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Meet and greet

Posted on Mon Jun 24th, 2024 @ 2:32am by Captain Mira Rodale & Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance & Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti & Lieutenant Betaras K'ner

Mission: Cat in the box
Location: Romulan base station
Timeline: Present

{Meeting hall}

The room was huge. Like a large round stadium. The higher up your seats, the less important you were, Mira thought with a grin. She had been told she could sit with the Captain’s but she preferred to sit up just a little higher with her crew. She leaned forward as the Gorn entered the room. They could rip through half the people below before anyone could stop them.

Mira relaxed a little as Kevin put his hand on hers, and they listened on little speakers what was being said below.

Mira frowned. "I don't like this." There was no way the Romulans had invited the Gorn here to tell them they would be taking the federations side in this fight. Well, correction, she wouldn't do it. Romulans might be crazy enough.

Kevin though the forum was an odd choice. With so many people in attendance, there was little hope of getting anything accomplished. The phrase "too many cooks" sprang to mind.

"Is there something specific that you don't like?" he asked.

Mira bit her lip, thinking about it as she adjusted how she was sitting on the chair, moving closer to Kevin. She hugged his arm to her, snuggling closer. Then she whispered, "There are too many none federation citizens here for one. Nausicaans and Orions they look far too comfortable with the Gorn. There are too many Gorn just walking around. They could be infecting people, and we would never know it. There is an odd smell in here, too. It's making me ......... nervous....scared. My symbiont is picking it up, I can't really smell it, but it's there. I feel it"

Kevin patted Mira’s thigh just above her knee in a manner that he hoped was reassuring. She was right. There were too many of the Federation's traditional enemies in the conference. This all had the feeling of a set up. And he was feeling anxious as well. He had chalked it up to the general situation as well as the concern that he had over the effect on the discipline and morale of the crew of his and Mira being more open about their relationship. He hadn't considered the possibility of bio-chemical manipulation but now that Mira mentioned it, he couldn't easily dismiss it.

Kronnelti sitting 3 rows ahead of Mira and Lance, noticed the Gorn walking in. Keeping his head on a swivel he is always ready at a moments notice.

The ceremony below them in the center of the room began playing out in all of its stately formality. Three Romulans, two female and one male, sat on a raised dais on the far side of the oval that dominated the arena. M’Niras and the other envoys sat in a semi-circle facing the dais, with their backs to Mira and her crew.

“What is going on,” Kevin asked Mira, sotto voce, “Beyond being devious Vulcans with emotions, I know little of the Romulans.”

“The three sitting on the elevated platform are the Triumvirate,” Mira explained, “They represent the Romulan Imperial Senate and speak with the authority of the Praetor Primus, the head of the Star Empire. They are all members of the Senate and most certainly as least one is a member of the Tal Shiar. The envoys from the Federation, the Gorn and elsewhere will argue their case, much like a bench trial or Captain’s Mast.”

M’Niras was formally greeted by Ambassador Muvul, who appeared to be acting as a master of ceremonies. The two gave no indication that they had previously met in the arboretum. The Federation Ambassador was then presented to the triumvirate. The proceedings were conducted in Romulan and Kevin was too far away for his comm badge to provide a translation.

"This is all ceremonial," Mira continued her explanation, "The envoys are presenting their credentials to the Triumvirate. Then the Triumvirate will debate the presented credentials amongst themselves and come to a decision on whether or not two accept them. Get comfortable. This is going to take a while."

Mira rolled her eyes. "I hate bureaucratic bs. They are just talking around in circles, getting no place. There are two seats empty. Odd, I wonder if that's for the Klingons? They seem to be the only ones not represented here." Mira looked around. Only the few in her crew were here. Ambassador M’Niras hadn't said anything about her speaking up for them. Her commbadge went off, but it was just static sound. She could make out a male's voice but not what he was saying.

"Perhaps I should step outside of this room. With all the systems in here, it's not transmitting correctly." Mira told Kevin. At his nod, she stood up to make her way out. walking briskly, Mira frowned as a huge 6'4" narsican stood in her way, then before she could respond, he shoved her hard, falling backward. Mira landed right in Kevin's arms. Seeing he wasn't going to get what he wanted since Kevin was with her, he lifted his lip and growled at Kevin.

