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That's my boy

Posted on Thu Jun 13th, 2024 @ 2:48am by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Cat in the box
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present

On :
{Briefing room}

Zimia sat on the floor playing with Kolar. "Mira, how are things with you and Kevin?"

Mira smiled not taking her eyes off the PADD. " We are still getting to know one another. Having the position on the ship we do, makes us very busy."

Zimia frowned, "But Awal and Dianna knew right away."

Mira sighed as she put the PADD down. "I am not Klingon and I do have baggage to deal with. Kevin is letting me." It wasn't really the truth but enough of the truth was in it.

"Did you find out about that device?" Zimia asked.

"Nope, not yet. Kevin is handling it. I do feel a little odd to not be doing it myself. But it does fall under his duties and while he is learning to be XO I am still learning to be a CO. If you find anymore devices, let me or Kevin know. " Mira smiled and went back to her reports.

At Zimia's little giggle, Mira looked over. Kolar was holding on to a chair kicking out his leg.

Mira eyes widened.
Zimia turned to her. "is he trying to imitate you?"

Mira watched as he sat down and spun in a circle. "by all that is holy, he is adorable. I might have to spend a little time with him on his moves."

Zimia laughed as Kolar tumble over giggling. Zimia laughed. “He is a year old and has better moves than I have."

Mira smirked. "We are going to have to work on that.

Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck N


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