Once their group had beamed over to the Romulan base, their bags were taken, and they were told they would be in their rooms. Then, they were escorted to a very large dining hall. Mira kept her left hand tucked around Kevin's arm as they walked.

"This is amazing." Mira nodded as she looked around. It was beautiful decorated, and still it looked very military as if the designer couldn't decide what should be the main focus. Still, it was well done.

Ambassador Muvul moved to them and held his hand out to Mira she took it with a smile. "This is beautiful,"

Muvul grinned. "I knew you would appreciate our taste in art. I saved a few seats at the main table for you and your group after this small event. Dinner will be served. "

Mira kept her smile on and nodded, wondering how dinner would go?

The next person they ran into was Ambassador M’Niras and he had an older Romulan male with him. "Mira, my dear, this is Ambassador Vovutho."

Mira smiled lightly and held out her right hand to shake, but instead, he took hold of it and brought it to his lips. It was really all she could do not to snatch her hand away.

Ambassador M’Niras shook his head. "Why didn't you wear the dress I had sent to your room?" he looked a little annoyed at her.

"I came directly here, Ambassador. I haven't even seen my room yet." Mira told him solfly. "I am an officer, so it is a custom to wear dress uniform to these functions."

Vovutho has yet to let go of her hand. He smiled. "I think she looks lovely."

Before Mira could reply, Kevin stepped forward and grasped Vovutho’s hand, forcing him to release hers. Mira had barely a moment to pull back, and Kevin clasped his other hand over the grip and pumped vigorously. “Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance,” he announced cheerily, “Executive Officer aboard USS Chuck Norris.” From the tension in Kevin’s forearm. Mira could tell he and the Ambassador we locked in a challenge of strength. The expression on Vovutho’s face made it perfectly clear that he was losing the contest.

A strangled, “Very pleased to meet you,” was all that Vovutho could manage.

“Kevin Lance?” a Romulan woman in naval uniform with rank equivalent to a Star Fleet Commodore, “from the Academy thrustball championship team in 2378?”

She was standing adjacent to Vovutho. Kevin looked at her in surprise and simply answered, “Yes.” The question caught him so off guard that he inadvertently released his grip on the Romulan Ambassador.

“Nauarchus Saeihr,” M’niras introduced the woman, “Triumvirate Secundus, may I introduce the Captain of my escort, Mira Rodale?”

Mira was having trouble not smirking at how easily Kevin had freed her hand but being introduced to someone else Mira smiled and took the woman's hand "Triumvirate Secundus it is a pleasure to meet you." once Mira's hand was released she kept both her hands on Kevin's arm hoping everyone would get the hint they were together.

Nauarchus smiled looking back and forth at Kevin and Mira "you two are a couple?"

Mira nodded her head yes "We have a beautiful little boy together."

Vovutho looked rather annoyed at losing out on the chance with the younger woman but there were other women here. He nodded his head and moved off not wanting to mess with the human male again.

Kevin was eager to divert any discussion of Kolar's unusual conception. “I wasn’t aware that Romulans had an interest in thrusterball,” he confessed.

“A few of us do,” the Secundus shrugged, “Enjoying such a pacific sport so devoid of subterfuge is an acquired taste”

Kevin raised his eyebrows. Thrusterball was a contact sport that he would hardly call peaceful.

‘You missed out on most valuable player honors during you championship year, if I recall,” the Secundus continued languidly, “I believe that your goalkeeper snatched that title from you.”

She was needling him, Kevin realized, but he refused to take the bait. Gretta Nachthauser, a year ahead of him, had made winning easy by attaining a save percentage well in excess of 90%. The Academy would have likely done very well even without the scoring one-two punch that Kevin and Shen provided. “She was very deserving of the award,” Kevin replied simply.

“What was her moniker?” Saeihr asked, her eyes narrowing.

Kevin blushed. “I don’t remember,” he mumbled.

“I do!” Saeihr continued as she turned to lay a sisterly hand on Mira forearm and said to her conspiratorially, “They called her the ‘Ice Queen’ because she never let anyone score!”

Kevin turned a deeper shade of red. He had lost track of Nachthauser since she graduated but she was still a respected teammate.

Saeihr turned her eyes towards Kevin’s trousers. “I must say that I like the cut of the new Federation dress uniform,” she laughed, “Now the color of his face matches his tunic.”

Kevin felt his anxiety escalating in a manner that he had not felt since he and Mira has confused their love for each other.

Nauarchus laughed lightly, "I have heard alot about the USS Chuck Norris in the last year. You have had quite the adventures. "

Mira nodded with a smile, "yes it has been a crazy year." Mira added.

Saeihr raised an eyebrow "So tell me about your run in with the Gorn."

