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Posted on Thu Jun 20th, 2024 @ 6:52pm by Captain Mira Rodale & Lieutenant Commander Ech'am G'ginloss & Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti & Crewman Dianna Kronnelti

Mission: Cat in the box
Location: Chuck Norris
Timeline: Current

( Romulan space )

Sitting at his desk reviewing a few things on his padd, honey Zimia and I are going to walk Venus and spike and well be back.

Ok said Awal, don't hesitate to contact me if you need anything he said.

Dianna took Venus and Spike to meet with Zimia and make their afternoon walk around the ship.

Zimia smiled "ah Dia. " Kolar giggled up at Zimia.
"Yeah, Kolar. That's Dianna and Venus," Zimia told him as he hung on to Vaytoc's collar.

Zimia laughed. "You know, I think she has gotten even bigger over the last few days."

Oh she's growing, thankfully she's just a couple of months said Dianna. She's right behind Kolar in age

So I heard Awal talk about someone named Ech'am G'ginloss? Who is that asked Dianna

Zimia nodded. "He used to be on the ship as the 02. Awal has called him brother, but I don't know if it's his real brother or adopted brother like Mira and me." She gave a little shrug, but as she looked down, kolar was running down the hall giggling, "he is quick. Vaytoc if you please."

Zimia smiled as she watched the cat bounce off to catch Kolar. Vaytoc came walking back, holding Kolar by the back of his shirt. "Hey, little man, that was so not cool," Zimia told Kolar, who just giggled.

Venus put her hands out to Spike, ide ide she said. Dianna giggled and said you want to ride spike? Ide ide Venus said again.

So Dianna put Venus on spike and she started giggling. Is Ech'am klingon as well?

Zima nodded. "He is, only he is a little shorter than Kronnelti. He is a good man to have on the ship if the Gorn tries to get on the ship again. I can't believe they are on the ship right next to us! Mira was furious that the Caitian was in talks with him and the Romulans. Personally, I never thought I would be in a ship that was in Romulan space. At the Academy, we were told it like a huge no. no. "

Kolar started repeating, saying, " No, no bad bad. no, no. " and shaking his head no.

"Kolar, it's ok. There are no bad bad here on Mommy's ship. Vaytoc will eat them."
Kolar looked up at her. "My toc, eat bad bads?"
Zimia nodded. That seemed the right thing to say because Kolar hugged Vaytoc. "Eat all the bad bads." Kolar giggled.

In this moment the door bell rings indicating that someone is as the door requesting permission to enter the room. As Kronnelti looks to see who it it, he sees that it is his brother standing on the other side of the room. He thought for a moment, that this would be the perfect time to surprise his brother thinking eh, what could go wrong.

Come in said Awal.

The door opens at Ech'am walks in, Kronnelti puts the padd down and gives him a warriors shake.

It's good to see you brother said Awal, how has everything been?

(Mess hall)

Dianna, Zimia and the two little ones have a lunch break before heading back to Awal.

Venus saw gawk and wanted to try it, Dianna wasn't sure if she'd like it but ordered it anyway as they know spike and Vay'toc would eat it.

Venus dove into it with her hands scarfing it down. Zimia's eyes widen.

Kolar grinned, then shook his head no, he didn't want gagh. So Zimia handed him some ribs and vegetables. Then put a juice cup in front of him. Kolar smiled. "Yummy, my eat."
"Yes, all for Kolar." Zimia told him.
Zimia started eating her chicken salad. "So Mira set up a play room in the Briefing room. At one end, there is a little toy box and polls. We just need to keep the room clean in case they need to use it."

Awe that's sweet of her said Dianna, she looked over at Venus and laughed as she's covered in goo from the gawk. I think its time we clean up as Dianna starts to clean Venus up, anything that didn't get touched we should bring back and let spike & vay'toc have at it.

Zimia smiled at Kolar. "Did you eat enough?"

Kolar cocked his head to the side as he watched Zimia, then shook his head no. He did it so quickly that his whole body moved with it. Then giggled at Zimia's surprised look. "I see you want to eat more so you don't have to sleep. It's just a little nap, and I'll lay down with you." She told him sweetly

He shook his head no. "Can't seep, I scared."

Zimia frowned. You can't sleep because you are scared. Of what?" She asked him calmly.

"of broccoli," he shook his head. " Bad bad."

Zimia looked at Dianna to see if that was even possible. He had broccoli on his plate. Then she looked down it was all over the floor. "Oh, Mama isn't going to be happy that you tossed your veggies on the ground."

Kolar bit his lip and said, "Bad bads."

"Kolar Rodale Lance. Mama and dada said for you to eat your broccoli. You ate it for Dada."
Kolar nodded. "dada do."
Zimia rolled her eyes. "You know your dada is at work. Now we can't have our goodies later."

Kolar's little eyes teared up. "I be good."

Dianna chuckled, I think we can get some broccoli to go and I'm going to surprise Awal with something as she ordered him rare t-bone steak with cornbread and southern grits.


Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security and tactical
USS Chuck Norris

Ensign Zimia Mariten
Lt Commander Ech'am G'ginloss
USS Chuck Norris


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