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Posted on Sun Jun 2nd, 2024 @ 3:39pm by Captain Mira Rodale & Lieutenant Commander Ech'am G'ginloss & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti
Edited on on Mon Jun 3rd, 2024 @ 3:10am

Mission: Starbase 364
Location: Shuttle bay 3
Timeline: Current

{Shuttle bay, USS Chuck Norris}

Overhearing the two discuss a challenging combat, and without his brother was something he could not pass up. So instead of popping in then and ruining the surprise of being back, Ech'am knew it would be better to act as the judge in this fight. Who better to see how his brothers skills have improved, but to watch him in person. Besides, they have had plenty of spar's in their days with many more in due time. This would also finally be a chance to see the captain in a fight and gage her skills. It would be interesting to see this unfold.

After having lunch with his wife and child, Awal heads down to shuttle bay 3.

As Kronnelti walks in he goes to his personal shuttle and grabs a blindfold then goes to the middle of the room, puts the blindfold on and sits down with his bamboo staff patiently waiting for the captain to arrive.

Walking in Mira sliped off her jacket and dropped her shoes then smirked "I don't see how this is going to help us fight the Gorn. If I am to fight like a gorn I would have huge claws." She picked up the Bamboo staff twirling it around to get a feel for the weight. Because of how light it was she could spin it faster then the one she was use to.
It took a few moments for her to realize they weren't alone. she spun around. "No hiding. who's there?" She smiled at seeing Lieutenant Commander Ech'am G'ginloss. "its about time you came back home. you have been missed." she held her arm out to clasp his arm in a warrior greeting.

With the blindfold on Kronnelti began adapting to his other senses.

Mira's scent was at some distance but she wasn't alone, there was another scent he hasn't smelled in a long time.

Going from a sitting position, to standing, Awal got up and made his way over to Mira. Closing the distance, he took a step while making several movements, in what looked as if he was walking on air.

He successfully slapped her on the leg with his bamboo staff.

He then proceeded to strike her several more times, however Mira was able to block all his strikes.

Kronnelti backed up in a defensive posture.

Mira chuckled, jumping high enough to use the added force, to flip a few feet away as she landed lightly on her bare feet. Brat, she thought! Mira hadn't planned he would start without saying anything.

She controlled her breathing as she circled then frowned as she watched him. He had attacked first which made him the aggressor. As she moved so did he. Crap he was using her scent to track her. So not fair.

"Good captain, you have noticed that he is using your scent to track your movements. You must either move quicker then his senses can track you, or hide your scent from him." LTC G'ginloss remarked

Without warning he attacked again, this time more aggressively. Watching his breathing he kept up with Mira, as he went for a swing Kronnelti slid the staff the opposite way and pushed Mira back with his palm.

Before she could ready herself Awal attacked with another series of strikes using her sent as if it was blood.

Mira was able to kick him away to keep him further away then right next to her. Feeling like he's backing her into a corner it forced her to rethink her approach.

"When you are not ready, seek distance from your opponent."

Mira looked around to see just what was available in this fight. Not too much. Awal was faster than she had predicted. He had more strength and obviously more weight than she had. She couldn't really change her scent at this point. Using the poll holding the cat walk up she spun sailing over him, and then before she landed, she hit his arm. As she landed, she dropped and rolled away again. Coming to her feet. Pleased she had gained more room. But it was short-lived.

She met Awal swing for swing and blow for blow grinning the whole time. Normally, by now, she would have just killed her opponent, so for her next move she was drawing a blank.

Kronnelti stopped attacking, he stood with the staff touching the floor. Something was off, Awal cut off Mira's sent. "Enough" he said.

Adding something to cut off his hearing, he said, "Come at me with everything you have, even if you have to fight dirty."

