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The blindfolded lieutenant

Posted on Fri May 31st, 2024 @ 6:59pm by Captain Mira Rodale & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti

Mission: Cat in the box
Location: Shuttle bay 3
Timeline: Current

{USS Chuck Norris, mess hall}

Both Awal and Dianna bring Venus to the mess hall for lunch along with Mira, Kevin and Kolar.

They all sit down and order something for the kiddo's.

Venus is already walking on her own and has had Zimia all over the room Dianna told Mira.

Mira blinked "She is only a few weeks old!" Mira shook her "Kolar is one year and just learned to walk but his communication skills are going extremely for his age." Kolar was at the age he wanted the food off mom and dad's plates more then he wanted his own food. Mira got grilled chicken strips and mixed fried rice dish from the replicator along with a Raktajeno.

She grinned at Kevin "at this point I am thinking I should just give him my plate and get another. Oh I know we can set our plate in front of him then feed him his food from the plates in front of us or just feed him our food." She chuckled.

I was surprised to see her walk at this age, do Klingons do things faster than humans can do? Asked Dianna

Awal had ordered some ribs and fish sticks for Venus, Dianna just ate a salad.

Mira frowned in thought. " I was never really around Klingon babies and children. The only thing I remember is at 12 years of age, a klingon child can inroll into the Klingon academy. When non Klingons are much older." she sat back, a frown still on her face. " The Caitians think 15 is an adult." she gave a shrug.

I think she's around amazing people who help Venus and Klingons are smart said Awal.

But me and the Captain have some business to attend to so ladies and commander I must take my leave.

He heads down to shuttle bay 3 to get ready to battle Mira.

Mira smirked as she heard her son say "no ork mama "

"No work Uncle Awal just wants to play being blindfold. " She kissed Kolar then smiled at Kevin "Have fun I'll be back soon" then she kissed him.

Kevin frowned "I better not see any bruises on you?"

Mira chuckled "ah so don't let my face get hit got it." Then she rushed out of the mess hall before Kevin could say more."


Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security and tactical
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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