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Off we go

Posted on Thu May 30th, 2024 @ 2:19am by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Cat in the box
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present

{Bridge, USS Chuck Norris}

Mira made her way to the bridge. She was tired and achy. More than half the crew looked like they hadn't slept in days. But the ship was ready enough for departure.

Montgomery stood up when he saw her enter the room, but Mira waved him back to the seat. She wasn't staying.

"Has the whole crew reported
in?" She asked him.

"Yes, ma'am. The whole crew has reported in and the ones not on the manifest have left." He told her with a smile.

"Have we gotten the flight plans and proper transmission codes to travel into Romulan space?" Mira asked "Has it been verified?" at his nod, she sighed. "Ok when the ambassadors ship departs, join them. Have tactical and science run rotating scans. We have been ordered to see that nothing happens to the ambassador and his ship."

Montgomery nodded. "Will do, Captain."

As they were talking, the ambassadors ship signaled there departure.

"Match speed." Montgomery ordered as Mira left the bridge. They were underway. This was going to be a long trip.

{Family quarters}

Mira walked in and heard Kolar giggling from her room. "My blu, no kiss. my blu."

Mira rolled her eyes. "Have you been good for aunt Zimia?"

He thought about it, then shook his head no giggling.

Mira put her hands on her hips "What?" she smirked

"I be good mama....kiss?" Kolar asked her

"Always kisses for you, my little man." Mira told him as she placed a few kisses here and there on his face making him giggle.

Zimia raised and eyebrow. "What, she gets kisses but I can't?"

He nodded his head " Mama kiss me, dada kiss me. toc kiss me. "

Mira looked over at Vaytoc Who was purring.

"Why can't I have kisses?" Zimia asked with a playful pout.

"not the mama." Kolar told her.

"yeah, but daddy isn't the mama either." Zimia told him

"dada kiss mama, not you" Kolar told her making Mira laugh.

Zimia frowned "yeah, but dada does not kiss Vaytoc but he gets kisses"

Kolar thought about it for moment "but toc kisses mama" Mira laughed at her son.

"So, who ever kisses your mama gets kisses?"

Kolar shook his head no. "dada be mad."

Mira chuckled as she picked him up. “All my kisses are for you and Dada."


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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