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Romulans and Gorns oh my

Posted on Thu Jun 20th, 2024 @ 6:51pm by Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance & Captain Mira Rodale
Edited on on Fri Jun 21st, 2024 @ 1:13am

Mission: Cat in the box
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present

{Bridge, USS Chuck Norris}

"That is a huge base station." Mira blinked her blue eyes." That's even bigger than the one over Earth."

Montgomery nodded. "Seems the Romulans are making a statement me." his lips switched in amusement. Mira turned her head to watch him. The man rarely joked but from the snickers he had.

"Statement? How so." Mira asked him.

Montgomery tugged on his jacket "Well captain I..."

Rodriguez laughed. "It means the males had an inferiority complex."

The light bulb, so to speak, went off in Mira's brain, and she smiled. " I see. Are there any problems finding us on a station that size?"

"I don't believe so Captain scans are coming back normal."

Mira nodded then looked to Kevin for his input.

Kevin's sour expression showed that he didn't think much of the joke. "Snarky opinions aside," he remarked dryly, "building any base here is interesting. It is too far away from either Federation or Klingon space to make it practical for supporting military operations against either. It is significantly larger than any mercantile enterprise needs."

He stroked his beard as he considered the station, "They must have started building this over a decade ago, well before the current Gorn threat materalized. There is nothing else here that they would need to protect their colonies against."

"The only logical explanation is that they intended to project power deeper into the Beta quadrant and the Shacketon Expanse."

Mira nodded, and that all seemed like it was a very astute observation of the situation. She tugged on her skirt again. It was just a few inches to short for her liking, but Ambassador M’Niras has insisted she look the part of a female. Like her normal uniform didn't? She looked like a female in everything she wore. She didn't need a skirt to prove a point. Zimia had told her it was probably so she didn't kick anyone in the head. So, she had put shorts on underneath. One always needed to defend one's self.

Chin pulled her out of her thoughts, "the Ambassador is beaming over Captain."

"That would be our que to move." she walked to Kevin holding out her hand. "Ready to play with the Vipers?"

"Which ones are the Vipers?" Kevin asked as he took her hand and followed her off the bridge.

"I don't know," she laughed "Probably all of them. We can't be to careful. Only trust who we came with from this ship."

Kevin stopped outside of his quarters and pulled her in for a kiss. "I need to change into my dress tunic," he said, "I will meet you in the transporter room in a minute."

Mira bit her lip as she entered the transporter room and nodded to the crew that would be going with them. "Is everyone locked and loaded? Everyone's watch your six."

After Mira gave her instructions, the door to the transporter room opened and Kevin entered. He had changed into a dress uniform tunic, but it was fitted to his frame in such a way that showed off the the V formed by this broad shoulders and narrow waist. It was also shorter than a regulation dress uniform tunic, more like a the tunic of the duty uniform.

But if the tunic was fitted, the pants were positively snug. His gluteus maximus muscles stood out as if the pants had been painted on. The tight fit continued down the thighs but eventually flared a bit as the pants were bloused into the tops of the calf-high boots that were polished to a high sheen.

Mira found herself desperately trying to avoid looking at Kevin's groin.

Mira blinked her eyes and then looked up at Kevin face. She blushed a little as she asked. "Is that your normal dress uniform? Or did Ambassador M’Niras change it on you? I can see why he wants me to show a little leg, but...." she bit her lip. Could he even sit in that?

"Ambassador M’Niras gave no instructions," Kevin admitted, "I modeled this based on my parkour costume. Why should you be the only one to be overtly sexualized?"

Mira laughed "Oh by all that is holy Kevin. I was sort of hoping you would be watching over me. Now it looks like I'll be getting in a fight to keep the women off you. Good thing I have shorts under this skirt." She smiled as she stepped on the transporter pad holding her hand out to him. Kevin took it. As he stepped closer, she wispered, "When do I get to see your parkour costume?" she laughed at the surprised look on his face, but the transporter tech sent them down.

{Romulan space station. khallianen, galan}

As they appeared on the Romulan transporter pad, a Romulan officer hit his chest as a salute. "Welcome aboard, Captain Rodale. Please have your people follow me. We have quarters awaiting."

Mira frowned. "Where is Ambassador M’Niras. I was to meet him here." She pointed to the ground in front.

The guards looked confused. "He is in the arboretum ma'am I can take you there." One of them said.

"Good, lead the way." Mira told him. Still holding Kevin's hand. She looked up at Kevin. "See what I mean the old man will go anyplace if we don't watch him."

"You know him best," Kevin deferred, "I will keep an eye on him."

They walked in silence to the arboretum. As they entered, Kevin spied a bush with blue flowers. He plucked one and presented it to Mira. "The color matches your eyes," he said.

Mira doubted that her eyes were a brilliant as the azure rose she held but...

"Thank you." She lifted on her toes and kiss him.

"Ah, there you are. I heard you were coming here." Ambassador M’Niras smiled. Then, he nodded to Kevin as he took his clothing in. Very pleased, but then he took a deep breath and frowned at Mira, "You had to pick last night to bond?"

Mira gave him a little grin, then shrugged her shoulders at him. "It was perfect to us."

She waved a hand around the gardens. " This is beautiful." She told the Romulan Ambassador."

"it is amazing, isn't it?" Ambassador Muvul replied.

"I hadn't realized that the Romulan nature ran towards the aesthetic," Kevin observed, "It would seem to run counter to a logical allocation of resources and space."

The Romulan turned and cocked his head to one side as he answered Kevin. "We are not immune to the need for a connection to our natural roots. It would be illogical to willfully abstain from such need."

"Of course," Kevin continued, "but the layout of this space is much more utilitarian than a similar space on a Federation facility. Why pack everything in so tightly? Why not an open area with a more natural dispersion of plants and species?"

"Commander Lance," M'Niras interrupted, "We are not here to indulge your interest in facility design. I wanted us to meet with Ambassador Muvul ex parte."

Kevin shifted uncomfortably. If the Romulans were meeting with M’Niras in secret, were they doing the same elsewhere with the Gorn?

“I wish to express to you, Ambassador M’Niras," Muvul's honied words flowed, "that Romulus is prepared to stand with the Federation against the common foe, as we did against the Dominion and the Borg before that.”

He seemed so honest while saying that and still Mira wasn't sure. If they had made up thier minds then why have them all come here? Why invite the Gorn? She thought.

With her hand still in Kevin's, she smiled at the Ambassador "Has anyone figured out as to why the Gorn needs so much ......." She gave a little shrug disliking the name but couldn't come up with a better one. "livestock or why they have to feed their Hachlings on sentient beings? I do understand their king had died, and the new Prince wants to explain his klingon, what end?"

Ambassador Muvul smiled. " Interesting that you would want to know more about your enemies' ambitions. I had wondered about the type of food they chose as well. The old saying is true. 'You are what you eat.' "

Mira nodded she had thought that, but it had been on her list of work around to the Gorn problem of eating people.

Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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