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Wakey-wakey, tater-cakey...

Posted on Tue Jun 4th, 2024 @ 12:20am by Lieutenant Betaras K'ner

Mission: Cat in the box
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Current

It took only a moment before the pain registered. "Son of a targ!" Mira screamed in pain, and then she dove for the phaser. Firing at anything that moved. Her vision was blurred, and the weakness was starting to take effect.

She remembered hearing 6 small beeps. Had she hit something 6 times? Oh yeah, darkness was coming. So this would be the time the Gorn would start eating. Not a very pleasant thought." She briefly wondered if they could become immune to the venom? She would have to ask K'ner when she woke up.

K'ner rolled the Captain flat after spraying the anesthetizing solution to start easing the welt on her shoulder.

"You're a hard egg, Cap." She examined the spots on her own suit from the phaser she was glad she'd turned down before the impromptu exercise.

As soon as Mira stabilized, K'ner gave her the rebound chem to negate the effects. This mix would alleviate the disorientation coming back to consciousness, and hopefully not instigate the fight response she expected the Captain might awake with. Just in case, she firmed up the suit's surface...

Mira seemed to be unconscious one moment, and then wide awake the next. K'ner could see she was assessing in that second and exhaled when she didn't punch or throw her. As the Captain looked over, K'ner smiled.

"And that was a ride on the Gorn rainbow." She held out a hand and helped the Captain to her feet. K'ner could tell she was adjusting but you likely couldn't tell it if you didn't know her well enough. She continued the conversation as Mira got her bearings.

"I've been theorizing that there may be some members of the crew that might have some resistance to the venom, at least a certain amount and depending on volume of exposure, of course. I do have samples from the Gorn bodies we had access to so I'm working on a quick-deployed serum, an auto-injector that could be used to counteract the venom if used quickly enough. Debilitating still, but at least if they can stay conscious, we would still have a fighting chance."

"Well, that answers one question I had as I slipped into the dark." Mira rolled her shoulder, knowing there would be no blood but having had enough injuries to know the difference, unlike many of the crew.. she could see how they believed otherwise.

"That discomfort will fade quickly," K'ner explained as Mira checked her flexibility. "The followup exercises concentrate on defensive moves to give them time to go on the offense. Their final exercise will be much like the first, but I'm hoping for better results... plus then we can rank them and the command staff will have a viable way to build the frontline teams based on strengths... and weaknesses.

"You, my Captain, had a nice pattern, even while moving you scored, which is what may well turn the tide in a battle with the Gorn." She raised her left arm, pointing to a fading spot on the suit. "One arm, one shoulder, three body mass, one leg... All in all, good results. We need to avoid ambushes at all costs. And they don't fight fair..."

Mira nodded, taking all that in. "Thanks Doc."

K'ner adopted her Doc face. "Oh, I took the liberty of editing your visit to sickbay from earlier. The XO sees the reports and he's a little protective in your case."

Mira scrunched up her face. "He is."

"How's the ribs?"


"Enough said?"


"One last thing, just a statement."

"Okayyy." Mira wondered got the doc more serious.

"The XO did an override and acquired cafphetamine."

Mira nodded.

"Enough said?"

She nodded again.

K'ner shifted out of her serious mode and smiled. "Always a pleasure Captain. Any time you get bored... or frustrated... Haz Team always has time for you."

Mira held in the chuckle and snarky reply, shaking her head. "Another time, Doc... another time."

K'ner watched her exit the bay... Such a small frame for such big shoulders. She shook her head, glad she'd stayed out of the command branch. Turning, she stepped back into cover to await the next recipient of Intro to Gorn Combat - 101.


Lt Betara K'ner
Hazard Team Medic TL-B / CMO
USS Chuck Norris



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Comments (3)

By Captain Mira Rodale on Tue Jun 4th, 2024 @ 12:40am

Lol love it

By Lieutenant Betaras K'ner on Tue Jun 4th, 2024 @ 12:45am

Enough said?


By Captain Mira Rodale on Tue Jun 4th, 2024 @ 8:16pm

Enough said lol