Mira's smile disappeared "They are dangerous. I am surprised you're letting them roam about the base so freely." Mira lowered her voice.

"True but we have a good reason. They aren't roaming about as freely as they look," Nauarchus told them.

"Thats good to know." Mira relaxed a little more.

M'Niras was clearly delighted that Mira and the Secundus were getting on so well, however he took little notice of Kevin discomfort. "And finally, the Triumvirate Tertius, Sub-Consul Brunuvik," the Ambassador introduced another Romulan female in heavy, nondescript clothing.

Sub-Consul Brunuvik did not extend a hand from her voluminous robes, choosing to incline her head in acknowledgement instead. She was as dour as the Secundus was outgoing. "Captain Rodale," she greeted in a somber tone, "Commander Lance."

No prizes for guessing who the Tal-Shira agent is, Kevin thought, remembering Mira's comment about the make up of the Triumvirate.

Mira nodded her head much in the same greeting as Sub-Consul Brunuvik. "Sub-Consul Brunuvik"

Mira wondered at how many awkward introductions were they going to have to endure? Her eyes glance over the room. To many Nausicaans, Orions and Gorns were around them. A Vulcan male joined them he held his hand up in the Vulcan greeting "It is agreeable to see you again ....Captain Rodale " Ambassador V'Laus told her.

Mira smiled "It is agreeable to see you as well. Kevin this is Ambassador V'Laus. Ambassador V'Laus this is my first officer Kevin Lance." V'Laus was the first friendly face she had seen on the Base. Well as friendly as a Vulcan could be.

He nodded to Kevin and the others in the small group then looked back at Mira "Ambassador Rirahk is here as well. He will want to talk with you we have some rumors that need to be cleared up."

Mira laughed "Oh rumors can get crazy. I wouldn't believe most of what you heard."

With everything going on, Awal smirked after seeing Kevin show his dominance. He didn't want to get involved unless his captain was in danger.

Kronnelti walked up behind Mira and whispered ( I hate the ambassador already ) it was soft enough for her to hear but nobody else.

He then stepped back and stood there ( almost like a secret service agent )

Mira looked over her shoulder and grinned wondering which one of the ambassadors he didn't like. She was betting on Vovutho.
Ambassador V'Laus she had meet on DS15 while Ambassador Rirahk she had meet when she was traveling with Ambassador M'Niras. She turned her attention back the group in time to hear "Dinner would now be served."

Everyone took a seat Kevin was to her right and Kronnelti was to her left. Cross from them were the Gorn. Mira cursed in her mind at having to be so close to them. Along side of the Gorn was Ambassador M'Niras and Ambassador Muvul. A bowl of Gletten soup was placed in front of them and a glass of Romulan Ale. The Gorn were served a basket with a lid on it. Mira watched as the Gorn reached in and pulled out a frog then dropped it in his mouth.

Mira looked away quickly.

Mira could hear the squashing sounds of the frogs popping in the Gron's mouth. Ok, just think of them being Gagh. Yea, she could do this it was just mind over matter. She picked up her spoon and started to eat, wishing the Romulans would play some music to drown out the sound of them eating. By all that was holy, what was their main meal going to be?

{Ready Room, USS Chuck Norris}

"She went right back over?"

Montgomery nodded. "The ambassador didn't give her much choice."

K'ner snuffled. "But Commanders Lance and Kronnelti are with her right?"

Montgomery nodded again.

"WITH her?" K'ner emphasized. "Not observing from afar?"

Montgomery nodded, with a bit of a smile this time. "Yes Doc, we seem to have security in hand. What else have you got for me."

K'ner handed over a regular PADD. "The sniffers and atmospherics are in place and working. It's a tad busy to monitor but between a couple of attentive crew and the ship's computer, it's well in hand. Any insertion onto the 'Norris will be noticed."

"Good... good... I'm just as concerned that this isn't going to end well, so the better prepared we are, the better we'll fare."

K'ner was the one who nodded this time. "If that's all sir, I'll get back on the analysis of the Gorn biology. We've managed to... obtain more samples to examine and compare to our previous analysis. I want to get beyond the reactive agent we've issued to the crew and get something resistive in place to eliminate, or at least forestall, that problem."

"Carry on Lt Betaras. I look forward to reading the report." Montgomery's attention returned to the seemingly constant stream of reports that seemed to cross the desk, especially when the Captain was absent. . .

{Dining hall, Romulan base station}

Fortunately, the food that the Federation crew was served was dead and prepared in a palatable manner although Kevin could not identify the dishes. He assumed that they were Romulan.

Kronnelti didn't look like he was enjoying the meal but remained stoic and washed down each reluctant bite with a generous swallow of Romulan ale. Kevin was happy to let the Klingon have his share. He drank enough to be a respectful guest but otherwise wanted to remain alert should either, or both, of his companions get into their cups.

