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Time has come

Posted on Mon May 27th, 2024 @ 10:38pm by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Starbase 364
Location: Starbase 364
Timeline: Present

{Holodeck, SB364 }

Mira had completed her early morning workout with Kolar on her back. Her son just yelled "again," wanting the whole work out to start over again, making Zimia laugh.

"Tomorrow, young man, we need to get cleaned up and to the ship. You want to see dada?" She told him with a smile as he nodded yes.

Mira looked up as the holodeck entry way opened up. When was she going to learn to lock things, she thought to herself? Vaytoc rolled over and hissed.

Seeing both Proll and M'Niras, Mira groaned, "Wonderful." She looked over at Zimia. "Gather our things, please."

Kolar was still on her back when she stood to face the Caitians. "Admiral. Ambassador." she gave a little head bow. "To what do I own this honor?" Wow, that lie came out easily, she thought.

"Do you have any idea what happened on your ship last night?" Proll told her.

After a moment hesitation, she shook her head. “No sir, I was off duty. We are in Spaceport, and I have officers handling the repairs, so the ship is ready to go." Mira stated, knowing darn well there had been a huge fight on her ship but not willing to talk to them about it. She hadn't been called in, and she hadn't seen the security feeds, so she was not commenting on the incident.

"There was a huge fight between your crew and the Klingons. DO YOU KNOW how embarrassing that is?" Proll told her.

Mira frowned. "Why, by all that is holy, would that happen?"

Proll folded his arms, watching her. " If this wasn't reported to you, then you need to deal with your crew on keeping you in the loop."

"Yes, Admiral," Mira nodded. They hadn't reported it to her as it was happening. Kevin had barely wanted to tell her when he changed his uniform In the morning. You would have thought someone on the ship would have contacted her. A few words from her and the whole fight would have been over or stopped. But she just stood there at attention saying nothing more.

Proll nodded. "See to it."

M'Niras nodded. "Sixteen hundred hours, we depart."

Mira kept her eyes on the Admiral’s. "Aye, Sirs."

Zimia had gathered everything and then moved to her side. Proll nodded the left with M'Niras.

"Computer End program." Mira commanded, then look to Zimia. "Let's head back to the ship. Call the meeting on the flight deck. Let's get this over with."

Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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