Mira frowned fight dirty? Yea, right. Her eyes met G'ginloss. She wanted to ask how dirty? But she gave a shrug, stepping back. Mira placed the staff on the ground, and then she pulled out some arm guards from her jacket. They really weren't weapons, but they sure helped in keeping her arms from getting bruised. Using her toes to push the bamboo staff into a roll away from her. She ran for him, running up to him until her legs were wrapped around his neck. Then, just as quickly, spun using her own body weight to toss him in the air and unto his back.

She had used the move on her klingon mate a few times. Confident she wouldn't hurt him, yet he would feel the fall. She landed on top of him, pulling the blade he had given her from the harness on her back and placing it on his throat. " Tag " Technically, he would of had his throat cut if it had been a real battle.

Being blind and not able to hear her, he started a low growl which turned into a death howl, he pushed her off and jumped to his feet. Now relying on instinct he had to figure out when and where her next attack would be.

Standing still he puts his hands up in defense, feeling the breeze of her movements.

Mira knew he was open on his backside, but it was already too late. She went to go for the knockout blow but he was able to grab her into a bear hug.

At this moment without further words G'ginloss stepped in, forcing Kronnelti to release Mira. It was as much the end of the match, as was for the safety of the Captain. Him being here, it was his job to make sure the both of them remain safe in this sparring match.

He gave Awal a few moments to remove his blindfold and sense negation before he spoke his next words.

"Impressive moves, the both of you. Not only being able to stand against a klingon warrior, but to get a few good blows on him. Even if he was blindfolded. Use this to gain an advantage against the gorn. They as well will track by scent. Brother, well done with the bear hug. Watch the strength of the gorn, to bear hug one, could cause them to also grapple you in return."

Mira ran her hands across her ribs with a frown. One felt damaged. She gave G'ginloss a nod. "Thank you for the assistance. That got out of hand. " She looked up at Awal, not sure what to make out of him. Walking over to her jacket, she picked it up, taking the PADD out. Then, sent a file to Awal. "Never tell me to fight dirty, Bro. Have a look at the file. That's me fighting dirty in the Klingon high council against a Klingon that wanted to take over the House Rasmehlier. " She picked up the Bamboo staff then pushed it into his hands before picking up her blade and placing it back in her harness next to her mek'leth on her back. "I was right about this not being a good idea." She looked up at G'ginloss "The crew still needs more training. With Gorn attacking, everyone needs to improve."

"You'll hear no argument against that from me. Considering I only just got back, it's only right that blood is spilt. A custom you may say Captain. We will get the crew as ready as we are able together. Perhaps then we may stand a chance against our enemy." G'ginloss responds.

"Remind me, I believe there was another klingon on board before I was called back to Qo'nos. Are they still on board, or were they as well called back?" He asked. "On the concern with the gorn, I will assist my brother with preping anyone who has been working on the arts of living in a fight against the gorn."

Mira cocked her head to one side, thinking, " Lt.Commander Klesh? She left before I took command. I wasn't told why. But K'ner does have a Klingon on her team. I had hoped to use the Holodeck for more training, but we got pulled into babysitting duty. It will be my first official trip to Romulus. We did visit it briefly about a year ago. When the ship was taken over by Q. I hope he isn't hanging around." she shook her head. "Between K'ner, Awal and yourself they should get the best training possible. "

You know why I wanted you to fight dirty?

If the Gorn or any other threat can then we should be ready for any possibility. I do trust you even if you hold back. Said Kronnelti

I've fought G'ginloss with everything I had and he still remained the victor, it's ok to play a little dirty if you absolutely need to.

Mira nodded slowly. "I can't afford not to fight dirty with an enemy. My size makes that necessary. I am 100 lbs and 5'4". I am not going to worry about taking the head of a Gorn or an enemy. I have done so before, and I will do it again. But I can't fight the way I was trained with a friend. If I were to harm them." she sighed."I couldn't live with that. If you wanted to see me fighting dirty. Make it on the Holodeck or just watch the vid I sent your tablet. Now take G'ginloss to meet your mate aan child. "

Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris

Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security and tactical
USS Chuck Norris


Lt Commander Ech'am G'ginloss
USS Chuck Norris


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