It was between courses that Nauarchus Saeihr displaced the Romulan officer that has been seated next to Kevin and plopped herself down. She had changed into something that could just barely be recognized as a naval uniform. It had the same basic style and ornamentation as she had been wearing earlier but the tunic exposed both shoulders and the neckline plunged in a v that revealed a respectable expanse off cleavage. The length of her skirt, or rather its lack, rivaled Mira's. Kevin idly wondered if Ambassador M'Niras had designed the Nauachus' outfit as well.

They had just been served what tasted like melt in your mouth venison with some vegetables when, with little attention to decorum, Saeihr leaned across Kevin and said to Mira, "I didn't know when we were introduced that you were the Lady of a Great House."

Kronnelti over hearing this holds a straight face but laughs on the inside. If it was that of importance then you would have been notified, said the Klingon as he takes a bite of his food

Mira didn't expect that kind of response but how could she not smile and laugh. Kevin could only squirm uncomfortably in his chair.

Before she could respond he also said " and furthermore all information comes and goes through both me & the Lt commander ".

Nauarchus Saeihr gave a little pout as Ambassador M'Niras interjected, "That will be difficult Lieutenant as Captain Rodale is part of the team that will be negotiating with the Triumvirate."

Mira's hand stopped as she went to reach for her Romulan Ale, and then her mind raced as to what answers she would give. She released a surprised chuckle. At Kronnelti's comments wondering how much he had to drink.

"Ah yes, the choices of my 19 year old self." Mira shook her head. "Some youthful decisions never seem to go away." Hoping that would smooth things over.

"I certainly hope that the Klingon High Council will not take offense at this accidental breech of protocol," Saeihr avowed in a hopeful tone, "They could ill-afford a war on two fronts."

Mira smiled "ah I am not here for the Klingons. I represent the federation in these matters. I had assumed that the Klingon high council would send their own representatives. " she smiled at Kevin. "Honey, would you mind changing seats with me so I could talk to Saeihr. It's a little uncomfortable talking over you." she added sweetly. " she kissed his cheek as she stood up waiting for him to move over and took his seat.

Kevin was enormously relieved to move away from the Nauarchus. The woman placed her hand on his thigh as she had leaned around him to talk to Mira, with her fingers resting between his legs. He was on his feet almost as soon as Mira had made the request. "Certainly, dearest," he answered belatedly.

Kronnelti gave him a sidelong glance but said nothing.

If the sudden rearrangement of seating annoyed Saeihr, she gave no indication of it. "It must be difficult," she continued, "Having to serve both the Federation and the Klingon councils."

Mira set back in her chair, her hand slipping into Kevin's . "So far, I have mostly just dealt with my ship and family. I haven't had to deal too much with the Klingon house problems. I have a male there who does all the things he feels should be done, and I get reports to read. " She gave a little shrug. "I had originally given the house to one of the males in that house, but for some reason, everyone complained about him, and I ended up with it back." Mira laughed with Saeihr. "I am sure one day I'll find the right heir to take it all over. Being the head of a klingon house had never been a goal I set for myself, but it is what it is and I do my best. "

So you are more of an absentee lord,” Saeihr observed. She took a drink of ale from her crystal goblet and then continued, “Finding a competent male that you can trust can be so difficult. I applaud and am jealous of you at the same time.” She looked over at Kevin who was doing his best to ignore her gaze.

Take your gaze away, the captain is who your talking to not him said Kronnelti.

If you had done that to me, your life would have ended. That's a sign of disrespect to the one you're talking too. He stated

Mira blinked at Kronnelti wow was that the drink talking or was he really mad? Turning her attention back to Saeihr.

Mira smiled, "The Stewart I have on Qo’nos has been in place for maybe 30 years. He knows what needs to be done. I really got lucky. I get the occasional message asking things, but that's all. My ship and my family, " Mira raised Kevin's hand to her lips and kissed it. "Gets all my time." she smiled at Kevin. "This one I trust with my heart and life." She looked back at Saeihr.

"As I said, I am jealous of you," Saeihr smiled sadly. Then more teasingly, "You should be careful breaking eye contact with the person you are talking to, lest your Lieutenant take offense."

The conversation turned to more mundane matters of the duties of a ship's captain and Kevin was happy to no longer be an object of attention.

After Saeihr left Kronnelti focused his attention to Mira, if you're wondering if I've been drinking? I haven't touched my drink he says.

She just irritated me and I hate ambassadors .

Mira smiled solfly "I don't think Kevin was to happy with her as well."



Lt Betaras K'ner
Hazard Team Medic TL-B / CMO
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security and tactical
USS Chuck Norris

Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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