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Posted on Thu May 30th, 2024 @ 4:06pm by Lieutenant Tracey Walker Jr

Mission: Starbase 364
Location: SB 364
Timeline: Before Leaving the Starbase


A little more backtracking for character development.


Trace fidgeted nervously as he waited for the door to open to Geneva’s quarters. Despite the fact that they had spent practically every free moment together since they met, this was their first ‘date’, and, more importantly, the first time they’d gotten together after he had confessed his love to her.

His near-death experience had illustrated to him, beyond a doubt, that it was better to risk being hurt by love, than it was to live without it. He had told her as much, and she had told him that it was about time.

“I love you, Tracey Walker,” she had said, and kissed him full on the mouth.

His heart beat a little faster recalling the moment, and then faster still when he remembered where he was and what he was doing. The doors hissed open and Geneva greeted him. She wore a tight fitting black knee length dress, sleeveless, and a pair of black high heels. She had make up on, though she didn’t need it.

Trace gulped, and the part of his brain that was responsible for speech was entirely subsumed by the part that was attracted to her. She was an absolute beauty, and he was finding it difficult to focus. Finally, after a deep breath or three, he said “Shall we?”

She smiled radiantly and took his arm. “I’d love to.” She said, and they headed to the promenade for dinner.


At the end of the evening, as they approached Geneva’s quarters, she said. “Thank you for a lovely evening, Lieutenant. I hope we can do it again some time.”

Trace nodded, aware that this was a moment pregnant with meaning. He leaned in close, and she tilted her head up as he did. The kiss sent a wave of warmth through him, and he got lost for a moment in the softness of her lips. She leaned in, a soft sigh escaping her throat, a sound that could only be described as yearning.

With effort, Trace pulled away, and she let him.

“I had a lovely evening as well,” he said, “We should do it again soon.” She nodded and smirked in that way she had. She wanted him to come in, to continue what he had started, but she also knew that he wanted to take it slow, and she would honor that, no matter how difficult it was.

“Good night, Lieutenant.” She said, so softly he could barely hear her.

“Good night, Ensign.” He said, and walked the few doors down to his quarters.

‘Time for a cold shower’, he thought to himself as he entered this room.


Lieutenant Tracey “Trace” Walker
Chief Engineer
USS Chuck Norris


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