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Oh this should be fun

Posted on Mon Jun 3rd, 2024 @ 10:47pm by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Cat in the box
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present


{Mess Hall, USS Chuck Norris}

As Mira walked in the mess hall, there were a few crewmen who seemed upset.

"it was a real Gorn. I tell you."
"No, it wasn't!"
There were too many people talking at once, so Mira whistled loud enough to be heard over the crew. Once she had everyone's attention, she said, "There are no Gorn on my ship."

"But captain, one slit my shoulder open." One of the Ensigns whined to her.

Mira raised an eyebrow. If that was true, then it was a very hardcore way of training the crew. Mira couldn't see the benefits of it, but......if it worked, then it worked. She also couldn't have the crew going through something she herself had not. She gave a little sigh.

{shuttle bay one}

"Doc?" Mira called out. There was a little sound of someone dropping to their feet, and Mira almost missed the sound but turned in that direction.

"Captain?" K'ner nodded

Mira smiled. "I couple of questions, then I'll let you get back to your work. There isn't a Gorn?"

"No Captain, simulated only." Then she held up her hand showing the claws.

"Interesting and the pain and passing out the crew are complaining about?" Mira asked, interested.

"drug induced. High sensitivity to pain and tranquilizers. It will let them know how they will respond to a Gorn attacking." K'ner told her.
Mira nodded. "People always pass out from the venom the Gorn products?"

K’ner nodded.

"So it's what you do with the time you're still standing?" Mira stated.

K'ner nodded.

"How long do our people stand before succumbing to the meds you made?" Mira asked.

K'ner frowned "not very long. There has been more fear than fighting."

"So, let's see if I got this straight. They come in, you drop down. Give them a dose and an injury, then while they are trying to deal with the pain and disorientation. They are to fight that they think is a Gorn? Have you had anyone promising?" Mira asked.

K'ner shook her head, "Only my own team. The training phaser is set to the suits, so any hits with our suits will register. So far, nothing."

Mira didn't like the sound of that. "Alright let's see if I can at least set a bar for others to reach for." she turned her back.

It took only a moment before the pain registered. "Son of a targ." Mira screamed in pain, and then she dove for the phaser. Firing at anything that moved. Her vision was blurred, and the weakness was starting to take a fact. She remembered hearing 6 small beeps. Had she hit something 6 times? Oh yeah, darkness was coming. So this would be the time the Gorn would start eating. Not very pleasant thought." She briefly wondered if they could become immune to the venom? She would have to ask K'ner when she woke up.

Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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