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Start a new day

Posted on Sun May 26th, 2024 @ 5:35pm by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Starbase 364
Location: Starbase 364
Timeline: Present


{Family quarters}

Mira bit her lip as Kevin walked to his room. This was all her fault. When was she going to learn to stand at attention and just not talk when getting orders? She had just wanted ......what was best for the people she cared about and had blown that all the hell. Because the people she cared about had been hurt.

She pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes.

The door to Kolar's room opened, and Kolar toddled out with a big smile "mama imia seeping. "

Mira smirked. "Zimia is sleeping ?" Kolar nodded his head like that's what he said. She scooped him up and spun around, making him giggle. "How about we take Zima and Vaytoc and go bye-bye for a little while and have fun, then we have to go to the ship?"

"No, ork mama," Kolar told her as Mira walked back into his bedroom to get some of his things.

Zimia opened her eyes. " Good morning."

"Good morning. Do you have any plans for today?" Mira asked as she tossed a few things Kolar would need In a backpack, including the all-important bear. "Is this one Blu?" she asked Kolar, at his nodded it went in the backpack.

Zimia shook her head as she sat up. "No, why?"

"I have the use of the Holodeck and wanted to see if you would want to join us." Mira told her.

"Oh, yes, what are we going to do?" Zimia hopped out of bed."

"A picnic breakfast on a Trill beach." Mira told her as she found Kolar's swimming trunks. "You can use one of my bathing suits or replicate one." Before Mira could finish the sentence, Zimia was heading to Mira's bedroom.

{Holodeck 2, SB364}

Mira keyed in entry to the holodeck and then smiled as it opened to a beautiful beach. Vaytoc purred and ran in, making Mira chuckle. "Have fun, Furball." There was a spot per-programed with a blanket and beach toys.

Mira dropped the backpack and then took off her clothes, leaving her in her bathing suit. Then walked over to the water as if she were drawn to it. Mira loved the water. She put Kolar's feet in it the water then heard him giggle. "wawa, Mama."

Mira smiled. "Water. Beautiful purple water. This is the water Mama played in when she was little like you. Dad's water looks blue." She told her little son.

They went into it hip deep, and Kolar slapped the water with his hands laughing. Zimia joined them. "This is beautiful, Mira. Why didn't you return to Trill after...... after you had been rescued?"

Mira shrugged. "There was nothing there for me." She got Kolar to float on his back.

"Me do, mama, me do." Kolar giggled.

From the corner of her eye, she saw Vaytoc dashing around chasing the replicated animals. They had no scent to track, but he loved the chase.

"He is doing amazingly well for his age," Zimia remarked.

Mira smiled "yes, he loves water."

Zimia nodded. "Are we bringing him back on the ship?"

"Yes, I don't like leaving him behind, and there is the whole Gorn thing." Mira told her.

"So about Tanom Aru," Zimia started

"No, I don't feel comfortable having a non star fleet officer on the ship. Dianna is Awal's Mate"

Zimia nodded. "And Kevin and her do not get along."

Mira nodded. That was so true, but to be honest, the woman always wanted to do things her way, and then Kevin and her wanted something completely different for Kolar. He wasn't going to be raised on Klingon food or as a Klingon. He could have it later if he wanted it, but....

Zimia nodded. "Can I get a transfer?"

Mira froze, "to where?" Mira asked in a far more neutral tone than she was feeling right at this moment.

"Yeoman," Zimia asked

Mira looked up at her. "Yeoman? Whos"

Zimia laughed. "Yours silly. I want to take care of Kolar and make sure you eat and take care of things."

Mira nodded, Zimia was practically her yeoman now. "Ok, that sounds good.
When we get to the ship, I need to set up a crew meeting. "

Zimia nodded. "Where?"

Mira thought about it without the two shuttles, "shuttle bay one. I think everyone can fit in there."
Zimia nodded.

There was a fight on the ship I should have gone right there to deal with it.” Mira told her

Zimia just watched her waiting for her to say more.

“I am not running right there now because it would undermine Kevin’s authority. He handles things, just not the way I would. But he is the XO of the this ship and needs to be able to prove himself.

Zimia nodded then grinned “ I bet it’s killing you.”
Mira laughed “it is. But, I have to start letting people do things and stop doing everything myself. Two hours, then I’ll step in.“

Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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