Kronnelti came up behind them. "I hear a phaser on overload."

"What are you Feders doing leaving the council chamber?" the Nausicaan's demand was translated by their comm badges. "Do you have somewhere else more important to be?"

Kronnelti watched him put his hand on his knife, I wouldn't do that if I were you Awal warned the Nausicaan.

I'm already two steps ahead of you and if you pull that weapon I promise you'd hit the floor before you realize what had happened said Awal.

Mira raised an eyebrow, the Nausicaan wasn't talking to her. She was too far beneath his notice except to shove out of his way. Mira pulled out her assigned seat arrangement. She hadn't been signed here, but Kevin and the other members of her team had been. Her seat was down on the ground floor, and she hadn't wanted to be that far away from her crew, so she sat with them. Since most of the security team was standing on guard, she hadn't been taking anyone's seat but her own team's seats.

Kronnelti growled. "This is a Romulan base. You don't have the authority to tell us what we can and can not do." He looked back to Kevin to see what he wanted to do. That phaser was now at the human hearing level. "Perhaps we should sit with the Caitians or Klingons." Mira whispered loudly to Kevin. Really, they should be leaving this area.

Kevin could hear the escalating whine of the phaser but couldn’t tell where it was coming from. “Our Captain received an urgent message to return to our ship. She must depart immediately. Sit down before you get put down.”

the Nausicaan looked like he wanted to complain more, but Kronnelti pushed him in much the same way the Nausicaan had pushed Mira, only he hit the wall hard. Kronnelti waved his hand. Their team started to walk out.

Mira tapped her commbadge. "Rodale to Crus, there seems to be a problem with the upper level of the meeting hall. It sounds like a phaser set for overload, but without equipment, I don't know where it is."

There was a snarl, "Just head back to your assigned quarters. There will be a formal dinner later."

Mira frowned. "Piece of baktag. He sounds like I didn't tell him something might be exposed."

Captain that sound of the overloading phaser, it has roughly less than a minute before it detonates! It's at it's peak said Kronnelti

Mira nodded, "Well this isn't our base, and we have no authority here. Everyone around us can hear it going off." She stared to move out the nearest door. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched as a few Romulans corner an Nausicaan. She shook her head, 'thinking plans with in plans.' Somehow, she thought the Nausicaans would be working with the Gorn. They seemed the type.

"How far do we need to get to stay out of the blast range?" She asked she moved quickly.

To the ship said Awal, that blast will conduct a chain reaction. We need to go on the double as he tapped his comm badge. =/\= lieutenant Awal to chuck Norris we need to get on the ship stat! =/\=

{ Transporter Room, USS Chuck Norris }

K'ner watched her HUD absently as she also watched the scans around the station. The science team had noted various spots that didn't raise any flags, but they were rather curious null zones that may be purposely clouded rather than outright blocked from analysis.

=/\= "Deus Alpha, secure. Tres Beta, secure..." =/\= K'ner listened as each team called in their location status. So far there had been no attempts to infiltrate the ship, but K'ner wasn't satisfied to wait until they were, to be ready to respond.

She signaled acknowledgement and nodded at Billingsly who had posted near the door. The newest Haz'er had been more than a little surprised when K'ner had told her to suit up, she hadn't felt like she was measuring up at all in her training thus far. Now if she could just keep from dying, or worse yet, letting someone else. She nodded back and watched her side of the room.

=/\= "lieutxxxkos Awfffffa to __uck Norrissssss we asweffff gfeehutu uon the stat!" =/\=

K'ner looked at the transporter tech... "Did you get all that? Where is the Captain and rest of the away team right now?"

"I'm on it Lt Betaras!" The techie's hands working across the board trying to recall the message again and lock onto everyone he'd been tracking. . .


Lt Betaras K'ner
Hazard Team Medic TL-B / CMO
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security & tactical
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Mira Rodale
Co USS Chuck Norris


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