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Self care

Posted on Mon Jun 3rd, 2024 @ 3:12am by Captain Mira Rodale
Edited on on Mon Jun 3rd, 2024 @ 6:22am

Mission: Cat in the box
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present


{Briefing room, USS Chuck Norris}

After Mira had made her personal log, Mira joined Zimia . She bit her lip as she picked up Kolar. "Oh jeez," she sat him back down.

Zimia frowned. "Are you ok?"

Mira sat down. "No. I think I dislocated a rib and bruised a few more."

"How?" Zimia hopped up to come around to her side.

Mira waved her away. "The....workout with Kronnelti got a little out of hand." She shrugged. "I hadn't thought it was a good idea, but.... It was Kronnelti."

Zimia pulled Mira's tank to up and made a noise. "You need that looked at. Mira, you keep forgetting you're not a Klingon. "

"I know, I know," Mira frowned "Ok please watch him for a little bit, and I'll go in."

{Medical USS Chuck Norris}

Billingsly frowned as Mira eased herself on the biobed. "Oh no, what happened now?" She helped Mira take off her mek'leth harness.

Mira hesitated. "Training accident ." it was true.

Billingsly nodded as she started the scans. "Oh yeah, one dislocated and 4 bruised on the right side two on the left. Your symbiont is fine."

Mira nodded as she laid back to let the nurse do her work.

It really was amazing how fast the medical treatment worked.

"it was the doctor, I tell you! I can't believe she was in here! There was a Gorn!" the crewman told the nurse.

Mira looked up at Billingsly. "What happened?"

Billingsly frowned, "Doctor K'ner is conducting training tests."

Mira raised an eyebrow. "With a Gorn?

Billingsly chuckled. "No. Simulated Gorn."

Mira nodded, slowly. "Ok? well I did say I wanted our people trained. What might not be fun now, but it will save them later."

{Briefing room, USS Chuck Norris}

Zimia smiled as Mira walked in. "You look like you feel better."

"I do. Did anything come in while I was gone?" Mira asked as she settled on the ground with Kolar.

"Yes, Ambassador M’Niras' assistant called to let you know what time dinner would be." Zimia told her, still looking over the PADD.

"Dinner? with the ambassador?" Mira frowned. "No way. I didn't want to talk to him on the base. What would make him think I would want to have dinner with him now?"

Zimia frowned. "He does know you are with Lance, right?"

Mira smirked, "It's not that kind of dinner. He was my guardian. not a very good or nice one, but he did drag me around until I was 15. Then, he washed his hands of the responsibility.
Just send the message to my PADD. Then, you can say you sent it. I'll just say I read it too late." Mira told her.

"Do you think you can keep doing that all the way to Romulus and then all the way back to the base?"

Mira chuckled. "No, but it will work for now. Besides, I am not in the mood for Steak tartar."

Zimia frowned. "Tartar?"

Mira made a face. " Raw meat."

"That's gross." Zimia nodded. "OK, is Kevin taking you to dinner in the mess hall?"

Mira shook her head slowly. "I don't think so. He should be sleeping right now."

Zimia nodded , "Why did you give him the bigger room?"

Mira stopped playing with Kolar and looked back over her shoulder. "He is larger then I am and needs the extra space. Besides, it defeats the extra protection plan if the baby and I am in the front room."

Zimia nodded.

"I need you and Chin to meet me early tomorrow. We are going to start training. You both need to learn to fight to protect yourselves."

Zimia's eyes widened "Are you serious?"

Mira nodded. "Of course."


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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