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The Captain Wants to do What?

Posted on Mon May 27th, 2024 @ 8:09pm by Commander Kevin Lance
Edited on on Mon May 27th, 2024 @ 8:09pm

Mission: Starbase 364
Location: USS Montana
Timeline: Current

{Bridge, Deck 1}

“The Captain wants to do what?” Kevin asked, not quite believing his ears.

“She wants to gather the crew for a meeting,” the second officer repeated, “She suggests that shuttle bay one would be sufficiently large enough.”

Kevin rubbed his face with both hands. She was correct but he would need to find a secure place to store the shuttles. Somewhere he could be certain that no one would mess with them. Then there was the lost time to preparing for the meeting, gathering the crew, holding the meeting then dispersing everyone back to their assignments. Call it two hours that maintenance work would be suspended, pushing more tasks to the deferred maintenance list. Plus he would have to remove Samuel’s maintenance team and the last of the Klingons. This was going to be a real pain.

That Mira would schedule a crew meeting came as a complete surprise to him. In the eighteen months that he had been aboard, he had never seen her schedule a formal meeting with all of the department head much less the entire crew. She seemed much more comfortable with small, direct interactions. His curiosity was peaked.

“Right,” he said, dropping his hands from his face, “Get the shuttle pilots to report to me. I don’t trust leaving the shuttles on the station, unguarded by our people so we will tether them to the hull and beam the pilots out and back in. Once the shuttles are out of the bay, have the operations team set up chairs and a podium.” Mira’s speech might be short enough to leave everyone standing but he didn’t want to take that risk.
He tapped his comm badge, “Commander Samuel, this is Commander Lance. I need your crews to finish up their work and depart the ship by thirteen-thirty hours.”

=/\= “Affirmative but that will leave a lot of work still undone.” =/\=

“Acknowleged,” Kevin replied. Poor Samuel was getting it from all sides. Captain Rodale, Admiral Proll, and General Kharon. The poor schlub was just trying to do his job in the most effective and efficient manner possible. “Just add the incomplete tasks to the deferred maintenance list and I will get with our Chief Engineer.

Kevin terminated the connection with Samuel. He should take the maintenance officer out for drinks when they got back.

He tapped his badge once again for the duty security officer to start clearing the Klingons from the ship. Fortunately, once the structural and security modifications to the Captain and Executive Officer’s quarters had been made, most of their guest had lost interest and had departed on their own. The few that were left were the dedicate types whose work ethic overrode politic and honor. They were liable to be stubborn and hard to remove. Kevin hoped that he wouldn’t have to hit anyone else. There was already a long bill and it still had yet to be paid.

“Alright, people,” Kevin announced, “We have a little more than four hours before we break seal. Let’s get moving.

Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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