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Posted on Mon Jun 17th, 2024 @ 9:19pm by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Cat in the box
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present

On :
{Ready room}

Montgomery walked in and placed a PADD down in front of her.

Looking up from her desk, Mira raised a delicate eyebrow. "What's this?" she picked it up with a little frown. From the look on Montgomery’s face, it didn't look like good information. "Oh crap, Montgomery, give me some warning first."
He shrugged. "Sorry captain" Then he sat down a mug of raktajino."
Mira gives him a soft smile. "I take it as the rest of the information on the Gorn is worse than the first page?"

"That would be so, Captain." He hesitated for a moment, making Mira raise her eyebrow as she watched him. "Just spit it out, Montgomery."

"I know you don't like the idea, but you're going to need to be present for all the negotiations." At Mira's puzzled look, he continued. “You have expressed your distrust for Ambassador M’Niras. If you're not there, you won't know what he is doing. Your theory that he is up to something or can't be trusted will not be proven or disprove unless you step up and do it.”

Mira nodded as she rubbed her tired eyes. "Kevin is not going to like this."

"Kevin is going to want to be with you on this, so don't try to sideline him." Montgomery added.

Mira frowned. She hadn't planned on doing that, but.... "If something happens to both Kevin and myself, then that would leave Kolar an orphan."

Montgomery nodded. "Do you plan to take more of a ‘stay on the bridge’ captain roll?"

Mira frowned. "No....." Then she sighed. "I guess I can't expect him to as well. He has the right as XO to go on the missions. As my man, he has the right to see to my safety, even if I don't always put my safety first." Mira drummed her fingers on the desk.

"There has been some talk about you and Kevin going to have another baby." Montgomery started.

Mira had been taking a sip of her raktajino and choked on it, coughing some of the hot drink all over her desk. She eyes met his. "No, I mean we haven't..." she waved a hand around, then settled it on her flat stomach. "Do I look pregnant to you?" Mira asked, curiously. She worked out all the time to stay fit and trim. How could the crew think she was expecting?

Montgomery raised his hands. "I don't think so, and I don't think the crew does. They just think you aren't showing.”

“Well, I am not. Kevin and I haven't even given a 2nd child any thought. Kolar is a handful. So if your on that game the crew is running, I hope you haven't wasted your credits.” Mira shook her head “back to the problem at hand.” She picked up the PADD “What do you think?”

Montgomery nodded getting back to business. “The Gorn can't be trusted. Might is the only thing they respect. Fear of what will happen if they don't act in a positive matter will keep them in line. So either keep them in line or completely destroy them. Both, I don't see the Federation doing.”

Mira nodded. "But the Klingons would and that is why they are going after them first." Mira frowned. “Do they have any weakness?”

Montgomery nodded "The cold. It will even kill the eggs implanted in the host, but it could also kill the host as well."

“Can we detect the eggs in the host? I mean we could just lock onto them and beam them out?” Mira asked trying to get an understanding of these things.

“So far, no. they are not detectable until its too late but I have Medical and our science people working on it.” He told her.

Mira frowned. “They can spit and infect you? They think they are safe at a meeting with these things?" Mira asked little bit angry and horrified.

Montgomery nodded not showing any emotions at all. Perhaps because he wasn't going to have to deal with it since he didn't want to go on missions.

“I want people working on a way to weaponize the cold. Something we can shoot at them or toss.” Mira knew she was asking a lot, but it could safe lives."

Montgomery laughed “You want a weather gun?”

Mira shook her head no "I want something like liquid nitrogen to use on them." Mira raised an eyebrow. once we find away, let the Klingons know but .....don't be open about it I don't want star fleet to come down on us."

Montgomery nodded “and the dinner tonight?”

Mira pouted. "Find out if it is dress uniforms or not please."


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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